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Meyers and Beckman 1

Madeline Meyers and Sara Beckman


English 3H

Fear Play

Maz Grae: Comes from a family whose ancestors are vampires. She realizes this on her 17th

birthday and she gets the choice to become a vampire and live forever or to live out her human

life and be with her human boyfriend, Dean. About 5’4’’, Jet black hair with bright green eyes

and pale skin looks exactly like her parents except for their black eyes.

Dean: tall dark brown hair that often got in his face, light brown eyes with gold in them and tan


Alaric Grae: Maz’s father

Alvira Grae: Maz’s mother

Act 1

The large third floor bedroom of Maz Grae, upstate Oregon, on a rainy morning January 17,


There is a gothic window across from the foot of her bed embedded in the brick walls, showing

heavy rainfall taking place outside. The room is fairly dim, only lit by the fairy lights she has

strewn across the border of her ceiling. A full length mirror and dresser with various photos of

her and her boyfriend scattered across the top are the only other furnishings. There is an open
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door a couple yards away and to the left of her headboard. The room feels large and cold. It

gives off a Halloween dungeon meets teenage girl vibe.

As the curtain rises, Maz is laying on her bed, just having woken up, and her parents walk in

carrying a cake with 17 candles and nervous smiles.

At the time of these events, Maz Grae is a normal teenage girl whose life is pretty much perfect.

She has everything a girl her age could want: a loving boyfriend, good grades, and a distant

relationship with her parents: Alaric and Alvira Grae. Not a bad kind of distant, but enough space

to allow her to do what she wants. They cared but weren’t around all the time and always seemed

to be doing something so their time was occupied. Maz was never a bad kid. She was known to

be respectful and followed the rules for the most part, even when she didn’t, she had an aura

about her that never let anyone stay mad at her. Everyone always loved Maz. She was the type of

girl everyone wanted to be friends with, and for that reason, she didn’t have any close friends,

well besides Dean of course. Maz met Dean on her first day of freshman year. He sat next to her

in her history class and the second they looked into each other’s eyes, they knew. They have

been inseparable ever since. Dean was always the one she could tell everything too. All the crazy

dreams she had for her life that everyone else laughed at, Dean understood and promised he

would make them all come true for her. Dean brought out the side of Maz that was fearless and a

little reckless sometimes. He made each day a new adventure for her and she loved him for it.

Everyone in their little town knew that they wouldn’t last, that it was just young love. But Maz

knew that she was never going to find anyone that understood her better than Dean did. She

knew she had found her best friend and true love in Dean.
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ALVIRA & ALARIC, screaming in unison: Happy 17th Birthday Maz!

MAZ, still tired, groggy, and not really caring that it’s her birthday: Thanks guys I appreciate it.

ALVIRA, sounding nervous and apprehensive: Honey, there is something we’ve been waiting

until this day to talk to you about.

Maz, still uninterested and slightly dismissive: Okayyy?

ALARIC, speaking seriously and with authority: what we are about to discuss with you is a

serious matter Maz, one that will change the course of your entire life, however long that may


MAZ, now paying attention and sounding worried: Dad, you’re scaring me what’s going on?

ALVIRA: it’s going to sound ridiculous, and you might think we are joking, but I assure you that

we are not.

ALARIC, very seriously: Maz, your mother and I are vampires

Maz laughs lightly, obviously thinking they’re sarcastic, causing her parents to give each other

worried looks

MAZ, still giggling: ha ha dad, very funny

ALVIRA, serious yet compassionate sounding: he isn’t kidding

MAZ, somewhat incredulous: you have to be delusional if you think I’d fall for that

ALVIRA: it’s only natural for you to react that way, but here, we can show you

Alvira and Alaric pick a mouse off the ground and smile, fangs popping out of their mouths and

then they suck it’s blood.

Maz watches in horror, jaw dropping

MAZ, screaming: WHAT..THE..HELL??

ALARIC: calm down and we will explain everything to you.

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MAZ, attempting to steady her breathing but still somewhat horrified: ok, ok, ok please explain

what the hell is going on.

ALVIRA: your father and I are from a small village in Romania consisting of all vampires. We

grew up knowing of their existence. However, like you, we lived as humans until our 17th

birthday. The “vampire gene” is awoken at sunrise on ones 17th birthday. All that is required to

transition from human to vampire is to drink the blood of a human before midnight. However,

once doing this there is no turning back. The only food you can eat will be blood, going out in

the sun for extended periods of time will bring extreme pain, contact with garlic will cause burns

and rashes. However, it also comes with super speed, heightened senses and immortality.

Maz listens in disbelief

MAZ, shaking: please tell me this is a joke.

ALARIC: I know this is shocking for you sweetie, but please know that this decision is entirely

up to you. If you decide to remain a human, your mother and I will support you completely.

MAZ, somewhat upset: If you and mom grew up knowing about the existence of vampires why

are you just telling me now, when I only have a couple hours to make my decision?

ALARIC, sounding sad and apologetic: I’m sorry about the timing, I really am, however, times

have changed and we don’t make the rules. Go out and carry on with your birthday as usual.

Enjoy yourself, because depending on your choice this could be your last day as a human.

ALVIRA: we love you so much and would love to be able to spend forever teaching you about

our kind.

MAZ, taking short uneasy breaths: This is all a lot to take in guys I’m going to need some time

The phone rings and Maz picks it up and sees that it is Dean calling. She answers.

MAZ, talking to the phone: I’ll head over in 15 minutes, hangs up.
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Act 2

The Jukebox Diner, later that day.

Through the doors was a large restaurant with checkered floor tiles. There was a bar that took

up the entire back wall with an entrance on each side that led to the kitchen. The bar was

decorated with old vintage records that hung above the high seats with pink cushions. To the

right and left of the bar, on the other sides of the diner, there were tables and booths. All were a

different color. One was blue, another was pink, and so on. Nothing matched, but that was the

point of The Jukebox Diner, chaos was welcomed within these walls.

As the curtain rises, the 70s and 80s music was blasting through the speakers as always and Maz

quietly sang along to “I Wanna Dance With Somebody” as she walked through the doors

towards the bright yellow booth with Dean in it already. She smiles instantly when she sees him

and easily slides into the other side of the booth to sit across from him. She grabs a menu, even

though she knows she’s going to get the same thing she always has.

MAZ, instantly in a better mood than this morning, but hands still shaking: Hey Dean

DEAN, putting his menu down to look at Maz, smiling: Happy Birthday Maz!

MAZ, grimacing at first then laughs a little: Thank you, you have no idea how much you just

saved me right now from my parents

DEAN, laughs and rolls his eyes: What happened now? You guys are never together I swear, its

like you all don’t know how to be in the same room as each other for more than 5 minutes


Maz tries to laugh but ends up breaking down and crying right as the waiter comes to their

booth. Dean is shocked at Maz’s response to his joke and holds his hand up to the approaching

waiter to ask him to come back later

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DEAN, looking very apologetically at Maz: Im so sorry, I shouldn’t have said that that was so


Maz continues to cry

DEAN, goes to her side of the booth and wraps his arms around her, letting her cry into his

chest: What’s wrong Maz??

MAZ, slowly starting to gain her composure, looks up at him: I don’t think I should tell anyone.

DEAN, confused but concerned: You know you can tell me anything. I won’t tell anyone else. It

might be good to talk about it if you want

MAZ: I know you’re right. I do want to tell you, more than anything. But you’re actually going

to think I’m crazy.

DEAN: You know I won’t. I already know that you are hahaha.

MAZ, laughs weakly again: Ok so my parents said I kinda need to make the biggest decision of

my life today.

DEAN: Is it about college or something?

MAZ: No, I wish. But it’s much worse than that. Shocking, I know.

DEAN: Okayyy. You don’t have to tell me but I wish you would so that I would know how to

help you.

Maz nods and takes a deep breath.

MAZ, in a shaky voice: M-my parents are…… vampires

Dean looks at her face for any sign that this was a joke, but couldn’t find one.

DEAN: Ummmmm. What?

MAZ: My parents are vampires, and I could become one too. Tonight.

She seemed to shudder at the thought.

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DEAN: What do you mean? You could become one?

MAZ: I really don’t understand it, but it has to do with my 17th birthday. Today I have the

chance to get to live forever.

Dean’s speechless and just stares at her, still in his arms.

MAZ: I don’t know what to do. I have always been terrified of growing old and dying, but I am

also terrified at losing you. I don’t know how I would be able to live with myself if I hurt you

after I changed. I can’t lose you.

Maz starts to tear up again and Dean hugs her a little tighter.

DEAN: Don’t make this decision based on me. This is the most important thing you will ever do

and I don’t want to be the one holding you back from immortality. We still have time to think.

MAZ: I’ve been given an opportunity so many kids our age would kill for. I can avoid growing

up, stressing about college, and worrying about my future because I have an eternity to figure it

out. I could avoid all the things I’m scared of. But, the fact that life is so fleeting is what I think

makes it beautiful. My days with you in high school are magical because they’re numbered.

He kisses her forehead understandingly as she starts sobbing again.

Act 3

Back in Maz’s bedroom, this time later at night.

The room is dark, with occasional cracks of lightning casting flashes of light in the room. A full

length mirror and dresser with various photos of her and her boyfriend scattered across the top

are the only other furnishings. There is an open door a couple yards away and to the left of her

headboard. The room feels large and cold. Thunder booms ominously in the background
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As the curtain rises, Maz is sitting on her bed, head in her hands. Her parents stand near her.

Alvira holds her hands on Maz’s left shoulder, while Alaric places his on her right.

ALVIRA, speaking tensely: The time has come.

ALARIC, also speaking tensely: Maz, remain human or join us and become a vampire, what do

you choose?

MAZ, voice heavy with emotion and thought: I have thought about this choice all day. I have

looked at every angle and considered every option. I could become a vampire and live forever

young. I would love that and never have to worry about the future again. I would be strong and

fast and superior to all humans. I would love my life as a vampire. I know I would. But my life is

not complete without Dean in it. As a vampire I would watch him grow old and die without me. I

would never be able to go near him again without the fear of hurting him. As much as I am

scared of the future, I’m scared of losing Dean and all the memories we have yet to make more. I

would miss out on marrying him, having kids, getting gray hairs together, having grandchildren.

I would miss the best parts of being human. I’d rather live a handful of years with Dean, than to

live forever alone. I’m sorry if this disappoints you. But this is my choice. I’m staying human.

ALVIRA, with tears in her eyes: I love you so much and want nothing more than to spend

eternity with you and your father, but I understand that your heart is with Dean and your

humanity. If this is what you feel will make you happiest, I will of course support it.

ALARIC, struggling to hold back his emotion: It takes great courage to make the decision you

have just made. I am so proud of you and I am ready to watch you live out the rest of your life

with Dean. However, I hope he knows that if he ever hurts you, I have all the time in the world

chuckles to himself and the mood lightens to find him and make him pay.
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MAZ, with tears in her eyes, but laughing: Dad!

Everyone laughs as the curtains close.


Maz and Dean got married 6 years later after graduating college together. After college they

moved back home and had 3 children. Two boys and a girl. Eventually they had 7 grandchildren

to watch as well. Maz got everything she wanted out of her human life and more. She was

beyond grateful at her choice to stay mortal and never regretted it for a second. She lived the life

she knew she was meant to live, with Dean at her side. Her parents visited constantly, so proud

of their human daughter. And they all lived happily ever after.


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