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Name : Cindy F Madubun

NIM : 1730221017

Pendidikan Fisika A 2017

Tracker as a solution to solving kinematics material

Knowledge of physics is very important in development of Science and Technology
both now and in the future. Therefore, physics becomes one of the eyes important lessons
learned at school. Physics is a science that originates in objects material and natural
phenomena and interactions in most of the material supported energy.

Physics as a branch of science is certainly also not free from use technology as well as
learning. The use of technology in learning physics has been very widely applied by teachers
in schools to facilitate students and teachers in activities learning. Physics has many branches
of science. One of them is kinematics.

Kinematics is the branch of physics that studies motion. Kinematics material in high
school namely straight motion which is subdivided into 2 namely GLB (regular straight
motion) and GLBB (straight motion change irregularly), circular motion, and parabolic
motion. eye errors in observing the movement of objects relatively quickly. To overcome
these problems, a video analysis is needed.

Programs currently being developed one of which is a video analysis program.This

video analysis program can help in the process of measuring, analyzing data and creating
graphics automatically. Along with the development of science and technology there have
been many video analysis programs that have evolved including VideoPoint which is
promoted by the American Association of Physics Teachers, Physics Toolkit,
MeasurementinMotion, and tracker. One application that is often used in learning physics
especially modeling physical phenomena about motion is a tracker.
Tracker is a free video analysis and tool made by Open Source Physics (OSP) with a
java framework. Tracker can present massive data related to the motion complete with
graphs.The steps that need to be done in using the tracker are as follows: 1) installing the
tracker application 2) running the tracker application. 3) open the motion video to be
analyzed 4) calibrate 5) make cartesian coordinates 6) track the movement of objects. With a
motion tracker it can be observed whether the graph of the displacement of time, distance to
time, speed to time, acceleration of time and so forth.

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