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Date: 26th Nov.

, 2019

Surgery questions:

A 53 years old male patient visited the dental clinic with the complain of pain over left mandibular
molar region. The patient has history of hypertention and diabetes and is under medication. On
examination there was carious 1st molar with TTP positive.

1. Hypertention of the patient is under control. According to ASA the patient falls under category.
a. ASA I
2. 10 days after the extraction, the wound healing is not as per expected. The reason for delayed
a. Infection
b. Patient did not follow the postextraction instructions
c. Impaired inflammatory effect leading to poor recruitment of healing cells
d. Trauma to the socket.
3. The infection from 1st molar may lead to …… infection primarily
a. Submental infection
b. Sub- Massetric space infection
c. Infra-orbital space infection
d. Submandibular space infection
4. Patient developed decreased mouth opening 2 days after extraction. The reason is
a. Infection to submassetric space
b. Infection to pterygomandibular space
c. Injury to fibers of medial pterygoid muscle
d. Injury to inferior alveolar nerve
5. Periapical radiolucent lesion is all except
a. Granuloma
b. Chronic abscess
c. Periapical cyst
d. Cementoma

23 years old girl reports to your clinic with the complain of pain over left side of head with increasing in
intensity while chewing. She previously visited a physician with the same complain, and prescribed
anticonvulsant with the diagnosis of migraine. On your examination, you find out tender left lateral
pterygoid muscle, with click while opening and closing of mouth and pain occurs during wide mouth

6. What is your diagnosis?

a. Lateral pterygoid muscle spasm
b. Condylar fracture
c. Temporomandibular disorder
d. Migraine
7. The problem in tmj
a. Anterior disk displacement with reduction
b. Anterior disk displacement without reduction
c. Posterior disk displacement with reduction
d. Anterior dislocation of condyle
8. 1st line management for the tmj pain
a. Discectomy
b. Diskoplasty
c. Condylotomy
d. Medical and physiotherapy management
9. Arthrocentesis is done in
a. Superior compartment
b. Inferior compartment
c. Middle compartment
d. None of the above
10. Rotation of condyle occurs during opening and closing of mouth in:
a. Superior compartment
b. Inferior compartment
c. Middle compartment
d. None of the above

22 years old female reports to dental hospital with the chief complain of swelling over anterior
mandible. The swelling is painless however causing disfigurement. On examination the swelling is hard,
non-tender, non-fluctuant. The teeth over the swollen area are loose(mobile). The aspiration test was
negative with histopathologic examination representing ameloblastoma.

11. which ameloblastoma is common in anterior mandible?

a. Desmoplastic
b. Follicular
c. Unicystic
d. Plexiform
12. The minimum amount of margin to be taken during excision of affected bone
a. 1 cm
b. 2 cm
c. 3 cm
d. 5 cm
13. Multilocular radiolucent lesion are all except
a. Ameloblastoma
b. OKC
c. Cherubism
d. Giant cell lesion of hyperparathyroidism
14. All are epithelial cysts except:
a. Gorlin cyst
b. Globulomaxillary cyst
c. Radicular cyst
d. Aneurysmal bone cyst
15. Resection of anterior mandible may lead to
a. Beautiful face with convex profile
b. Hypertention
c. Diabetes
d. Asphyxia

Raj kumar tamang, a 32 years old night bus driver reports to your clinic with complain of tooth pain over
right molar region. The patient has decreased mouth opening with opening of only 20mm. you can
palpate a firm hard mass over buccal mucosa, perioral region and retromolar region.

16. Normal mouth opening is

a. 10 mm
b. 20 mm
c. 30 mm
d. 40 mm
17. What is your diagnosis
a. Buccal space infection
b. Submassetric space infection
c. Submucous fibrosis
d. Oral cancer.
18. The chemical which increases the fibrosis
a. Glucose
b. Arecholine
c. Arachidonic acid
d. Procholine
19. Which of the following is precancerous lesion
a. Leukoplakia
b. Leukoedema
c. Chronic hyperplastic glossitis
d. Pemphigus
20. The 1st lymphnode where the metastatic cell enter
a. Sentinel lymphnode
b. Mentinel lymphode
c. Sentiment lymphnode
d. Mentiment lymphnode

15 years old boy having history of seizure and under medication, reports to the clinic with the complain
of gum swelling as was prescribed analgesic ibuprofen and antibiotic as penicillins. 2 days after patient
reports to the clinic with the complain of crusting ulcer periorbitally with frequent bleeding by simple
touch. Intraorally there was multiple ulcers.
21. Diagnosis
a. Traumatic ulcer
b. Candida infection
c. Pemphigus
d. Stevenson john syndrome
22. Which is the clinical sign over skin of the above condition
a. Target lesion
b. Bull’s eye lesion
c. Iris lesion
d. All of the above

23. Which of the following is anticonvulsant

a. Ibuprofen
b. Lignocaine
c. Metoprolol
d. Baclofen

24. all the following causes the Stevenson johnson syndrome except.
a. Ibuprofen
b. Allopurinol
c. Ampicillin
d. Metronidazole
25. Type IV hypersensitivity reaction is
a. IgE- mediated
b. Antibody mediated cytotoxic
c. Immume complex
d. Cell mediated

26. Which of the following is absorbable suture

a. Silk
b. Vicryl
c. Prolene
d. Nylon
27. Which of the following is disimpaction forcep
a. Hayton William
b. Aschs
c. Howarth elevator
d. Mosquito forceps

28. which of the following is major in carnoy’s solution

a. Absolute alchohol
b. Chloroform
c. Acetic acid
d. None of the above

29. Transillumination is positive except

a. Mucocele
b. Hydrocele
c. Cystic hygroma
d. Pyogenic granuloma
30. Draining sinus over manible after treatment of face cancer is
a. Osteomyelitis
b. Osteoradionecrosis
c. Bisphosphonate induced necrosis of bone
d. Periapical granuloma

54 years old man develops a swelling at around angle of mouth over the period of 2 years. Now he seeks
a medical assistant as he develops a deviation of mouth away from the side of the swelling. The swelling
is soft, non tender non fluctuant. Aspiration test was negative. Pain occurs while swallowing food.

31. Your provisional diagnosis

a. Submassetric cellulitis
b. Ameloblastoma
c. Dentigerous cyst
d. Pleomorphic adenoma
32. Deviation of mouth in opposite side is the result of
a. Perineural invasion of inferior alveolar nerve
b. Perineural invasion of facial nerve
c. Perineural invasion of glossopharyngeal nerve
d. Perineural invasion of auriculotemporal nerve
33. Bilateral swelling of parotid gland occurs in
a. Cherubism
c. Mumps
d. Cytomegalovirus infection
34. Gustatory sweating of the temporal region occurs as the complication of preauricular incision,
which is due to inury of
a. Auriculotemporal nerve
b. Facial nerve
c. Trigeminal nerve
d. Vestibulocochlear nerve
35. Physiologic swelling of the parotid glad due to obstruction of parotid duct.
a. Sialosis
b. Sialoadenitis
c. Sialoadenotitis
d. Sialography

36. Antimongoloid slant is present in all except.

a. Lefort III fracture
b. ZMC fracture
c. Treacher Collins Syndrome
d. Orbital fracture
37. Spider like fingers are seen in
a. Ehlers danlos syndrome
b. Marfan syndrome
c. Apert syndrome
d. Crouzen syndrome
38. Presence of epitheloid cells are characteristic for
a. Syphilis
b. Tuberculosis
c. Herpes
d. Candida
39. Diarrhea with epigastric cramps occurs after ulcerative colitis as a side effect of the drug
a. Penicillins
b. Cephalosporins
c. Gentamycin
d. Clindamycin
40. Eagleton’s criteria is for the diagnosis of
a. Rhematic heart disease
b. Ludwig’s angina
c. Cavernous sinus thrombosis
d. Infective endocarditis

1. B
2. C
3. D
4. C
5. D
6. C
7. A
8. D
9. A
10. B
11. D
12. A
13. D
14. D
15. D
16. D
17. C
18. B
19. A
20. A
21. D
22. D
23. D
24. D
25. D
26. B
27. A
28. A
29. D
30. B
31. D
32. B
33. C
34. B
35. A
36. D
37. B
38. B
39. D
40. C

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