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Bringing in Energy and clearing your Solar Plexus, exercise

1. Sit comfortably and breath into your belly.

2. Imagine a ball 3 to 6 inches spinning in lower pelvis.
3. Let the ball drop effortlessly to the core of the earth creating a grounding cord between you
and the earth.
4. Allow the ball to expand and merge with the earth’s core.
5. You may feel secure, at ease and playful.
6. Let the grounding cord expand to 3 to 6 inches.
7. Let fresh green earth energy flow into your feet, up your legs, into your pelvis, then up front
of body to solar plexus. Feel earth energy nurture you.
8. Check to see if the grounding cord is connected securely to you and the earths core.
9. Bring in as much grounded energy as you want.
10.Give permission to release energy, that you no longer need.
11.Bring your attention into your solar plexus and be aware of the ground’s energy entering
and circling your solar plexus.
12.Stay with this awareness and continue the exercise.
13.Allow your crown chakra to open.
14.Bring in universal energy into your crown chakra.
15.Bring the universal energy down into your solar plexus.
16.Allow the energy to circulate in and around you solar plexus.
17.Give permission for energy to leave, that you no longer need.
18.Bring your awareness to the universal energy and the grounded energy circulating around
your solar plexus. Allow the solar plexus to spin and radiate life force energy all through
your body.
19.Notice how you feel in your solar plexus.
20.Notice how you feel in total. Maybe you will feel a sense of expansion and relaxation.
22.Delete any pictures, that may have showed up during the exercise.
23.Allow the life force energy to keep radiating from your solar plexus to the rest of your body.

Master Your Energy program Copyright © 2019 Fiona Maguire

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