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Basic Keyword

And China, for its part, will increasingly seek to circumvent the US-controlled international financial system
It must be conceded that the increment which is small is hardly a panacea, as it will only alleviate the plight on one condition
With their OS on every computer, Microsof has really cornered the market.
Uncertainty also impacted on vacancy growth, and dampened staff availability.
As a result, a broad Sino-American decoupling will likely intensify over time, and is all but certain in the technology sector.
The deterioration in permanent worker availability continued to outpace that seen for temporary staff
Pay pressures remain elevated due to skill shortages
endangering a favourable bilateral balance of trade that will sting the oil palm industry, of which a majority of smallholders are
The US has also grown more suspicious of US-based Chinese students and scholars who may be in a position to steal US techno
as the US-China trade war hammered global markets.
A generally low unemployment rate and a reluctance to change roles due to heightened uncertainty led to the latest drop in ca
are also expected to provide additional impetus to household spending.
On the foreign front, Dr Mahathir has managed to earn the ire of India, one of Malaysia’s largest trading partners,
hit by lacklustre demand from high-rolling mainland Chinese gamblers whose enthusiasm has been dampened by slowing econ
Temp billings rose only marginally
Maszlee’s tenure was also marred by the distribution of a comic book on China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI).
Permanent placements continue to fall modestly
hiring activity remained muted
how technology can make use of every assets for a truly nimble operation
its stock price took a nosedive
The challenge: who could continue to raise enough capital to absorb the losses of simultaneously capturing and creating an e-c
Notwithstanding a brilliant defense, he was found guilty
the sof patch in recruitment activity persisted in June as political and economic uncertainty weighed on hiring decisions.
to highlight the weakest patch of growth
which has long been plagued by financial problems.
A number of plants have been closed and there may be more to follow next year if the economy plummets further in the wake
As 3D Printing proliferates, we are seeing unexpected side effects
a raf of measures were announced
“One issue which shows no sign of relenting is the shortage of qualified candidates in some areas, as availability of both perma
In addition to the aforementioned challenges, Nigeria also had (and continues to have) shoddy electricity.
Large-scale tariffs will remain in place, and escalation may well resume if either side shirks its commitments. (trade war)
scaling e-commerce in Africa has straddled the line of challenge and opportunity, perhaps more than any other market in the w
Market confidence remains subdued
expanded at a historically subdued pace.
Demand for staff rises at subdued pace
three turbulent years.
the government will increase its efforts in building up resilience and boosting endogenous sources of growth as domestic dema
Unfettered strategic competition would almost certainly lead eventually from an escalating cold war to a hot war, with disastro
def: expressing a wish (vs. will - determine to act)
afer being stuck in the doldrums in the first half of the year
Despite the angst of trade wars and slower global economic growth,
Having shed 6% through 2019
Disillusioned with a lack of exciting opportunities at home,
China’s banking and insurance regulator unveiled a raf of policies
means the city is on a promising trajectory
Macau’s is one of only two governments globally rated by Moody’s to be saddled with no debt,
0, underpinned by the continued expansion in private sector activity.
Basic Key phrases
Sof Patch
Rounded off a disappointing end
Stark contrast
Bounce back
Against a backdrop
high time
In the wake of
sharpen its fangs
final stretch
out of the woods
in the shadow of
afer the dust settles
in light of
bite the bullet
raise the bar
drum up
nose to the grindstone
flex its muscle
doom and gloom
the sof patch in recruitment activity persisted in June as political and economic uncertainty weighed on hiring decisions.
Latest data rounded off a disappointing end to the first half of 2019,
Though modest, the decline still marked a stark contrast to the robust hiring activity we saw through 2018
is unlikely to bounce back as firms take a relatively cautious approach to hiring
“Looking ahead, conditions across the labour market are likely to remain restrained against a backdrop of political and econom
It is high time that this policy was reformed
A number of plants have been closed and there may be more to follow next year if the economy plummets further in the wake
What the government needs to do is to sharpen its fangs, by not allowing operators to take this opportunity to increase the pri
As we head into the final stretch of 2019,
despite the lacklustre growth performance, the economy is slowly getting out of the woods
In the shadow of a global economic downturn,
in such volatile time, quality is the strongest constant and afer the dust settles it will be quality that sets us apart
our nation needs to be at the forefront of innovation, particularly in light of disruptive trends and global competition
Management has decided to really bite the bullet and lay off 10% of the workforce
To grow and improve a business, you must continually raise the bar
sales have been slow lately, so we need to try to drum up more business
if you don't put your nose to the grindstone, you won't be a success!
it is now using its growing wealth to flex its military muscles and exercise influence across Asia and around the world.
Our market is not all doom and gloom, the technology sector, which doesn’t feature among the FBM KLCI’s 30 counters had do
uncertainty before companies can start to make more informed decisions on their long-term hiring.”

of depressed exports.
e of products in a way which causes wide impacts to society

e relatively well.
Key phrases
Market Capitalisation
The value of a company that is traded on the stock market, calculated by multiplying the total number of shares by the present
In such volatile time, quality is the strongest constant and afer the dust settles it will be quality that sets us apart
l be quality that sets us apart

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