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The researchers would like to recognize the people who have supported them and
provided assistance in doing this project.

First and foremost, we would like to thank: our parents for their unwavering support,
guidance and generosity while doing our investigatory project;

Our friends and relatives who shared their views and opinions on the outcome of our

Our subject teacher who painstakingly reviewed our proposal and provided constructive
comments and advice.

Lastly, we would like to thank the Lord for giving us the strength and the wisdom to
perform our tasks very well. TO GOD BE THE GLORY!


This investigatory project will determine the effectiveness of guava leaves as an

alternative to commercial healing ointments. It is the aim of the study to create a
product which is more affordable but can cope up with the quality of the brands.

A research was conducted about guava leaves that are known to be effective in the
treatment of wounds and as inflammatory medicine because of the antioxidants,
antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties it contains. The leaves also contain
polyphenols, carotenoids, flavonoids and tannins which can be effective in treating
various diseases.

The procedure for creating the product involves boiling of the guava leaves in coconut
oil and adding small amounts of candle wax and scented oil to the mixture. The product
was tested to an individual suffering from minor wounds. After treatment, it was
observed that the wound has been healed and it may be concluded that the ointment
is effective.


Acknowledgement 2

Abstract 3

Chapter I 5

Introduction 5

Statement of the Problem 5

Formulation of the Hypothesis 5

Significance of the Study 5

Scope and Limitations 6

Definition of Terms 6

Chapter II Review on Related Literature 7

Chapter III Methodology 8

Chapter IV Results and Discussions 9

Chapter V Conclusion and Recommendations 10

Bibliography 11


I. Introduction

People nowadays engage themselves in active lifestyles. Most often, they injure
themselves without meaning to or they accidentally hurt themselves. To relieve
them of their minor injuries or administer first aid, they result to buying commercial
ointments to lessen the irritation or minimize infection. We all know that
commercial ointments still have a lot of chemical compound even though they
claim that it is made with natural herbs and other ingredients.

People nowadays are always looking for products which are affordable but have
the same healing effects as the commercial brands. The researchers then came
up with the idea of making a homemade ointment made with guava leaves. It is
expected that the product would be recommend to people who buy
commercial healing creams, and also encourage them to make their own
homemade ointment to cure minor skin irritations or injuries. We can also say that
the product is made from pure substances and no other chemical substances
were mixed which may harm their skin.

II. Statement of the problem

What is in guava leaves that could be efficient as a treatment balm alternative?

Most of us know about the health benefits of a guava fruit. However, it is also
often said that guava leaves have several medicinal properties and health
benefits. Guava leaves are used as a natural pain reliever because they contain
antioxidants, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. These leaves also
contain chemicals such as polyphenols, carotenoids, flavonoids and tannins
which can be effective in treating various diseases.

III. Formulation of the Hypothesis

The treatment balm is a better alternative to most brands for it is eco-friendly and
effective in the treatment of wounds and irritations.

IV. Significance of the Study

The significance of this investigatory project is that we can maximize the use of
readily available natural ingredients and at the same time help people save
money because of the minimal cost required to make the product.

Another significance of the study is that the components of each substance can
cure muscle pain, head ache and stomach ache. It may also be considered as
a multi-purpose ointment because it can also heal wounds.

V. Scope and Limitations

The general purpose of our study is to determine the similar components of guava
leaves and commercial ointments (that is for us to know if Guava leaves can be
used in making an ointment). The study would also help us determine or verify if
the guava ointment is equally effective or more effective than commercial ones.

The researchers’ aim in this study is to apprise people that they can also make
their own homemade ointment. In this manner, we can also learn how to be
resourceful and take advantage of the things that are readily available to us. This
is also another way of being perceptive that a lot of plants have medicinal

VI. Definition of Terms

Aqueous - watery

Array - collection

Carotenoid - one of a group of orange or red plant pigments that

includes the carotenes

Compounds - a thing that is composed of two or more separate

elements; a mixture

Constituent - one of the parts that form something

Flavonoid - group of oxygen-containing aromatic antioxidant

compounds that includes many common pigments (as the
anthocyanins and flavones)

Incubate - grow microorganisms in controlled environment

Phytotherapy - medical treatment based on plants

Polyphenol - an antioxidant phytochemical (plant substance preventing

Pseudomonad - a rod-shaped bacterium that lives in soil or decomposing
organic material

tannin - a reddish acid that comes from plants

therapeutic - relating to, involving, or used in the treatment of disease or


quercetin - medicinal compound


Review of Related Literature

According to the authors P.R.C. Abreu, M.C. Almeida, R.M. Bernardo, L.C.
Bernardo, LC. Brito, E.A.C. Garcia, A.S. Fonseca and M. Bernardo-Filho, in their
article, “Guava extract (Psidium guajava) alters the labeling of blood constituents
with technetium-99m.” (2006), Psidium guajava (guava) leaf is a phytotherapic
used in folk medicine to treat gastrointestinal and respiratory disturbances and is
used as anti-inflammatory medicine. In nuclear medicine, blood constituents are
labeled with technetium-99m and used to image procedures. However, data
have demonstrated that synthetic or natural drugs could modify the labeling of
blood constituents with technetium-99m. The aim of this work was to evaluate the
effects of aqueous extract of guava leaves on the labeling of blood constituents
with technetium-99m. Blood samples of Wistar rats were incubated with different
concentrations of guava extract and labeled with technetium-99m after the
percentage of incorporated radioactivity in blood constituent was determined.
The results suggest that aqueous guava extract could present antioxidant action
and/or alters the membrane structures involved in ion transport into cells, thus
decreasing the radiolabeling of blood constituent with technetium-99m. The data
showed significant (P<0.05) alteration of ATI in blood constituent from blood
incubated with guava extract.

According to Saba, 17 Best Benefits of Guava Leaves For Skin, Hair And Health,
most of us know about the health benefits of guava fruit, but we are unaware of
the fact that even guava leaves have several medicinal properties and offer an
array of health benefits. Being packed with antioxidants, antibacterial and anti-
inflammatory agents and beneficial tannins, fresh guava leaves are considered
as a natural pain reliever. The chemicals contained in these leaves such as
polyphenols, carotenoids, flavonoids and tannins can be extremely effective in
treating various diseases.

Owing to the side effects resulting from the usage of medicines and drugs, herbal
plants are being increasingly considered for the treatment of various diseases
and guava leaf is one of them. Due to its medicinal properties, guava leaf
supplements are nowadays available in the form of capsules and guava leaf tea.

According to Aquino SC, Cua LL, Cua SO. Phillipine Journal of Surgical Specialties
Psidium guajava linn. ointment: its efficacy on burn wounds, both in-vitro and in-
vivo studies were able to demonstrate the antimicrobial properties of an ointment
compounded from guava leaves extract. The in-vitro study showed the ability of
the guava extract to inhibit the growth of common skin pathogens affecting burn
wounds which included Staphylococcus, B-hemolytic streptococcus and
Pseudomonad species in comparison with povidone iodine solution and silver
sulfadiazine. The in-vivo study showed that the ointment from the guava extract
also limited bacterial colony growth on inoculated burn wound areas using an
animal model.

According to Kristina DeLion, Why Should Anyone Care About Guava Leaf
Extract?, guava leaf, like many other herbs, has an amazing array of qualities,
and it seems to be able to do amazing things. It can stop diarrhea and has

saved many lives across the world, especially in impoverished countries, and in
regions where modern health care is either not accessible, or it is not affordable
(or both). There are constituents in guava leaf that attack pathogens. It is
antibacterial. Guava leaf can regulate blood glucose levels.

According to an unknown author, PSIDIUM GUAJAVA (Guava), guava leaf in

African folk medicine has many uses, including diabetes mellitus, diarrhea,
cough, painful menstruation, and hypertension. It is also used to treat acne,
painful menses, tooth decay, gum infection and sore throat, as a disinfectant for
wounds and as an antiseptic.



Note: Both Elica and treatment balm have anti-inflammatory properties.

The experiment shall be tested on a person afflict with insect bites. The ointment
shall be regularly administered to the affected area. The researchers shall be
monitoring the development of the wound and determine if any improvement
can be seen from the application of the ointment.

To compare the results of our experiment, other types of ointment will be tested
on other persons having the same conditions. This is to determine if our product is
more effective and cost-saving than other brands.



Type of Wound 1st Week 2nd Week

1st Subject Moisture from Wound is completely

Insect bites wound lessens; skin dry although slightly
lightens dark mark still appears.

2nd Subject Moisture from Swelling of skin has

Skin allergy wound lessens; skin diminished and color of
changes to light skin is back to normal


The advantage of this homemade treatment balm is that basically, it could be

used as a healing substance for minor injuries or for soothing pain. In addition,
you can spend less amount of money because the materials used for this product
are readily available in the market or from your homes.


The disadvantage of this homemade treatment balm is that it may have side
effects on other people like skin allergies. Their skin may have a reaction on some
of the substances contained in the ointment. The texture of the product can also
be greasy because it is mostly oil-based.

Analysis and Interpretation

Based on observations, physical characteristics show that the color of the

product is Asparagus because of the mixture of guava leaves mixed with the
drops of melted candle wax. The product does not smell like the usual ointment
because we mixed an amount of scented oil which may also vary depending on
our preference.

The use of guava leaves as a main ingredient for the ointment provided us a
comprehensive data on humanity's demand on nature. As a result of our
experiment, we found out that the menthol components of the guava leaves
ointment can cure muscle pain, headaches and stomach aches, and it can also
serve as an alternative pain reliever. Based on our researches, we have already
proven that guava leaves can really heal wounds as it fights bacteria causing
infection to the wound. The leaves of the guava are also rich in flavonoids, in

particular, Quercetin. Much of guava's therapeutic activity is attributed to these
flavonoids which have demonstrated antibacterial activity.


The researchers’ way of planning for this experiment is by determining what may
be an alternative treatment for common wounds and irritations. Undergoing
brainstorming sessions with the group helped us decide on what we are required
to do especially since the educator wanted the researchers to perform and
prove a chemical related experiment. In this investigation, the researchers have
chosen to use guava leaves as they are widely known to have healing properties.
To make certain that the product would be effective, the product was tested to
an individual suffering from contact dermatitis (skin allergy). The said individual
compared it to other commercial ointment brands and much preferred the
usage of our product. Thus, it is proven that the components of guava leaves are
efficient for therapeutic use for wounds as the leaves contain antioxidant
compounds which helps in the healing process, and polyphenol which is a plant
substance that could prevent diseases.

In the passage of time, researchers have continuously explored ways to cure

illnesses and produce medications that will restore people back to health. In this
exercise, the researchers were able to create a product which would be
beneficial to people in the treatment of minor wounds and skin irritation.
Although the product was proven to be effective, the researchers feel that an
improvement may still be made on the product to widen its use or make it
efficient also in treating more serious wounds and skin infections. Further studies is
hoped to be conducted to determine what other components would
complement the product or what procedure should be done to achieve this


Reference: P.R.C. Abreu, M.C. Almeida, R.M. Bernardo, L.C. Bernardo, LC. Brito,
E.A.C. Garcia, A.S. Fonseca and M. Bernardo-Filho. (2006) Guava extract (Psidium
guajava) alters the labeling of blood constituents with technetium-99m.

Reference: Saba. 17 Best Benefits of Guava Leaves For Skin, Hair And Health.

Reference: Aquino SC, Cua LL, Cua SO. Phillipine Journal of Surgical Specialties
Psidium guajava linn. ointment: its efficacy on burn wounds.

Reference: Kristina DeLion. Why Should Anyone Care About Guava Leaf Extract?

Reference: PSIDIUM GUAJAVA (Guava).


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