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Contemporary Study of Male Social Conformity on Misogyny

Jedle Millana
Edjhun Brylle Ibanez
Ardio Maraasim
Clarence Ern A. Lugo
Social Science

Research Advisers

APRIL 2019

• Introduction 1
• Literature Review
• Theoretical Framework 3
• Variable Discussion 4
• Sexism
• Feminism
• Misogyny
• Social Conformity
• Gender history and Future
2.3 Problem Statement 6
• Research Methodology 7
• Research Design 7
• Research Locale 7
• Research Ethics 8
• Research Instruments 8
• Data Collection 8
• Data Analysis

• References


Need objectives: To recognize the Psychological cause of the ongoing issue behind discrete and
conformed Misogyny.

Want objectives: To cease or reduce discrete and conformed Misogyny in the society.

Stanton’s version read, “The history of mankind is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations on the
part of man toward woman, having in direct object the establishment of an absolute tyranny over her. To
prove this, let facts be submitted to a candid world.” Then it went into specifics:
• Married women were legally dead in the eyes of the law
• Women were not allowed to vote
• Women had to submit to laws when they had no voice in their formation
• Married women had no property rights
• Husbands had legal power over and responsibility for their wives to the extent that they could imprison or
beat them with impunity
• Divorce and child custody laws favored men, giving no rights to women
• Women had to pay property taxes although they had no representation in the levying of these taxes
• Most occupations were closed to women and when women did work they were paid only a fraction of
what men earned
• Women were not allowed to enter professions such as medicine or law
• Women had no means to gain an education since no college or university would accept women students
• With only a few exceptions, women were not allowed to participate in the affairs of the church
• Women were robbed of their self-confidence and self-respect, and were made totally dependent on men
Strong words… Large grievances… And remember: This was just seventy years after the Revolutionary
War. Doesn’t it seem surprising to you that this unfair treatment of women was the norm in the new, very
idealistic democracy?

In 1944, after world war II 85 percent of women wanted to keep their jobs, whereas at the beginning of
the war they viewed themselves as temporary custodians for their males’ rightful positions in the
workforce when they returned home from the war (Rosen, 1973).
The returning veterans were hesitant to patronize movies depicting women who were assertive, self-
assured, and ran their lives smoothly and competently without a male.
As Anne Leighton in Harper’s Magazine stated in 1946: "Many American war veterans are silently
bearing some unexpected ... difficulties in returning home to what used to be a pleasantly pliable and even
appallingly incompetent little woman and finding a quietly masterful creature recognizing no limitations
to her own endurance" (Leighton, 1946).

When a man claims that women are naturally maternal, or are by default, bad drivers, he is a sexist. If he
was to add that women are only good for a fuck and should be confined to servicing men and their
children, it is misogyny. Misogynists are always sexist, but sexists are not always misogynists. For
example, if a man says of a woman, "Look at the state of that fat, ugly cow, I wouldn't touch her with
yours," then he is a misogynist. It would follow that he does not respect women as equals and is therefore
also a sexist.
• Literature review
• Theoretical Framework
The research will utilize the theory studied by Daniel Katz called pluralistic ignorance theory.
Pluralistic ignorance has been linked to a wide range of deleterious consequences. For
example, victims of pluralistic ignorance see themselves as deviant members of their peer
group: less knowledgeable than their classmates, more uptight than their peers, less
committed than their fellow board members, less competent than their fellow nurses, This can
leave them feeling bad about themselves and alienated from the group.

• Variable Discussion

When a man claims that women are naturally maternal, or are by default, bad drivers, he is a
sexist. If he was to add that women are only good for sex and should be confined to servicing
men and their children, it is misogyny. Misogynists are always sexist, but sexists are not
always misogynists. For example, if a man says of a woman, "Look at the state of that fat,
ugly cow, I wouldn't touch her with yours," then he is a misogynist. It would follow that he
does not respect women as equals and is therefore also a sexist.


According to the Oxford Dictionaries

The advocacy of women's rights on the ground of the equality of the sexes.

According to famous public figures

"I am a feminist because I love women and I am ready to fight for women. I am a feminist
because I am proud to be a woman, and I am passionate about making the world a better
place for women. I am a feminist because a lot of amazing women have made me the woman
I am today." –Salma Hayek, Actress


According to the Oxford Dictionaries, Misogyny is the Dislike of, contempt for, or ingrained
prejudice against women.

According to the Merriam Webster Dictionary, Misogyny is the Misogyny refers

specifically to a hatred of women. The word is formed from the Greek
roots misein (“to hate”) and gynē (“woman”).

Social Conformity
is a type of social influence that results in a change of behavior or belief in order to fit in with
a group.
Solomon Asch (1951) conducted an experiment to investigate the extent to which social
pressure from a majority group could affect a person to conform

Gender history and Future

To say that a man’s gender is better than a woman is a mis-concept brought upon us by history. The world
is abundant with history and too often, society relied too much on them. Men indeed are history, they
we’re the soldiers who fight, the kings who ruled, the poets who touched hearts, the geniuses that made
life easier.. In the early 1900’s, men we’re still allowed to beat or spank their wives as long as it is to train
them or make them more silent and obedient. Women we’re not allowed to put their names on the books
they wrote, they we’re only referred as “Anonymous.” They we’re not allowed to receive any nobel prize,
not it is named after their husband. Women we’re not allowed to own a dime when they get married, they
we’re not even entitled to their children when their spouse decide to separate with them, they had no
rights, they only have wrongs. History was not even a friend to women. Women we’re not allowed to
work or have a life of their own, giving men more opportunity to rise against them and see them as the
weaker, dumber, inferior counterparts, women we’re seen as objects, potential wives to rich bachelors,
sex slaves to the thirsty, and for some, just useless non-existent utterly fragile creatures who only belong
to the kitchen. But what the world forgot is that History really was more of an opportunity for men,
Formal Education for men were available even during the 1500’s, and that somewhat contributed to why
women we’re unheard of, not until the early 1930’s, when women all over the world we’re granted
College Education that the world saw the fastest evolution ever in Earth and that is the rise of women. In
just little time with Education, we have transformed ourselves into Leaders, Scientists, Engineers,
Educators, Soldiers and even Powerful and influential persons. Truly, Men are History, they have Albert
Einstein the genius, William Shakespeare the great poet, Karl Marx the great Economist, Martin Luther
and Christopher Colombus the explorer. But we have Marie Curie the great Scientist, Virginia Woolf and
J.K. Rowling the modernist and great writer, Caroline Norton the non-lawyer who implemented the
women’s rights of their Children and Possessions, Hedy Lamarr the original founder of WiFi and
Bluetooth and Oprah Winfrey, one of the most influential and richest humanitarian In the world, and they
are the future.

The future is women.

• Research Design
The research will utilize the method quantitative research design for it will provide the study
with a broader range of responses from the participants producing a fuller understanding

• Research Locale
The participants of the study will be from various area of Metro Manila and Rizal to imply
different point of views of both urban and rural men.

• Research Ethics
The researchers will do their absolute best to protect the confidentiality and anonymity of the
research participants involved in the study. The identity of the participants will not be
disclosed neither verbally nor in publication. The participants will be asked for permission
before any recoding of voices, or images. This is in accordance to Ethical Standards of
Privacy and Confidentiality presented by APA.

An informed consent will be given out to the participants of the study. The informed consent
will include the voluntary nature of the research, obligations and responsibilities of both
parties, and a statement allowing the research participant to discontinue his participation
whenever he pleases. The research participant is always free to decline to sign this informed

• Research Instruments

Interview survey will be used in the study as an instrument for quantitative research design, by
using interview surveys large amounts of information can be collected from a large number of
people in a short period of time and in a relatively cost effective way and data can be analyzed
more scientifically and objectively, When data has been quantified, it can be used to compare and
contrast other research and may be used to measure change

• Data Collection
In researches with quantitative research design, data collection and analysis are concurrent
activities. It involves repetitive and reciprocal processes of data collection, data analysis,
theory development and theory testing (Payne, 2007).

First, the researchers will conduct the survey in a mutually agreed venue. Second, the content of
the informed consent form (ICF) will be discussed prior to the interview survey proper. The
interview will proceed only if the participant agrees to do so, and lastly the initial sample of data
will be analyzed and labelled.

• Data Analysis
The researchers will use the pluralistic ignorance theory as the method of analysis of the data.
The theory of pluralistic ignorance was studied by Daniel Katz. He produced studies of racial
stereotyping and prejudice, and attitude change, and his pursuit of the connections between
individual psychology and social systems helped to found the field of organizational

4.0 Results
4.1 recurring contexts
Through constant comparison of the transcripts, the responses of the participants revolved around
consistently between three contexts: (1) family life, (2) college/school life, and (3) work life.

• family life

Most of the respondents has encountered difficulties within their family. The male respondents have
developed fixation towards their mothers or “Mommy issues.”

• college/school life

According to the respondents that are still in school (Highschool and College level) all of them have
experienced rejection from women they’ve tried to court, some of them are having problems interacting
with women, some of them are intimidated, scared or irritated by women because of such experience and
they mentioned that their way of coping is often associated with misogyny.

• work life

According to three out of five respondents who are currently working (Males who are College graduates)
they respect women more than their adolescent years but they are still intimidated by strong and smart
women as they don’t know how to interact with them. They also mentioned that they prefer to date
women who are weaker and naive as they can control them more, they also feel more needed as a man in
the relationship and won’t feel threatened and that feeds their ego.

According to two out of five respondents who are currently working, they respect women because they
are more mature than they we’re during adolescent years. They’re no longer intimidated, scared or
threatened of smart and strong women and actually admire them because they know how to act around
them. They also mentioned they have no problem dating a woman who is as smart or smarter and stronger
than them as they claim their selves as mature and strong men and their match are also strong and smart
women. But often, they have misogynistic fantasies to feed their ego whenever they feel insecure and
• respondents background

Key respondent A is a High school student from Marikina City. According to him, he only sees her
mother once in five years as she is working abroad to fund his studies. He says that the unfulfilled
motherly love left him angry with women.

Key respondent B is a High school student from Taytay, Rizal. According to him, his mother raised him
alone because his parents divorced when he was still eight. He mentioned his mother don’t give him
enough time as she is always at work to fund him and his four siblings. He claims he respects women but
are mildly angry at them.

Key respondent C is a Highschool student from Marikina City. He has no problems with his parents, but
he mentioned that a girl he loved broke up with him when he was fourteen because she had to study
abroad, after six months the girl had another boyfriend and that left him traumatized.

Key respondent D is a Senior Highschool student from Antipolo City. He claims his parents give more
attention and love to her sister and that makes him angry and a little jealous with women.

Key respondent E is a Senior Highschool student from Antipolo City. He says he has no problems with
his family, but he mentioned playing along with his friends on misogyny because he feels cooler and
stronger in school when doing it. He also claimed he had a girlfriend who broke up with him and that
made him hate women.

Key respondent F is a Marketing Major student from Antipolo City. He mentioned having problems with
his parents as his mom left the household when he was four and his father raised him and his older
brother. He also claimed he has no anger on women, nor disrespect them, he believes in equity and gender
equality because it’s the twenty-first century.

Key respondent G is a Marketing Major student from Antipolo City. He doesn’t have problems with his
family, but he mentioned that his gender is stronger and more powerful than any other gender and they
need to learn to accept that, he also mentioned feminism angers him as women originally belong to the
kitchen and nothing more on that.
Key respondent H is a Psychology Major student from Antipolo City. His father left home when he was
twelve and claimed his mother took care of him and his three siblings. He claims men are naturally
physically stronger than women but women are mentally and emotionally stronger than men. He also
claims women are rising economically, socially and there is no stopping that.

Key respondent I is an IT Major student from Antipolo City. His mother is working abroad while his
father stays at home to take care of them. He believes women will rise and will be leaders of the future
but he claims that deep inside, he doesn’t want women to be more superior than men as men would go out
of their minds knowing they have nothing and nobody to control anymore.

Key respondent J is an Engineering student from Sta. Rosa. His mother raised him alone because his dad
left them for another woman. He mentioned feminism won’t survive because men are always superior in
everything. He also experienced rejection from three women during his Highschool and College days,
including his bestfriend who preferred to just stay friends.

Key respondent K is is a Call Center Agent from Cainta. He has no problems with his parents, he
mentioned having bad experiences with women as two of his girlfriends cheated on him while he was
serious with them.

Key respondent L is a Call Center Agent from Antipolo. He mentioned his parents kept fighting because
of infidelity from both parties, he hated his mother more for being unfaithful, although his father was the
first one to be unfaithful, he hates his mother more because in the eyes of society, a woman cheating is the

Key respondent M is a Computer Engineer from Antipolo. He mentioned his parents are in good terms
even now that they are divorced, he also mentioned three of his girl-friends broke his heart but he is still a
supportive feminist despite being a man, he believes in gender equity and equality for a better, non-
violent, economically prosperous society.

Key respondent N is a College Business professor in Antipolo. He mentioned that his mother was the
breadwinner of the family and his father was a drunk, but he says it was his mother’s fault for not giving
his father attention. He is a claimed misogynist and confessed he is irritated by strong, smart and
independent women who remind him of his mother.
Key respondent O is a Cardiologist in Antipolo. He mentioned his parents separated when he was
seventeen and it did not affect his respect for women, he still admires them and believe in gender equality.
He also says he is smitten by smart, mature and strong women as he finds them more interesting and sees
a long term relationship with them whether on friendship or love.

• perception on women

The participant’s perception on women are both hostile and pleasant. Results show that men conform
views with other men even when they know it’s wrong because they are afraid of being ridiculed or
judged on their individual opinion. Social influence and pluralistic ignorance does affect their views,
not in a way that changes their own, but on how they deliver it. Indeed there are men who developed
fixation towards their mothers and never recovered from it. It is ironic how when a daughter develops
fixation towards her father, she tends to admire them more or need the idea of having someone
fatherly to complete them when they are older. But when a son develops fixation towards his mother,
he becomes angry, insecure and misogynistic when he grows up. The perception of men on women is
both based on their negative experience and history. The history that favored men and their
experience that triggered that mindset. The results of our research on the reason behind misogyny or
misogynistic thoughts we’re of mixed factors, One factor is how they grew up (Nature), another
factor is social and Environmental influence (Nurture), and the last factor is the defense mechanism
they choose that becomes their reaction to it and that’s what makes an impact to this world.. In nature,
both infant girls and boys will develop fixation to their opposite gendered parent, but normally that
goes away before childhood, when a fixation lasts till adolescence there is a strong possibility that it
will have great effect on their gender perception. When a child grows up in a violent, misogynistic
home there is a big chance he will grow up a misogynist. When a parent teaches a child that a man is
normally paid more freedom than women, that child will have more chances on growing up
misogynistic. When parents discipline their daughter to stop wearing skirts so they don’t attract
sexual harassment but never discipline their son to respect and not harass women no matter what
clothes they wear, that is misogyny. When a man calls a woman “undisciplined” because she’s fat but
objectifies a sexy woman just because she is fit that is misogyny. When a person thinks a
promiscuous man is normal but a promiscuous woman is a slut, that is misogyny. It seems that most
of misogynistic men today developed the trait from the parents who tolerated it. By nurture, Society
and Environment can contribute so much to a person’s philosophies on gender, some men develop
misogyny because his friends are misogynists and he thinks it’s cool to be one but the truth is, a
misogynist’s mind is like of a caveman, under-developed and stagnant. Some misogynists can be a
victim of heartbreak and wishes to inflict the same pain to the gender that caused it thus they become
unfaithful and emotionally abusive. Some men are egoistic and want women to be weak and stupid so
they can perform their sexual fantasies and have someone to feed their ego. There are many social
reasons as to why misogynists act like they are, but when it gets too serious, they become violent,
manipulative and toxic to society. Rapists are misogynists, Husbands battering their wives are
misogynists, when a woman gets raped and the lawyer says “Maybe you we’re wearing too short of a
skirt” that is being misogynist, some of the world’s leaders are even misogynists, any circumstance,
anyone who thinks a woman has no voice or has no mind or has no rights and freedom is a
misogynist, and that is still fifty percent of us, but that’s something that needs to change. It is about
time society realizes that Misogyny is a weakness and never a strength. The defense mechanism used
to cope with this kind of weakness could be denial or Reaction formation. Denial because some men
can’t handle the fact that this world is no longer in favor of them. Misogyny is not only strong hatred
and prejudice against women, it is also about controlling them. Now with not much women to
control, men are furious because it is in their nature to be needed, to be relied on and to be followed,
but that’s no longer the case, more and more women are becoming self-assured and secure about
themselves that they don’t have to need anyone to complete them, thus, why violence increases on
men against women because they want to show that they are still superior by inflicting physical pain
to prove of their strength. But hitting a woman is not strength, and so is sexual abuse and harassment.
When you think about it, women are originally wild and strong, even a lioness in the wildlife is the
main hunter of the family, but in all history, society raised them to be weak, fragile and controlled so
men can continue being untouched and unthreatened of their mythic power and influence. Now the
world gave women a chance, a chance of Education, a chance of liberation, a chance of truth, and a
chance of having rights. This is a threat for them, not only for their professions, but for their personal
lives. Another defense mechanism is reaction formation, With reaction formation, you are going
beyond denial and behaving in the opposite way to which you think or feel. When a man feels inferior
next to a strong woman, he becomes insulted, his ego falls down completely and he feels very small,
to conceal that feeling, he will act very mean or evil towards the woman, he will try to take her down
to prove to both parties that he is still superior, even if he’s not. He will destroy the faith, dignity or
belief of that woman, he will bully her or laugh at her ideals, only to make a fool out of himself, he
will try to act cool and collected but it is indeed his insecure and childlike side that is doing all the
Psychology. A misogynist’s justification for his actions will be based on history, his ideals are
traditional, he cannot accept the future and he can’t cope with the innovation and change that caused
human evolutio, thus, why he will not be able to live with it and rather have a stagnant mind.
Fortunately, the women of today are not easily brought down, they build inevitable castles out of
bricks thrown at them. In the end, natural selection will decide for humanity, and the strong species
will be the last to survive, the weak will not make it, misogyny will never make it, the future is
already written, revolution has been done, misogyny is strong but women will continue to rise above


• Education.

-An education that doesn’t exist in schools or can be read in books. To match up misogyny, Education
must start from our homes. Parents must teach their sons to respect and treat women as equals as it
was mostly mis-parenting and other social factors that brought misogyny into what it is right now.
Enlighten not only sons but daughters. Enlighten them, educate them, teach them to be humble,
because this is the new world, and it’s no longer a man’s world. Discipline a child to be respectful and
kind. In the end Natural Selection will pick the stronger ones to survive, Misogyny is weakness,
therefore, Misogyny will come to an end soon.

Katz, Daniel, and Floyd H. Allport. 1931. Student Attitudes. Syracuse, N.Y.: Craftsman
lsayyad, Ahmed. "Informed Consent for Comparative Effectiveness Trials". New England Journal of
Medicine. 370: 1958–1960. doi:10.1056/NEJMc1403310.
Krech, David, and Richard S. Crutchfield. 1948. Theory and Problems of Social Psychology. New
York: McGraw-Hil

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