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Name: Points: ____/20

“Hills Like White Elephants” Psychoanalytic Perspective

1. How is the setting or the actions of the characters illustrative of these characters’ subconscious
fears or desires? Choose one aspect of the setting or one action of a character and explain how
it shows their subconscious fears or desires. (2 points)

The setting shows two sides, the valley and the side with the train station. The text states, “The
hills across the valley of the Ebro’ were long and white. On this side there was no shade and no
trees”. The hills show innocence and the barren side shows no protection for the innocent.

2. Based on your annotations, what are the American’s subconscious fears? What are his
subconscious desires? Include at least 1 quote from the story in your response. (2 points)

The American wants to be free from the burden of having a child. The text states, “We’ll be fine
afterward. Just like we were before.” It is showing that he wants to back to the way things used
to be.

3. Based on your annotations, what are the girl’s subconscious fears? What are her subconscious
desires? Include at least 1 quote from the story in your response. (2 points)

The girl does not want to go through with the operation even though the American will give he
everything. However, she says, “No, it isn’t. And once they take it away, you never get it back.”
This is showing that they can’t truly have everything, and she doesn’t want to get an abortion
because she will lose something in her life.

4. How does the girl’s thinking change from the beginning of the story to the end of the story?
Include at least 1 quote from the story in your response. (2 points)

The girl seems to unsure and worried about the decision she has to make. This can be seen
during the man and the girls conversation in talking about the operation when the girl asks,
“What makes you think so?” This shows that she needs explanations to help her make decisions.

5. Does the American change his mind throughout the story in the same way as the girl? Why or
why not? (2 points)
The American at first continuously pushes the idea and says that it is completely normal and
then his attitude changes and says that if she doesn’t want to do it that it is okay. But then
towards the end he changes back to his original attitude trying to persuade her to undergo the
Very Short Story Writing: (10 points)

a. Brainstorm: When do people, in our everyday life, not say what they mean? What are
their reasons for it?
A lot of people make up excuses to not do things with other people because they may or
may not like them. They may do this because they don’t want to hurt the other persons’
feelings and they want to be respectful towards them.

b. This story shows how what people say and do is very different from what they mean.
Write a very short story about a conversation between two people where their words
mean more than what it appears on the surface.
i. Must be at least ¾ of a page (double or single spaced)
ii. Place your characters in a symbolic setting—somewhere that conveys the
iii. Have at least two characters do some small action that hints at their
subconscious fears or desires.
A group of friends was sitting in the crowded library together. The introverted girl in the group
was encased with people around her. She wanted to move to an emptier table, but the chairs and
people surrounding her made it too hard to make a sneaky escape. The people around her began
making plans for that evening.

The Pushy girl stated, “Why don’t we all go to the movies and go out to eat tonight.”

The introverted girl began to pack up her bags to move to the other table.

“You better be coming to the movies with us.”

“Yeah, I’ll have to check my schedule, but it sounds like fun.”

She got up and started to leave the table.

“Where are you going?”

“Oh, this table is getting a little too crowded.”

She began to leave, but too many people were in her way.

She turned around and stated, “Actually I think I had plans tonight, family plans. Maybe next week.”

“Oh come on, that’s what you always say. Why don’t you ever want to come with us?”

“I like hanging out, but I really do have plans.”

“Fine, then why don’t you ever sit with us.”

“Because there are always way too many people at the table, and I have no space to work.”

She was able to escape the area, only being interrogated twice this time. She slumped in her chair and
forgot about the group.

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