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Isabella Sanchez

Ms. Storer

English 3 Honors American Literature

October 25, 2019

Abortion: why it should be illegal?

In the United States 4000 babies are killed daily through abortion, this estimates to about

1 abortion every 20 seconds. Abortion is murder, life begins at conception, so unborn babies are

human beings with a right to life.

Life is a basic human right for every human being. Almost 1,000,000 babies are

murdered in a year, their basic human rights are just striped away from them. An abortion begins

with an abortion clinic worker drawing you in to chose to abort your baby for their own good, it

has been proven that worker are paid more for every abortion the complete. After being

manipulated into this ill-advised decision you are given a date, this date will always be present in

your memory, on this date you allowed for the killing of your child.

The fetus is suctioned out with a vacuum, as if it holds no importance. It is recommended

for the mother to not look at the screen from the ultrasound because you can see how the babies

tries to get away, you can see how the cells inside you are actually alive. It is proven that the

fetus experiences pain, it’s a horrendous act. The baby is suctioned out limb by limb until your

uterus is empty. How is this not charged as murder?

A human being is being killed and tortured every 20 seconds. Millions of lives are ruined,

it is unknown what great wonders those millions of humans would have brought to our world.

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