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There is a clinical connection between the clients favored brand of contraceptives as far

as value, strength, viability, notoriety, ad and quality in their choice in purchasing contraceptives.

The utilization of clinical direction in utilizing different preventive techniques in setting of well

being conditions, and trademark. (Delos Santos, Galicia, Perez, Resaba, 2017)

Data showed that efforts from the government and other non-governmental organizations

have influenced couples to practice or participate in several family planning related interventions

Half of the respondents reported positive effects on their lives.(Lopez, Boller,, Villanueva,

Roncevalles, 2015)

Study unit is the use category for women aged 15-49years Usage sections refers to

continuous cycle of use and non-use for a specific method of contraception. In any case, sections

that began a quarter of a year prior to the interview, just as those that began before the start of the

five year period, were rejected from the study because the length cannot be determined in these

cases. The quarter of a year cutoff was made to represent the likelihood women may be pregnant

without realizing, although using a procedure, in this manner diminishing the plausibility of

belittling contraceptive discontinuation due to failure in process. (Laguna, Po, Perez, 2018)

Contraceptives do not raise malignancy dangers as opposed to the prevalent view;

combined pills really decrease the danger of endometrial and ovarian malignant growths.(

Jocson, 2016)

As far as physical wellbeing state of the couples, most of them have experience giddiness

or somnolence and sentiment of light migraine, yet a few couples can keep up their body figure

when the contraceptives were utilized. ( Estrada, 2013)

All in all, the local studies gathered summed up this idea; According to Boller et al.

(2015) and Jocson (2016). Contraceptive pills affect a women’s body in a positive way. Jocson’s

study proves that diseases like tumors and other delinquent disease were helped prevented by

contraceptive pills. Jocson and Boller et al.’s studies were focused more on family planning and

the effect of contraceptive in both couples. However, according to Laguna et al. (2018) and

Estrada (2013), Contraceptive pills may cause dizziness, migraines and other bad side effects it

can also cause some abnormalities to a fetus when the mother does not realize that she is

pregnant. Discontinuation of use was observed in these people. These studies were more focused

on what ways is more efficient and effective for couples and the wellbeing of a fetus inside the

womb. It also talks about how this pill affects the figure of a person whether she becomes fat or

thin. According to Delos Santos et al. (2017) the factors affecting consumers’ decision on buying

contraceptive pills relies on the reliability, effect, and how known the brand is. This study was

related to the researchers’ study because the researcher should know what part of the product

was appealing to women. The researchers must know what brands are most commonly bought by

the consumers.

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