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George V. Hadjisophocleous, Noureddine Benichou and Amal S. Tamim

Fire Risk Management Program
National Research Council of Canada
Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 0R6, Canada


Building codes in many countries around the world are shifting from prescriptive-based
to performance-based, a move that is due, in part, to the negative aspects of the prescrip-
tive codes, to economic and social reasons, to advances made in fire science and
engineering, to the need for codes to use fire safety engineering principles within the
context of their regulations and to the global harmonization of regulation systems. In
addition, the performance-based codes approach improves the regulatory environment
by establishing clear code objectives and safety criteria and leaving the means of achiev-
ing these objectives to the designer. Hence, the codes will be more flexible in allowing
innovation, more functional, less complex and easier to apply. Another advantage of
performance-based codes is that they will permit the incorporation and use of the latest
building and fire research, data and models. These models will be used as the tools for
measuring the performance of any number of design alternatives against the established
safety levels. The optimum design would meet the code safety objectives and the needs
of both the designer and the user. The claimed advantages of such a design is that it
can provide improved safety and design functionality at reduced costs.

This paper presents the results of the literature survey on the efforts to move from the
prescriptive building regulations to performance-based regulations. This paper also
describes the required steps for developing performance-based codes. The description
outlines the set of objectives formulated internationally, the deterministic and probabilistic
design criteria for quantifying the desired fire safety objectives, and safety factors that
should be applied to the performance criteria to permit the designer to conservatively
assess the design and to allow for a smaller margin of error. Finally, some of the existing
fire safety design methods are presented along with a brief description of computerized
fire tools.

Building codes may be classified as prescriptive-, to the existing ones. As a result of this, and due
performance- or objective-based in nature. In to economic and social reasons and progress in
prescriptive codes, most requirements prescribe firesafety engineering, many countries are mov-
the solutions without explicitly stating the intent ing towards the adoption of performance- or
of the requirement. In performance- or objective- objective-based codes.
based codes, however, desired objectives are pre-
sented and the designers are given the freedom to This paper presents the results of a literature
choose the solution that will meet the objectives. survey on the efforts to move from prescriptive
In most countries around the world, prescriptive building regulations to performance-based regu-
codes are used as the primary means of fire safety lations, specifically examining the following:
design, however, these codes are becoming com-
plex and unduly restrictive because of the con- 1. Positive and negative aspects of performance-
stant imposing of new requirements in addition and prescriptive-based codes
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2. Typical objectives of performance-based codes pioneer of the goal oriented system approach to
building fire safety. The approach received some
3. Performance criteria to evaluate compliance exposure and was applied to some federal build-
with objectives ings. Wehrili and Kapshl introduced a glossary
of terms related to performance-based codes and
4. Tools used for the evaluation of the criteria developed a set of checklists for evaluating
designs for fire safety and other systems for hos-
In this paper, the terms performance-based code pital bedrooms and nursing units. This report
and objective-based code will be used inter- presented the first documented alternative
changeably since both codes have similar attri- approach to following the prescriptive require-
butes and concerns. The possible advantage of ments of the building codes.
the objective-based approach over the perfor-
mance-based approach is that it permits the con- Following Wehrili and Kapsh, Haviland’ dis-
tinued use of the existing prescriptive code. cussed the performance concept and provided a
tentative set of fire safety performance provis-
ions for consideration by the fire safety commu-
HISTORICAL DEVELOPMENT OF nity. The author identified a number of problems
PERFORMANCE CODES with the existing codes, including non-uniform
fire safety levels in buildings, confusion between
In recent years, numerous papers, reports and code objectives and methods of achieving them,
other documents have been published on the little recognition of the wide variations in real
topic of performance-based codes. This is an indi- hazard within a given occupancy, lack of focus on
cation of the great interest in such codes, espe- occupancies with known low levels of fire safety,
cially in the area of fire protection engineering. difficulty in the interpretation of the language,
This world-wide emphasis on performance-based and complexity in finding and handling all the
codes is driven by the international trend of applicable code requirements.
global harmonization of codes and standards, the
advancement in fire protection research and The building industry is also an influential
technology, the development of advanced fire risk player in the code development process. Boring,
prediction models and the current dissatisfaction Spence and Wells from the American Iron and
of the construction industry and fire protection Steel Institute, presented an overview of the code
community with the existing prescriptive regula- development process in the USA and voiced their
tions.l In the following paragraphs, the develop- concerns about the need to update the codes to
ment of performance codes and their advantages include performance measures to take advantage
and disadvantages will be presented. of new technologies, materials and methods. The
authors were concerned with the inapplicability
Sanderson2 presented abrief historical develop- of the restrictive regulations that had been
ment of the building codes in the USA and repeatedly re-occurring from code to code. The
described the model building codes, their enforce- authors also detailed the fire safety provisions
ment and administration, and the use of the vari- in the model building codes and provided the first
ous standards in building regulations. The outline of the fire safety objectives of building
author provided a definition of specification and codes. Further, the authors reported on the use
performance codes stating that the model codes of standards as code references and indicated
consisted of both specification and performance three types of standards: materials standards,
requirements. He also indicated that many code engineering practice standards for basic design
requirements were based on experience rather procedures and testing standards.
than scientific facts.
In an effort to harmonize the European building
In the USA, the trend of moving from prescrip- code development process, the Conseil Interna-
tive code requirements to performance-based tional du Batiment (CIB) issued a report in 19821
codes started in the early 1970’s. Nelson,3 in describing the performance approach in building
charge at the time of the fire safety activities of design, guidelines on how to determine perfor-
the General Services Administration, was the mance requirements and criteria, sample perfor-

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mance requirements, sample solutions in rela- of safety concepts), technical standards (criteria
tion to the requirements, and sample methods for used for calculations), prediction methods, and
application. The report stated that prescriptive testing methods (data quantification tools). In
requirements were simple to work with but were addition, the paper included a list of the predic-
less efficient and more costly than performance tion methods required for fire safety design, a list
solutions. of proposed test and measurements techniques, a
list of the needed data for fire safety design, an
In 1984, the International Organization for Stan- outline of the general design procedure, and a
dardization issued the International Standard table relating the Building Standard Law (BSL)
ISO 62418 which provided the general principles provisions to the predictive methods.
for the preparation of performance standards in
buildings, which included objectives, types of Cohnl°proposed an outline for designing a new
applications, contents, and methods of assess- performance-based building code in the USA.
ment. The standard was intended to be used as The author stated that the code would allow mea-
a tool by international standards committees in surements of fire risks and compare them to the
drafting performance standards for buildings code objectives in terms of life-safety and prop-
and their sub-systems. The standard gave sam-. erty protection. He suggested that the code
ple definitions of the objective of a performance should permit room-by-room analysis and should
standard and the performance factors to be con- result in a unique risk index value. This would
sidered, such as user requirements, uses of the facilitate the evaluation procedure and overcome
building and spaces, sub-systems of the building the limitations of the prescriptive codes. Cohn
fabric, and agents relevant to the building perfor- listed the problems with the current codes as not
mance. It also stated that user requirements for clearly stating goals, claiming minimum safety
fire safety regulations should address the out- levels with no measurable objectives and no
break of fire, spread of fire, physiological effects means of determining these levels, resulting in
of smoke and heat on the occupants, alarm time, acceptable as being compliant with the wording
evacuation time and time that untenable condi- of the code, not taking into account future risks,
tions are reached in the building. and containing old methods of protection while
new requirements were continuously being
In 1988, Wakamatsu9 presented the background added. Cohn stated that evaluation tools, similar
of the research program conducted at the Build- to the Fire Safety Evaluation Systems (FSES) in
ing Research Institute (BRI), in Japan, from 1982 the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA),
to 1987. The author outlined the resulting design NFPA 101M,11 for evaluating the level of protec-
method for evaluating building fire safety. He tion in existing buildings, did not evaluate the
indicated that this methodology was designed to risk from fires. He also pointed out the need for
substitute the prescriptive code requirements by using the new fire science knowledge in order to
establishing equivalency. He also stated that the facilitate the application of performance codes.
drive for the implementation of the design Cohn established that the design of such a code
method was due to the many problems with pre- should have no tables of area limits, have no
scriptive codes, including low efficiency or over- construction type designations, have only four
lapping fire safety measures, low flexibility in basic use groups (sleep use, utility use, assembly
architectural design, difficulty in the use of new use, and activity use), assess individual rooms,
technology, providing no incentives to improve provide unique risk identification for the build-
safety, and difficulty in understanding the actual ing, include rational methods as evaluation tools,
level of fire safety. Wakamatsu also listed the and have a computerized application.
general fire safety objectives in the design
method which included provision of human In 1991, a report prepared for the Canada Mort-
safety and the prevention of public troubles. gage and Housing Corporation Technical Innova-
These were evaluated based on the performance tion Division reviewed the code development pro-
of three sub-systems: fire outbreak and spread, cess in Canada and the international trends in

smoke control and evacuation and fire resistance. building codes.l2 The report confirmed the fact
The design method provided, for each of the sub- that the current code development was not ratio-
systems, fundamental requirements (description nal and that code requirements were too complex
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to apply. It was stated that performance-based that depended on social, economic and competi-
codes would facilitate innovation provided the tive factors.
performance objectives were stated in verifiable
terms. The authors then recommended that veri- Corbett,15 an administrator of engineering ser-
fiable performance requirements should be pur- vices at the San Antonio, Texas fire department,
sued as a long-term objective in Canada. Finally, investigated the issues related to codes relying
the report outlined recommendations for making on integration of fire safety design methods into

changes to the National Building Code and the day-to-day design of buildings. The author
raised concern of costs and restriction increases commented that this integration could have an
with the normalization of performance require- impact of change in the approach of the codes.
ments. Corbett pointed out that the majority of building
code provisions were prescriptive and had been
The Nordic building industry and fire protection updated to react to real and perceived hazards.
community have also been advocating the perfor- According to the author, prescriptive require-
ments were easy to understand and enforce, and
mance approach, particularly in Sweden.l3 Ande-
that although the prescriptive codes included
rberg stated that, since 1967, the building code
had been permitting the application of perfor- provisions for alternative solutions, such solu-
tions were not used very often because code offi-
mance-based approaches as an alternative
cials were reluctant to accept them. The author
method to the traditional prescriptive code
also stated that the prescriptive codes were an
requirements. According to the paper, the Swed-
ish Steel Building Institute had shown that cost impediment to the integration of fire protection
savings of about 65% in the cost of structural fire engineering methodologies that could lower con-
struction costs, increase fire safety, enhance haz-
protection could be achieved based on the use of ard recognition and allow design freedoms. He
fire safety engineering design methods. In addi-
tion, the author gave details of the evolution of proposed the following:
the code regulations in Sweden, as well as exam-
Development of a single fire and building code
ples of some of the performance provisions in
the code. The paper also described some of the
~ Establishment of specific minimum levels of
applications of the engineering design methods fire safety or objectives to be achieved
and their benefits.
~ Creation of a list of consensus calculation
In 1991, Cote&dquo; reviewed the code development methods to be used for evaluating performance
process and code provisions in the USA with the
objective of incorporating into them the latest ~
Unlocking of the voting booths in code commit-
research studies, data, statistics and computer tees (applies to USA model codes)
models. In the paper, Cote briefly introduced the
current model building codes in the USA and ~ Placement of more fire protection engineers in
compared the American model code development code enforcement positions
system with the systems of other countries. The
author pointed out that, during the last decade, ~
Requirement for minimum levels of fire protec-
despite the profusion of standards and three tion competency for architects and engineers
national code systems, there had not been a
decline in the number of life and dollar losses ~
Mandatory inspections
from fires. As a proposed solution to the fire prob-
lem, Cote suggested replacing the existing build-
ing regulatory system in the USA with a perfor- In an attempt to evaluate the technical status of
mance approach using deterministic calculations fire safety protection design technology,
to relate the objectives to the levels of acceptable DiN enno16 reported that the major reasons for
loss. The author also reported the pros and cons not implementing performance-based fire safety
of the development of a performance-based building design were the lack of measurable fire
approach and discussed the issue of defining safety objectives, calculation uncertainty, and
safety levels in buildings as a complex parameter gaps in the existing technical knowledge. The
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author also stated that generic objectives were should consider the three key elements: Stan-
incomplete statements of safety goals and were dard fire conditions and design fires (fire scenar-
very difficult to quantify. ios), standard safety criteria, and standard
safety factors to account for uncertainties in the
In 1992, Loveridge17 reported on the code devel- calculations. As a first step in the strategy for
opment process and regulators’ perspective in developing performance codes, Bukowski and
Australia. He presented the historical back- Tanaka suggested the reorganization of the
ground of development of the Building Code of existing code requirements relative to a selected
Australia (BCA) and described the research proj- set of performance goals. The FSES from the
ects undertaken by the Australian Uniform NFPA&dquo; was suggested as a model for such reor-
Building Regulation Coordinating Council ganization. The authors also included a sample
(AUBRCC). The projects were intended to table relating performance goals to existing pre-
develop a set of objectives for the BCA to assure scriptive code requirements. These requirements
the flexibility, cost-effectiveness and technical were classified as performance standards, speci-
soundness of the code provisions. The author fication method, deemed-to-satisfy solutions and
stated that these objectives could only be expert judgment. They concluded their paper by
achieved through the introduction of perfor-. stating some expected problems resulting from
mance provisions and the use of fire safety engi- implementing performance codes in the USA and
neering. The paper emphasized the support of Japan, as well as revealing the benefits from
building regulators for the use of fire safety engi- these codes as being the reduction of trade barri-
neering, as well as, the AUBRCC intention to ers and the reduction of human and economic
rationalize and validate the BCA. This approach losses from fires.
of rationalization would ensure equivalence of
alternative designs to the performance provis- Nakayal9 reported that the Japanese activities
ions in the code, formulate provisions utilizing of the Ministry of Construction in conjunction
technology and allowing cost-effective designs, with BRI, toward performance-based fire regula-
evaluate existing provisions for cost-effective- tions, were initiated in the early 1980’s. This
ness, and identify the aspects of the code requir- tendency was to facilitate international trade
ing further research. Loveridge pointed out that and to permit the harmonization of international
regulators were mainly concerned with the building codes. These efforts produced perfor-
usability of the fire safety engineering tools by mance guidelines, published in a four-volume

practitioners and the validation of these tools. book, covering fire safety concepts and case stud-
ies, design guidelines to prevent fire outbreak
Bukowski and Tanaka18 described the required and spread, design guidelines to evaluate human
steps involved in the development and imple- safety in egress and evacuation, and design
mentation of performance-based codes on an guidelines for fire resistance, along with the cri-
international scale. The authors listed the disad- teria, methodologies, and calculation methods.
vantages of the prescriptive codes as providing According to Nakaya, BRI had started a four-
only one way of achieving the desired level of year program to work on the next phase of this
safety, having little flexibility for innovative project which included the modification of the
solutions which provide equivalent safety at less materials testing system and standards, the
cost, and allowing equivalency while leaving the development of a total fire safety assessment pro-
interpretation and evaluation of such equiva- cedure, and the introduction of a fully perfor-
lency to the code official judgment. The authors mance-based code in Japan.
also proposed establishing fire safety goals based
on community and regional characteristics. Fur- In Norway, Larsen2° reported on the develop-
thermore, Bukowski and Tanaka indicated that ment of the firesafety code in Scandinavia. The
objective and rational methods for evaluating author suggested that a way of improving the
designs were crucial to the acceptance of perfor- traditional prescriptive codes was to clearly
mance-based codes because the lack of such define and communicate to the industry the
methods had been an impediment to the applica- objectives behind the code requirements. Larsen
tion of performance codes. They suggested a reported that the Scandinavian countries had
framework for evaluation procedures which formed the Nordic Committee on Building Regu-
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lation whose main objective was to develop a new tifically-based rules and a system for testing the
performance-based building code. According to design guides.
the paper, the code would unify the use of techni-
cal tools and permit flexibility in design while Shapiro,23 a coordinator for the Uniform Fire
providing adequate life safety. Thus, levels of Code in the USA, identified three major factors
safety and criteria of acceptance must be clearly as being impediments to the introduction of per-

defined and the technical tools must be validated. formance-based codes and the acceptance of the
new fire science: Reluctance of code officials to
Ferguson2l reviewed the changes introduced to accept computer model predictions over code pre-
the building codes by the Department of Environ- scriptive requirements, proprietary interests
ment for England and Wales. The paper referred represented in code committees, and changes of
to the characteristics of the prescriptive codes design factors during the building life. To suc-
as being a complicated set of requirements that cessfully initiate scientifically-based perfor-
might be simple to apply and enforce but were mance codes, the author suggested a thorough
not flexible, allowed limited innovation and evaluation of the levels of fire safety prescribed in
offered no incentives to build. The author stated the model codes, establishing acceptable safety
that, in 1985, the building regulations were criteria and providing guidance and training to
rewritten in simple qualitative functional users of computer models.
requirements and offered guidance documents
which described one of the accepted solutions and In 1994, draft code of practice was developed

allowed alternative solutions based on equiva- by the British Standards Institution (BSl).24 This
lency using fire safety engineering. According to code includes a number of sub-systems which can
Ferguson, the advantages of this approach were be used in a deterministic or probabilistic fashion
greater design freedom, cost savings in the con- to satisfy a set of clearly defined and agreed upon
struction industry, increased knowledge and objectives and acceptance criteria. Deakin and
expertise of the building officials, benefits to the Cooke25 noted that the BSI guide presents a more
insurance industry by providing them with formal approach to the field of fire safety engi-
methods for establishing equivalency, and bene- neering. They also concluded that framework
fits to the general economy and public. The codes are a structured approach to engineering
author admitted that the disadvantage of the fire safety and that they represent a major step
new goal-oriented approach was the uncertainty forward. The authors stated that there were still
of equivalency and recommended fire engineer- many areas where considerable research was

ing as a solution in demonstrating compliance. needed to fill the gaps in knowledge of fire science
and engineering relationships.
Christian22 described in detail the development
of building regulations in the UK and the trends The performance-based code and design
in Europe. The author reported that the prescrip- methodology in New Zealand was described by
tive approach was used because of the limited Buchanan26 in 1994. Buchanan gave a summary
knowledge of fire science which still existed. He of code developments in New Zealand leading
asserted that the Fire Precautions Act of 1971 to the establishment of the Building Industry
allowed the use of alternative solutions and the Authority2’ and the publishing of the perfor-
application of fire engineering solutions and mance code, and a summary of the design meth-
therefore did not need to be changed. Christian odology needed for evaluating building designs.
pointed out, however, his distrust of researchers On one hand, the author described the prescrip-
and the need for qualified and experienced tive codes as slowly evolving, complex and
enforcers to debate the acceptability and ratio- detailed, having no statement of objectives, offer-
nale of the fire-engineered solutions. The author ing little or no opportunity to consider alterna-
also suggested that enforcers should participate tive strategies, providing no place for engineer-
in the code development process and that the ing calculations, and having no flexibility to
concepts of fire safety engineering should be adapt to unusual situations. On the other hand,
understood by all interested groups. The paper he suggested that performance codes would allow
also reported the need for further research on the use of new knowledge, state clearly code
risk assessment in order to develop more scien- objectives, specify performance requirements,
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and permit any solution that meets the perfor- provide for effective fire-fighting and rescue oper-
mance requirements. Buchanan pointed out that ations.
the performance goals should specify a level of
safety that was independent of the prescriptive The strategic planning task group of the Cana-
code requirements. The fire safety requirements dian Commission on Building and Fire Codes
were divided into four categories: Outbreak of (CCBFC)31 revealed in a Draft Strategic Plan its
fire, means of escape, spread of fire, and struc- intent to focus on the development of an objec-
tural stability during fire. For each category, five tive-based performance code. The goal was to
levels were defined: Objectives, functional develop a fully objective-based code by the year
requirements, required performance, verifica- 2001. The main reasons given for this initiative
tion methods and acceptable solutions. Because were to simplify the code structure, to clarify

the New Zealand Building Code27 provided the the intent of the code by explicitly stating its
structure for measuring performance with no objectives, to permit innovative designs, to
means for quantifying the required levels of enable users to comply with the requirements
or to offer alternative solutions that meet the
safety, Buchanan 21 developed the &dquo;Fire Engi-
neering Design Guide&dquo; for quantification pur- performance expectations, and to reduce trade
poses. The guide allowed the application of fire barriers in design and construction. According
engineering to the code evaluation and review to the report, some of the shortcomings of the
process. Finally, according to the author, educa- prescriptive codes were their complexity and
tion would be an important factor for the imple- their lack of clarity resulting in a broad range of
mentation of the performance-based code and for interpretation. Even though the existing codes
the application of the design method. had provisions for alternative solutions, they did
not specify the intent of the requirements. The
report also stated some concerns with the perfor-
Bukowski and Babrauskas29 reviewed the techni- mance approach such as the requirements for
cal and philosophical aspects of performance-
higher technical knowledge on the part of regula-
based codes. The authors described a strategy tors and code enforcers, for the verification of
for developing a performance-based building
performance criteria when no published solution
code and reviewed the code development efforts was available and for an increased number of
in the USA and Japan. They enumerated the references.
critical steps necessary to advance the develop-
ment and acceptance of performance-based In anticipation of the transformation of the
codes. They recommended that a new perfor- Canadian building regulation system from pre-
mance-based code should not be complex, be clear
scriptive- to performance-based, Oleszkiewicz3z
enough to know the expected primary safety fea- summarized research on the concepts involved
tures, allow verification of the plans, calculations in performance-based building regulations and
and specifications providing these primary safety their implementation in different countries
features, and have no need for a large computer around the world. In this internal report of the
program to evaluate performance. Bukowski and Institute for Research in Construction at the
Babrauskas also established the evaluation pro- National Research Council of Canada (NRCC),
cedure for measuring performance in addition to the author first defined the terms prescriptive
suggesting the National Fire Protection and performance-based regulations and outlined
Research Foundation (NFPRF) study3° as an the complexity of prescriptive codes versus the
evaluation procedure. In their proposed strategy, simplicity of performance-based regulations. He
the authors stated that the code must continue then discussed the structure of performance-
to allow for approval by the Authority Having based building regulations. Oleszkiewicz pre-
Jurisdiction (AHJ), consider national and cul- sented four performance-based systems includ-
tural variations, and relate the influence of the ing the Nordic 5 level system, the UK reform,
safety features to their impacts. The authors also the Australian reform and the New Zealand
referred to the fire safety goals of the ISO/TC92/ reform, in addition to a discussion of the Cana-
SC4 to extract three basic societal objectives: To dian perspective toward performance-based
limit the spread of fire and smoke, to provide requirements and regulations. According to the
for successful evacuation of occupants, and to author, the four systems were chosen because
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their legal framework and technological develop- tages in the use of performance-based design

ment were similar to those in Canada. Further- including the AHJ being reluctant to accept
more, the author gave special attention to the designs because of a lack of understanding dur-
New Zealand reform because the development ing the early stages and the need for more engi-
process seemed well thought out and well exe- neering time. In addition, the authors stated that
cuted, and the economical and political condi- current fire safety engineering lacked a gener-
tions during its development were relevant to ally-accepted process for alternatively applying
the present situation in Canada. a performance-based approach. Therefore, they

proposed a basic framework within which perfor-

In the March/April 1995 SFPE (Society of Fire mance-based fire safety design could be effec-
Protection Engineers) Bulletin, Meacham33 pre- tively conducted. An overview of the proposed
sented the latest international developments in performance-based fire safety engineering
performance-based building codes with an over- included a description on establishing goals and
view on the use of fire safety engineering design a discussion on the performance-based fire safety

methods in various countries. The bulletin stated design process.

that some of the countries spearheading the per-
formance-based movement were New Zealand, Summary on the development of performance
Scandinavian countries and Japan. Canada, the codes: From an overview of the historical develop-
UK, Australia and the USA were investigating ments, a summary of advantages and disadvan-
the adoption of performance-based codes and the tages of prescriptive- and performance-based
development of the evaluation tools for these regulations is shown in Table 1. As illustrated
codes. The author concluded by mentioning that, in the table, performance-based codes offer more
in addition to the technological development of advantages than prescription codes indicating
performance codes and fire safety engineering their superiority and confirming that it is the
methodologies, there was still a need for educa- way of building design of the future particularly
tion for fire engineers and enforcers to under- when looking into the economic, flexibility and
stand the methodologies as well as to gain soci- globalization aspects. However, performance
ety’s acceptance for the new approach. codes are still in their infancy and many obsta-
cles need to be overcome through advances in
In a recent publication, Meacham and Custer34 knowledge. One of the major disadvantages is
discussed the concepts of performance-based fire the difficulty to prove compliance with the set
safety design. The authors provided a brief sum- objectives, however, this can be resolved with the
mary of the recent developments of performance- development and availability of computer models
based regulations and performance-based and the engineering tools. Another issue that
approaches to fire safety design with emphasis needs to be resolved is the definition of acceptable
on the need for more fire engineering design levels of safety.
guides. They also stated that prescriptive codes
could be used in design when dealing with a typi-
building, but, these were generic by occu-
pancy and that prescriptive codes were not ade- CODES
quate in the case of structures housing unusual The development of performance-based codes fol-
processes. In contrast, the authors pointed out lows a transparent, hierarchical structure and
that performance design was based on specific
an overview of the literature survey presented
performance objectives, considered the entire thus far suggests taking the following steps for
fire-building system interaction, and included the development of these codes:
deterministic analysis and probabilistic risk
assessment. The authors outlined the advan- 1. Identification and listing of all code objectives
tages that the performance-based design could
offer over the prescriptive design including, spe- 2. Establishment of safety criteria and safety
cifically addressing building uses and client factors
needs, providing a comprehensive fire protection
strategy, and providing cost-effective fire protec- 3. Establishment of a design or evaluation meth-
tion. The paper also pointed out some disadvan- odology
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Table 1. Prescription versus performance

4. Identification and validation of fire models section can be adapted into a unique set of objec-
(validation is not presented) tives for a performance-based fire safety code.
The objectives and requirements found in the
5. Identification and listing of needed experi- literature are shown in Table 2.
mental data (not presented)
Summary on the objectives of performcznce codes:
Objectives in Performance Codes The development of performance-based codes
The first step in developing performance-based requires the definition of clear objectives. This
building codes is to establish design objectives. definition will enable the designer and building
The goal of this task is to clearly define these official to comprehend the rationale behind the
objectives in order for the designers and code code provisions and, therefore, facilitate the eval-
officials to understand the rationale behind the uation procedure. The main objective of fire
code provisions and to facilitate the evaluation safety is to provide protection from fire. This
procedures for building designs. In some cases, objective, however, is general and must be formu-
additional objectives may be specified by the com- lated into many sub-categories. From an over-
munity, the insurance companies or the owner view of the reviewed literature on code objectives,
of the building. The objectives presented in this it is evident that there are many ways of for-
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Table 2. Fire safety objectives and requirements

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Table 2. Fire safety objectives and requirements (continued)

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Table 2. Fire safety objectives and requirements (continued)

mulating a set of objectives. Some formula- acceptable. When probabilistic methods are
tions, however, are clearer that others. A clear used, the end result is presented in terms of life
formulation is one that is practical, easy to or property risk levels for the whole building. In

understand, usable and complete. Among the for- this case, the performance criteria are also given
mulations that verify the clarity criterion, it is in terms of acceptable risk levels, which are
worthwhile mentioning four: Tanaka,37 New referred to as probabilistic criteria.
Zealand,27 BSI24 and Bukowski and
Babrauskas.29 These should be used to establish Deterministic criteria
performance objectives. Deterministic calculations provide a quantifica-
tion of fire processes such as fire growth, fire
Performance DesignCriteria and smoke spread, evacuation time, structural
The design protection systems in build-
of fire response and of the consequences of these pro-
ings, using engineering calculations, can be cesses on the building and its occupants. The

accomplished following deterministic or probabi- results of these calculations are then compared
listic techniques, or both. Usually, deterministic to established deterministic criteria to evaluate
methods are used for calculating fire growth, whether or not the design is satisfactory. For
smoke spread, structural behaviour and occu- most designs, these criteria have to be met under
pant evacuation. The results of these calcula- probable worst-case scenarios. The deterministic
tions are then compared to established determin- criteria presented in this paper relate to fire igni-
istic criteria to determine whether the design is tion, fire growth, flashover and post-flashover
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(fully-developed) fires, as well as to tenability important parameters used to determine the per-
limits for the safety of building occupants. formance of a fire safety design. The rate of fire
growth can be determined using experimental
Fire Ignition Criteria: To minimize ignition, the results, computer models or empirical correla-
radiant heat flux required to ignite a material is tion. One of the most used methods is the t-
usually used as the criterion. Table 3 illustrates squared (t2) fires method in which the heat
the threshold values proposed for both radiant release rate, Q, is assumed to continuously grow
heat flux and surface temperature for ignition of quadratically as a function of time, t, until either
a variety of materials identified by the BSI Draft the fuel is totally consumed or the heat release
Code of Practice.24 rate is assumed to have reached a peak value.
In a formula form, the fire growth rate curve can
The NFPRF Fire Risk Assessment Method be written as
(FRAM)30 classified product ignitability in terms
of the heat flux range as shown in Table 4.

The data shown in Tables 3 and 4 may be used Depending on the type of fuel in-place, the fire
to determine the ignition of the first item and may have a growth rate that is either slow,
subsequent items close by. Therefore, one way medium, fast or ultra-fast. Table 5 gives the val-
to minimize ignition is to ensure that the heat ues of the fire growth parameter, k, correspond-
sources that may be present in a compartment ing to each of the four fire growth rates men-
cannot radiate enough heat to cause ignition of tioned above. For design purposes, the heat
the combustible materials in that compartment. release rate determined is compared to specific
maximum heat release rate values. In the
Pre-Flashover -Fire Growth Criteria: Following absence of specific data the maximum heat
ignition, the rate of fire growth is one of the most release rates listed in Table 6 can be used for

Table 3. Threshold values for ignition 24

design purposes. These values are reported in

the BS124 for typical occupancies.
Table 4. Heat flux range for ignitability3o
Due to the random nature of fire, many different
fire scenarios may occur in a building. Bukowski
and Babrauskas29 recommended using the
NFPRF FRAM30 for identifying probabilities of
occurrences of such scenarios. In addition, vari-
ous papers, including the BSI Draft Code of Prac-

tice,24 and the New Zealand Design Guide,21 sug-

gest defining standard fire scenarios in the occu-
pancy, referred to as design fires. The design fires
Downloaded from at PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIV on May 12, 2016
Table 5. Typical fire growth parameters28 the failure of a building element due to a fire
attack. Building elements can be structural, such
as beams, columns and load-bearing walls, or

non-structural, such as internal partitions and

some external walls. Failure of a structural

building element may lead to building collapse,

while failure of non-structural building elements
(barriers) may lead to fire spread from the com-
partment of fire origin to other building areas.
The objective of fire resistance of a building ele-
ment is to maintain the load-bearing capacity of
the structure, to avoid spread of fire outside the
area of fire origin and especially to areas of ref-

uge, and to protect fire-fighters. Building ele-

ment fire resistance criteria can be set in terms
of stability, integrity and thermal insulation. The
New Zealand Design Guide 21 lists the relevant
failure criteria for different building elements as
illustrated in Table 7.
Table 6. Design fire growth rates and Table 7. Failure criteria for elements of
maximum heat release rates2a
building construction28

are defined by the fuel load per unit area (see

CIB W14 Structural Design Guide36), the peak
heat release rate and the fire growth rate.

Post-Flashover Criteria: As the fire continues to

grow, the temperature in the compartment of fire
origin increases and every part of that compart-
ment is exposed to flame radiation that leads to The fire resistance rating of building elements
an event called flashover. Flashover is character- is the common reference performance criterion
ized by the rapid transition from a localized fire used for barriers. The rating is dependent on the
to combustion of all exposed fuel surfaces within threshold values of surface temperature, plastic
a compartment. The undesirability of the fiash- deformation, allowable stresses and ruptures.
over event makes it important to know its likeli- These threshold values are attained under criti-
hood and timing. The criteria that can be used cal conditions of fire duration and severity. The
to determine the occurrence of flashover are two: equivalent fire severity (time) for barrier failure,
the temperature of the upper hot gas layer has is dependent on the existing fire load, building
reached 600°C or the radiation heat flux at the geometry and ventilation characteristics. The
floor has reached 20 kW/ml. Fires continuing BS124 presents a simple method for determining
beyond flashover are referred to as fully-devel- a barrier structural failure as follows:
oped fires and are characterized by very high
temperatures and heat release rates.
Barrier and structure fire resistance. An impor- where Lent critical fire load to
cause failure
tant element of fire safety design is predicting L = design fire load3s
Downloaded from at PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIV on May 12, 2016
x~tr = design factor ranging between 1.0 Table 9. Critical values of received
and 1.5 radiation IR~ as listed in Quaglia3a

In addition, the threshold values, listed by CIB

W1436 to describe the criteria for thermal insula-
tion of a separating structure or structural mem-
ber, are 200°C average temperature on the unex-
posed side of the separating structure or a maxi-
mum temperature of 240°C. Buchanan28
suggested using an average value of 140°C and
a maximum value of 180°C. The values sug-
gested by Buchanan&dquo; are also the standard test
criteria in the CAN/ULC-S101-M89.~ Further-
more, O’Hara44 suggested, as property protection ~ Scherfig4l used 15 kW/M2 as the acceptable
criteria, confining thermal damage to 100 m2 in threshold level for preventing spread from one
the area of fire origin with no primary structural structure to other exposed structures.
member collapsing, and confining non-thermal
damage, from smoke and water, to the floor of ~ Barnett and Simpson45 defined a threshold
fire origin. For a steel roof structure, O’Hara pro- level as 10 kW/M2 for plastic cladding,
posed maintaining structural steel temperatures 12.5 kW/m2for timber cladding, and 25 kW/M2
at less than 538°C. for spontaneous ignition of items just inside the
neighbor’s windows of the exposed building.
External fire spread. Potential fire spread to
neighboring properties can be evaluated based
on the critical values of received radiation IRc by Another aspect of external fire spread and expo-
these properties. The following Tables 8 and 9 sure is the formation of openings. The designer
list these criteria for different building materials. must consider all possible openings that could
be created as the fire develops. Indeed, the cre-
With the criteria of Tables 8 and 9 in hand, it is ation of openings should be considered in the
possible for the designer to calculate the mini- design because it changes the development of
mum distance between two walls to avoid spread fire, e.g., a change in ventilation inside the com-
of fire to neighboring properties. partment. Openings can be in the form of holes
in the barriers or glass breakage. The following
Other researchers have also described typical criteria can be used to define glass breakage:
threshold values for the critical radiation level
at exposed structures from a neighboring fire as ~ Kim and Taber‘~ stated that breakage temper-
a safety criterion: atures on the exposed side of glazing were 150
to 175°C for plain glass and 350°C for both
heat strengthened and tempered glass.
Table 8. Critical values of received
radiation inc as listed in Buchanan28 ~
Quaglia38 related the criteria for breakage of
interior ordinary glass as being a temperature
of 100°C and, for tempered glass, a tempera-
ture of 270°C, while Frantzich, Jonsson and
Rantatalo4’ used a single value of 300°C.

Life Safety Criteria: The most important objec-

tive in fire safety design is the life safety of occu-
pants. The designer must ensure that the occu-
pants have sufficient time to reach, without
harm, a safe refuge. Deterministic models are
usually used to calculate the conditions in a com-
partment during the fire growth state. These con-
Downloaded from at PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIV on May 12, 2016
ditions are critical in
determining whether occu- specific and should not be generalized. The fol-
pants can escape before untenable conditions are lowing are sample descriptions:
reached. The performance criteria for life safety
relate to the carbon monoxide (CO), hydrogen ~ O’Hara&dquo; gave a full outline of the performance
cyanide (HCN), oxygen (02), carbon dioxide objectives for a low-risk, low-rise office build-
(C02), heat flux, air temperature, hot layer ing. For life safety, the author suggested that,
height and smoke optical levels. These criteria in egress routes, the limiting CO concentration
are detailed by Purser in the SFPE Handbook of be less than or equal to 1,700 ppm and 02 levels
Fire Protection Engineering.48 The New Zealand be greater than 15%. For the smoke control
Design Guide 21 adopted the criteria shown in system, O’Hara set the performance criteria as
Table 10 which are, in turn, based on the SFPE keeping the toxic fire product layer at not less
Handbook. 41 than 3 m above the floor. For the means of
egress, O’Hara set as a criterion, an evacuation
The BSI Draft Code of Practice24 adopted the time of 6 min or less.
limiting conditions for tenability caused by toxic
products of combustion, smoke obscuration and ~ Frantzich, Jonsson and Rantatalo47 suggested
heat illustrated in Tables 11, 12 and 13 below. using 10% as the critical O2 level for life-safety
These limits are also based on values reported in a building.
in the SFPE Handbook.48
Scherfig4l defined the safety criteria for evacu-
In addition to the criteria presented above, a ation in terms of visibility thresholds. The
variety of other researchers proposed threshold author proposes a rule that persons during
levels for life safety criteria. These levels are case egress must have a visibility of at least 3 m
in the primary fire compartment and 10 m in
escape routes.
Table 10. Tenability criteria28
~ Johnson and Timms49 suggested that the life
safety criteria in a shopping mall atrium were
to limit the hot layer to not less than 1.9 m
from the floor and to limit the hot layer temper-
ature to not more than 183°C.

Safety Factors: Safety factors have been used in

most engineering designs to account for uncer-
tainties in calculations. Safety factors are also
used in fire protection engineering designs, espe-
cially for evacuation times and structural fire
safety performance design. The addition of safety
factors to performance criteria permits the
designer to make a conservative assessment
while allowing for a smaller margin of error by
accounting for uncertainty in the models, the
input data and the assumptions. The following
are some examples found in the literature of the
use of safety factors in fire safety engineering.

o In the BSI Draft Code,24 a safety factor of 2,

applied to the calculated evacuation time, is
proposed for assessing actual travel time of
people not familiar with the premises. The BSI
standard also suggests using a safety factor
ranging between 1 and 1.5 applied to the
design fire load to avoid the occurrence of struc-
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Table 11. Limiting conditions for tenability caused by toxic products of combustion 24


Table 12. Limiting conditions for tenability caused by heat24

Table 13. Limiting conditions for detection systems, must also be estimated in
tenability by smoke obscuration24
caused order to develop an overall estimate of building
fire safety. The time-dependent physical and
chemical processes are usually calculated using
deterministic approaches. The impact of uncer-
tainties can be estimated through probabilistic
calculation and statistical analysis.

A combination of deterministic and probabilistic

calculations can be used to carry out risk assess-
tural collapse. The safety factor of 1.5 is used ments for the overall building system. Fire risk
for tall unsprinklered buildings. assessment is a function of the likelihood of
unwanted events and the resulting consequences
. Deakin and Cooke25 reported a safety factor or severity of these events; i.e., the risk can be
ranging between 2 and 3 applied to evacuation evaluated as:
times and to times to reach untenable condi-
tions and a safety factor between 1 and 2
applied to structural fire resistance design to
avoid structural failure and fire exposure to
adjacent structures.
In general, a quantitative probabilistic risk
~ Johnson and ~mms49 suggested using safety assessment analysis includes the development of
factors of 2 to 3 applied to calculated escape a number of event scenarios, an estimate of the
times for determining actual evacuation times. likelihood and consequences of these scenarios,
an evaluation of the risk based on Equation (3)
Probabilistic criteria and finally a comparison of the calculated risks
Fire protection engineering is a complex science to the acceptable risks to find out whether the
because, in addition to determining the time- evaluation criteria are satisfied. Currently, prob-
dependent physical and chemical processes, abilistic methods are not often used, however,
uncertainties, such as human behaviour, the con- they will increase in popularity once acceptable
ditions of doors and other openings, fire location, risk values are established and risk assessment
arrangements of combustibles, and the reliabil- tools become readily available. Hence, one of the
ity and effectiveness of the fire suppression and major issues that must be addressed prior to car-
Downloaded from at PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIV on May 12, 2016
rying out a risk assessment analysis is the estab- defined such estimates, however, Table 15, which
lishment of acceptable risk criteria. shows a list of suggested values of incident sever-
ity and likelihood defined for the Panama Canal
Acceptable risk levels depend on the risk assess- contingency planning,51 provides some guidance.
ment objectives to be satisfied and any defined The risk level is calculated as the product of inci-
risk level is debatable. Risk levels found in the dent severity and incident likelihood (see Equa-
literature include the work conducted by Fitzger- tion (3)). The calculated risk is then compared
ald, Richards and Beyler5° who cited tolerable fire to accepted risk levels for such installations.
damage levels for compartments and acceptable
level of loss frequency in ships as the perfor- To show the use of Table 15, an example is help-
mance objectives for their client, the US Coast ful. Assume that the acceptable risk level, as
Guard. The design team and the user set the established by the design team, is 5 X 10-3 prob-
probabilistic performance objectives as: ability of death per year. If an event of serious
severity is permitted to happen (i.e., max. 1 fatal-
Unacceptable loss: full compartment lost to fire ity), then the likelihood of that event should be
not more than &dquo;very low&dquo; (i.e., less than probabil-
~ Threshold frequency of unacceptable loss: ity of 10-1). This is because, in this instance,
0.033 per ship per year according to Equation (3), the calculated risk is
less than 10-3 (1 x 10-3) which in turn is less
Frequency of established burning: 0.0474 per than the acceptable risk level of 5 X 10-3. It
year should be mentioned that the proposed values
were established for the Panama Canal by con-
Other published risk levels are shown in Table 14. sidering the importance of that facility and the
These are extracted from the BSI Draft Standard economic consequences of disrupting its opera-
Code of Practice,24 which presents some of the tion. For other installations and buildings, the
risk criteria (based on U.K statistics) that soci- owner and designer should work together to

ety is willing to tolerate, however, general accep- establish similar thresholds. In building codes,
tance is still arguable. Table 14 indicates that, thresholds are implicitly established by those
although society is willing to accept higher risk who adopt the codes.
levels from incidents with a low number of casu-
alties, fires which may result in multiple deaths, Table 16 is another list of suggested risk levels,
are less tolerable. in terms of incident severity and likelihood, pro-
posed for use for fire and explosion hazards on
Another way to deal with probabilistic estimates offshore oil platforms as reported by Finucane.11
is to calculate risk levels by separating estimates The table can be used in a similar fashion to the
obtained for fire severity and likelihood (see risk assessment process presented by Long and
Equation (3)) and then set up objectives in terms John51 and according to Equation (3). Finucane52
of reducing the likelihood of occurrence, the also proposed, as the acceptable individual risk,
severity of the incident, or both. Few studies have a value ranging between 10-5 to 10-4 and, as the

Table 14. Tolerability of risk24

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Table 15. Risk ranking matrix51

Table 16. Incident severity categories and incident likelihood ranges5z

unacceptable risk per individual, a value higher only a specific type of occupancy. Further, the
than 10-3 probability of death per year. The sug- range of variance of proposed values varies
gested risk levels are similar to the ones shown according to the performance criteria being
in Table 15. These values, however, need to be established. For instance, levels of 02 and CO
discussed further before they are accepted by (life safety) do not vary considerably from one
society and widely used. occupancy to another because the limits for
untenable conditions are similar for all occu-
Summczry and discussion on performacnce crite- pants. Stringent values on tenability limits may
riac: The different deterministic criteria shown in correspond to occupant unfamiliarity, physical
this paper are currently used for design and in and mental condition and age. Glass breakage
computer models. However, there is still much temperature levels, on the other hand, can vary
discussion as to the exact values that should be significantly depending on the type of glass used.
used. Add to this, the criteria are, in some Furthermore, when establishing criteria, the val-
instances, different from one reference source to ues depend on the use of the occupancy and the
another. The differences can, however, be attrib- categorization of the occupancy and occupants.
uted to the fact that some are addressing general For example, the evacuation time allowed in a
types of occupancies and some are addressing hotel should be higher than the evacuation time
Downloaded from at PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIV on May 12, 2016
allowed in an office building since, in the former, approach must become widely used. The risk lev-
the occupants would not be familiar with the els, calculated using probabilistic risk assess-
building while occupants in the latter building ment methods, are then compared to the risk
are not only familiar with the building but may criteria to determine whether the proposed
also have regular egress drills. designs are acceptable. Presently, the probabilis-
tic approach is rarely used because of the lack of
Deterministic analyses may require the inclu- appropriate risk assessment tools and the
sion of safety factors. From an overview of the unavailability of specified risk levels acceptable
literature, the proposed values for safety factors to society. However, with the introduction of per-
range, in general, from 1 to 3. A low value (i.e., formance-based codes, the availability of risk
1) indicates that the level of uncertainty is low. assessment models and the establishment of risk
A high value (i.e., 3) is an indication of high levelsacceptable to society, the probabilistic
uncertainty in the calculation of the performance approach will be the preferred method in perfor-
of the fire safety systems. Most authors or stan- mance-based design as it quantifies the risk lev-
dards set a minimum safety factor value of 2 els and allows the identification of designs that
when applied to calculated evacuation times so will have acceptable risk levels at minimum cost.
that occupants have sufficient time to reach a
safe place. In the cases of large floor areas, large FireSafety Engineering Design
numbers of occupants and non-familiarity with Methodologies and Tools
the occupancy, the calculated evacuation times
Fire safety evaluation methods
may be factored by 3 or more. Furthermore, when Fire safety engineering provides the calculation
means of suppression, such as sprinklers, are
tools to quantify the performance of a building
provided, the safety factors applied to structural and assess its fire safety vis-a-vis the established
fire resistance may be as low as 1 as the sprin-
klers are shown to detect and suppress the fire
performance objectives and criteria. This evalua-
tion is based on an assessment of the building
in more than 95% of the cases.35 .

systems in terms of preventing fire growth, pro-

viding for safe evacuation and fire resistant
Finally, although the use of deterministic calcu- design. Various methodologies for fire safety
lations provides a picture of what the conditions
in a room may be at a given time, or what the
design are suggested by the international fire
science and technology community. These meth-
performance of individual structural components odologies are based on theories and calculation
is, it has limited ability in considering the entire procedures found in various documents including
building with its fire protection systems, func- the Japanese Methodology,37 the Fire Engineer-
tions and occupants as a system. This limitation
ing Design Guide,21 the BSI Draft Code of Prac-
is significant as it does not allow the quantifica- tice24 and the SFPE Handbook.&dquo;8 Before starting
tion of the overall safety level in a building. A
any description, it must be mentioned that the
comparison of alternative designs is limited only intent of this paper is not to compare and con-
to specific elements. To obtain an overall assess- trast every single methodology against the others
ment of a building, deterministic computations as this requires more information and time. The
must be combined with probabilistic analysis.
purpose is, however, to outline the existing meth-
ods and show, in general, some of their general
In contrast to deterministic calculations, proba- weaknesses. Hence, the choice of a method for
bilistic methods may be able to consider the
design is left to the fire safety designer to decide.
whole building (not element by element evalua- The choice should, however, be based on which
tion) and to provide risk estimates. In probabilis- method is best suited for the design under consid-
tic evaluations, there are many factors that could eration and the confidence the designer has in
affect the occurrence of a fire, its development the method. Some guidelines, which could help
and the egress of the occupants. The objective is a fire safety engineer make a decision on what
to estimate risk levels using the likelihood of a method should be used for a design, are explained
fire incident occurring and its potential conse- later in this paper.
quences (injury, death, etc.). The risk criteria can
be established through statistical data, however, Currently, there are two main types of methodol-
in order to gain society’s acceptance, such an ogy used to evaluate the performance of a build-
Downloaded from at PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIV on May 12, 2016
ing and its occupants when subjected to a fire. ~ The New Zealand Fire Engineering Design
These types are:

Procedure (Buchanan28)

First type method. The first type is known as the ~ The Structural Fire Engineering Method (Pet-
fire risk ranking and uses point scores and rating terssons3)
schemes. Some of these methods include the
NFPA FSES,53 the General Services Administra- Although the above mentioned procedures are
tion method (Watts54 & Stroup55) and the hierar- thought to be credible, they present some short-
chical approach developed in the UK (Marchant56 comings and weaknesses including complexity in
& Donegan et aI57). The fire risk ranking method the model, need to use expert judgement, lack of
is simple, does not need a lot of sophistication validation of the procedure, and lack of complete
and requires less data, however, the process of documentation.
assigning points or values is based on experi-
enced judgement and opinion of a group of fire Choice of method. It is usually not easy to choose
safety experts. Another problem with the fire risk a design procedure, however, guidelines of choice

ranking is what are the criteria to define an can be obtained from Bukowski and

expert and how many experts can be found in Babrauskas who described a simple strategy
the society. Finally, in general, the method lacks for choosing the evaluation methodology. The
documentation and the process to validate or authors suggest that, once the goals, safety crite-
revise the suggested values is not easy to do. ria and safety factors are established, any valid
predictive procedure could be used if it meets
Second type method. The second type of method- a certain number of guidelines. Bukowski and

ology uses deterministic and/or probabilistic Babrauskas provide the following guidelines for
techniques to assess the risk from fires in build- using and implementing the predictive method.
ings. Below is a summary of some second-type
methods describing design procedures for evalu- ~
Simple methods applied to simple problems
ating fire safety in different countries around the with reasonable results are more acceptable
world. The authors believe that these procedures
represent the most recent performance-based ~ There is lack of acceptance of models where
fire engineering design methodologies which are correctness of results is not obvious
gaining acceptance within the fire community.
For details of each method, the reader is advised ~ Users and regulators demand concrete mea-
to consult the reference in brackets beside the sures of uncertainty

particular method.
Regulators and enforcers have more concerns
~ The Japanese Fire Safety Evaluation Proce- with the ethics and professionalism of model
dure (Wakamatsu9) developers; appropriateness of adopted tech-
nique comes in second
~ The NFPRF Fire Risk Assessment Methodol-
ogy (Bukowski et al30) ~ Calculation techniques need to be reviewed
and sanctioned by an independent body
· The Canadian Fire Risk-Cost Assessment
Method (Hadjisophocleous and Yung58; Yung, ~ Manuals of practice have to be made available
Hadjisophocleous and Proulx59, 1997) to users and should include data source model
assumptions, sensitivity analyses and mea-
· The Ship Fire Safety Engineering Methodology sures of accuracy and uncertainty

(Sprague et al6°)
Fire engineering computer tools
· The Nordic Fire Safety Methodology (Scherfig4l In order to perform a building fire safety design,
& Magnussonsi) it is required to determine the behaviour of fire
in a compartment from ignition to decay, for all
· The Fire Safety Evaluation Method (Fitz- the fire safety system components which includes
gerald62) fire growth, fire and smoke spread, response of
Downloaded from at PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIV on May 12, 2016
building elements to fire, occupants response and homogeneous and characterized by a set of time-
fire service response. Therefore, it is essential dependent parameter values describing its phys-
that the designers have at their disposal the ical state. Zone models are easy to use, fast to

means to facilitate the prediction of the level of run and practical. Because of their simplicity,
safety for any particular design. These means zone models can achieve fire order approxima-

are, in general, in the form of fire engineering tions to real fire behaviour, but the accuracy of
computer models used to estimate the perfor- their results may suffer in predicting complex
mance of building fire safety systems against fire situations. Field models are two- or three-
established performance criteria. Over the past dimensional models. These models solve the
few years, lots of efforts have been employed in equations of mass, momentum and energy of
the development of fire engineering computer each element of a compartment that has been
models many of which are available for undertak- divided into a grid of smaller units. Field models
ing full analysis and comprehensive fire engi- calculate continuous variables distributions (e.g.
neering designs. However, it is only with experi- temperature) across a compartment using com-
ence that an engineer can use these computer putational fluid dynamics in a finite element
models to evaluate the behaviour of fires in build- approach. The advantage that field models can
ings. In the following sub-section, the computer offer is the accuracy and the details of their
fire engineering models that can be used to assist results. On the other hand, field models are still
the designer conducting fire safety buildings in the process of development, require a great
designs, are described. deal of experience from the user and need a big
demand of expensive computing facilities and
Categories of Fire Engineering Models: Fire mod- time. Other models are special purpose models
eling can be grouped into two categories: probabi- that calculate specific parameters such as time
listic or stochastic fire models and deterministic to exit a building, structural fire endurance, or
fire models. occupants movement.

Probabilistic fire models. Probabilistic models Selection of Fire Models: There is no fire model
involve the evaluation of the probability of risk that is comprehensive for all fire applications.
due to fire based on the probabilities of all param- The selection of a fire model depends on a number
eters influencing the fire such as human behav- of factors including understanding limitations
iour, formation of openings and distribution of and assumptions used in the model, validation
fuel load in the compartment of fire origin. The of the model, documentation accompanying the
probabilities are usually time dependent and are model and ease of use.
determined through experimental data and fire
incident statistics. Laws of physics are generally Limitations and assumptions in fire models. The
not part of the equation governing the models. decision to use a particular fire model should be
The results of the models are in terms of fire based on the understanding of the limitations
likelihood, but little or no information is given and assumptions of the model. The limits of
with respect to production and distribution of applicability of any fire model must be clearly
combustion products. stated and known to the user so that he/she does
not go beyond the boundaries of realistic applica-
Deterministic fire models. In contrast to the prob- tion of the theory utilized. In addition, the more
abilistic fire models, deterministic fire models are input requirements and details of the output, the
based on physical, chemical and thermodynamic more comprehensive is probably the program.

relationships and empirical correlation to calcu-

late the impact of fire. Deterministic models can Validation of fire models. Some of the produced
be very simple requiring a short computing time models are still in their infancy stage and users
or highly complex requiring hours of computa- should be careful in selecting a model. To make
tion. Typically, deterministic models can be clas- the right decision in the selection process, the
sified as: zone models, field models and other issue of the validation of the fire model must be
models. Zone models are one- or two-dimensional addressed. Not only should the model results be
models which divide a compartment into a num- compared against experimental data to deter-
ber of distinct zones. Each zone is considered mine the applicability of the model, but model
Downloaded from at PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIV on May 12, 2016
validation comparisons should also be carefully Summary on fire engineering methods: Fire
examined. In addition, the model should be safety engineering provides the calculation tools
checked against simple hand calculations for con- to quantify the performance of a building and
sistency between input and output. Finally, the assess its fire safety vis-A-vis the established per-

result should be verified using the judgement of formance objectives and criteria. This evaluation
an experienced fire engineer. The confidence in gives an overall fire assessment of the building
a fire model can also increase if it gives the same systems in terms of preventing fire growth, pro-
results as a number of other fire models. viding for safe evacuation, fire resistant design,
as well as predicting occupant behaviour. Vari-

Documentation of fire models. The documenta- ous design methods are suggested by the interna-
tion accompanying the model is a good indication tional fire science and technology community. It
of the sophistication of the model. The documen- is the authors’ belief that the most recommended
tation includes the technical documentation and evaluation methodology is the one that includes
the guide on how to use the model. The technical a combination of deterministic and probabilistic

documentation includes the computer software fire risk analysis tools. To facilitate the use of
and the theoretical basis of calculations which these methodologies, computerized tools are
can be used as a measure of confidence in the needed and a large number of these tools exist.
fire model. The user’s guide should be easy to For the models to gain wide support among the
understand and well presented. fire protection community, it is necessary for
deterministic models to be validated using full-
Sensitivity Analysis: When using a fire model, it scale experiments and for probabilistic models
is wise to perform a sensitivity analysis of the to use accurate statistical data and probabilities.
output to changes in the input to determine if In addition, designers and officials must be edu-
changes in the data or the model assumptions cated in the use of these computer-based tools.
and applicability will lead to a different decision.
The sensitivity analysis will determine the most
dominant and significant variables. It will also SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS
determine whether the user should pay careful
attention to particular input values that might This paper presented the results of an extensive
affect the results significantly. literature survey on performance-based codes
conducted at the National Fire Laboratory at the
Uncertainty in Fire Models: Fire engineering NRCC. The conclusions drawn from this survey
models can provide a good estimate of the effects can be summarized as follows:

of fire, however, the randomness of fire is such

that the results may not be precise. When a user General: The review has revealed that, in recent
has some doubts about a model, the user should years, a large number of papers, reports and

establish from the literature (especially experi- other documents have been published on the
mental research) the appropriateness of the topic of performance-based codes and that there
model results. Further, when dealing with uncer- is a trend in moving towards such codes.
tainty associated with data for models, it is usu-
ally required to apply adequate factors of safety Problems with prescriptive codes: Most of the
to ensure a conservative design. Furthermore, reviewed literature describing the development
when uncertainty exists, it is appropriate to con- of performance-based codes also describes pre-
duct a sensitivity analysis as mentioned scriptive-based regulations. Although, prescrip-
previously. tive codes have the advantage that designers can
do a design by just following prescriptions and
Available Fire Engineering Models: A survey car- that code officials can easily determine whether
ried out by Friedman&dquo; has shown that a large a design follows code requirements, they have
number of fire computer models have been devel- many problems. In general, prescriptive regula-
oped in recent years indicating the interest of tions are considered to be an impediment to inno-
researchers in the computer fire modeling field. vation, for limiting the application of novel con-
A complete listing of these fire models is reported struction technologies, and not having clear
in the above cited reference statements of the safety objectives which a
Downloaded from at PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIV on May 12, 2016
design is supposed to achieve. This may result general and must be formulated into many sub-
in redundant fire safety measures, more costly categories. A clear formulation of sub-categories
buildings, and aninflexible mandatory system is one that is practical, easy to understand and
that does not meet the needs of the design and not complex, usable and complete. Among the
construction communities. Another problem formulations that verify the clarity criterion, it is
with prescriptive codes is that they are based on worthwhile mentioning four: Tanaka,37 the New
traditional concepts and often offer no rational Zealand Code,27 the BS121 and Bukowski and
scientific bases for some of their requirements. Babrauskas.29 These formulations should be
used when establishing objectives for perfor-
Rationale to movetoward performance codes: In mance-based codes.
contrast to prescriptive-based codes, the perfor-
mance-based codes approach improves the regu- Performance design criteria: Design criteria, for
latory environment by establishing clear code quantifying the desired fire safety objectives, are
objectives and safety criteria and leaving the divided into probabilistic and deterministic. The
means of achieving these objectives to the probabilistic criteria are mainly expressed in
designer. This will make the codes more flexible terms of incident severity and incident likeli-
in allowing innovation, more functional, less hood. The deterministic criteria relate to differ-
complex and easier to apply. Another stated ent types of fire safety criteria, primarily life-
advantage of performance-based codes is that safety, structural performance, fire growth and
they permit the incorporation and use of the lat- spread and fire exposure performance. In many
est building and fire research data and models. aspects of fire safety design, performance criteria .
The optimum performance-based design would have been established and used and they are
meet the code safety objectives and the aesthetic becoming universally accepted, although, there
as well as the economic and functional needs of are still some inconsistencies in these criteria
both the designer and the user. However, perfor- that need to be settled. The need for such criteria
mance codes are still in their infancy stage and - and the need for established life safety levels will
require more knowledge and education. become increasingly important with the intro-
duction of performance-based codes.
International move toward performance codes:
The move from prescriptive- to performance- Fire safety design tools: Under a performance-
based codes is more than just a technological based code design environment, it is expected
advancement and the success of this move will that not only the use of engineering calculations
depend on the availability of calculation systems in design will increase but also more innovation
to support the user in trying to meet code objec- in building designs and products will emerge.
tives and the availability of training programs to This will increase the need for standardizing per-
educate the user on how to apply these systems. formance criteria and the need for developing
From a review of the literature, the major inter- society-acceptable risk levels. This need can be
national shifts to performance-based regulations satisfied by the development of risk assessment
have been mainly happening in Japan, Scandina- models which utilize both deterministic calcula-
via, New Zealand, England and Wales, Austra- tions and probabilistic methods to evaluate the
lia, Canada, and USA with the first three spear- risk to life and property in a building based on the
heading the group. The move towards perfor- building characteristics and the fire protection
mance-based codes recognizes that a large features installed. The establishment of criteria
number of buildings will actually be designed and the development of risk assessment models
following prescriptive-based codes. Only complex that use both deterministic and probabilistic
large buildings will benefit from the introduction methods to assess the life risks in buildings from
of performance-based codes. fires will lead to cost-effective and safe fire pro-
tection designs. In addition, the use of computer-
Performance code objectives: The development of based tools to evaluate compliance with code
performance-based codes requires defining clear requirements will succeed if they continue to be
objectives. The main code objective in fire safety validated using full-scale test data and if train-
is to provide protection to occupants and the ing programs are designed to educate users on
structure from fire. This objective, however, is the application of these tools.
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Finally, one thing is certain, the introduction of ies and Documentation, Rotterdam, Jan.
performance-based codes will require a higher 1982.
level of expertise and knowledge.
8. International Standard ISO 6241, Perfor-
mance standards in building—principles for

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS their preparation and factors to be consid-

ered, First Edition, International Organiza-
The work presented in this paper is part of a tion for Standardization, Switzerland, 1984.
joint research project undertaken in partnership
with the Department of National Defence and 9. Wakamatsu, T., Development of Design Sys-
Public Works and Government Services Canada. tem for Building Fire Safety, FireSafety Sci-
Their financial support is gratefully acknowl- ence Proceedings of the Second International

edged. Symposium, Wakamatsu T. et al. Eds., Inter-

national Association for Fire Safety Science,

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