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Castellanos 1

Andres Castellanos
Mrs. Storer
English 3 Honors: American Literature
September 24, 2019
Socratic Seminar Reflection
Reflection on Performance
For the first Socratic circle, I performed as expected yet I could have done better. Before
the actual circle, I had prepared myself for the questions although not as much as I needed. In
other words, I needed to research more answers and textual evidence for the questions that had
been proposed during the event. Furthermore, I would rate my contributions better than my
preparation better due to the fact that I had taken into account all of previous arguments said by
other participants and unified it to create my opinion backed up by textual evidence. Thus, also
rating the teamwork as good since I contributed as much as others in order to successfully reach
an agreed upon conclusion. After the Socratic, I also contributed by giving positive feedback
since it was the first circle, I had that its participants were actually doing their job. However, this
does not mean the event transpired perfectly, I could have improved on my preparation and
amount of textual evidence given throughout the event. Lastly, for the next Socratic circle, I hope
to prepare myself for when I participate in order to fluently articulate my opinion for others to
comprehend it better.
On the other hand, the group’s performance was collectively better than the individual
performance. The preparation and answers that had been given throughout the circle showed a
genuine interest in the subject and opened every member’s minds to each other’s’ opinions. The
conversation could have improved since there were many silent gaps in between members’
opinions; nonetheless, the arguments given, and their rebuttals showed an interest from each
participant. Therefore, the teamwork shown in the circle reflected how each participant was
respectful of others’ opinions and opened the discussion to more points of view of the question.
Moreover, we showed the same amount of interest when giving feedback from the outer circle in
order to show sympathy and care to those inside the circle as they gave us when in the opposite
Reflection on Content
Through the ideas expressed in the Socratic circle, it is clear how it is up to the reader to
interpret if Abigail is a victim due to each individual’s perception and criteria for being a victim.
Some infer how Abigail is not to be considered a victim due to the fact that she put the
other girls at risk and endangered innocent women’s lives at risk in order to obtain personal
benefit. In addition, she drove the court to rule in favor of her which led to the death sentence of
Rebecca Nurse and John Proctor. Lastly, the circle argued how the fact that she ultimately
decides to flee Salem is because her lies were beginning to get caught up with her. On the other
hand, others agree on the fact that Abigail is a victim because she of several factors that
ultimately led her to actions: she was oppressed by her uncle, Reverend Parris, rejected by the
only person that genuinely cared for her and woke her up from the lies that the town had taught
her, and mocked by the town when performing her dance with her friends. Most importantly,
though, she had fallen victim for her town’s beliefs in that women were considered inferior and
more likely to associate with the devil. Therefore, she was a victim throughout the story.
Nevertheless, there is also another point of view on Abigail’s status that was also discussed. She
was a victim to the extent where she started affecting others’ lives for the worse. She was
mocked by her uncle and unjustly treated by the town which leads to her status as victim,
Castellanos 2

however, this status is revoked when she starts to endanger the other women’s lives and falsely
accusing innocent townspeople such as John Proctor and Rebecca Nurse.
The different criteria that people may have when considering whether or not Abigail’s is
a victim may also be implied in different situations in life. For instance, when I am deciding
whether or not to lie because it may avoid a negative outcome on others, the criteria come into
play. One may argue that lies are always negative and encourage sin, therefore, it is not correct to
do so. While, on the other hand, others may argue that the lie is being expressed in order to save
others from the alternate outcome, therefore, it is morally correct to proceed with lying. The
factors that come into hand when developing a perception on a certain topic are unique an
exclusive to each individual.

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