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“Hills Like White Elephants” by Ernest Hemingway

Hemingway's Iceberg Theory -"If a writer of prose knows enough about what he is writing about, he may
omit things that he knows, and the reader, (if the writer is writing truly enough) will have a feeling of
those things as strongly as though the writer had stated them. The dignity of movement of an iceberg is
due to only one-eighth of it being above water. A good writer does not need to reveal every detail of a
character or action.”- Ernest Hemingway

Hemingway is known for his minimalist writing style, so you’ll notice that this story relies heavily on
dialogue and setting to inform the reader.

white elephant (n.) Idiom- "burdensome charge, inconvenient thing that one does not know how to get
rid of," 1851, supposedly from the practice of the King of Siam of presenting one of the sacred albino
elephants to a courtier who had fallen from favor; the gift was a great honor, but the proper upkeep of
one was ruinously expensive.

Close Reading Questions:

1. What appears to be the source of tension between the couple? Support with two pieces of evidence.

The main conflict that is going on between the couple is about the upcoming baby. "It's really an awfully
simple operation, Jig," the man said. "It's not really an operation at all," Jig the girl carrying the baby is
debating on whether to abort the baby or not. He is trying to convince her to have an abortion by saying
he knows people that have done it, "I know we will. You don't have to be afraid. I've known lots of
people that have done it." "So have I," said the girl. "And afterward they were all so happy."

2. Describe the couple’s relationship. Use 3 pieces of evidence to support our ideas.

They seem to be a couple that might be too young to have a kid, "That's the only thing that bothers us.
It's the only thing that's made us unhappy." They seem to be unhappy because they are not on the same
page of the abortion. They have different views and different things and seem lost with each other’s
opinion. "And you think then we'll be all right and be happy." He is trying to convince her with examples
of what others have done but it isn’t right to be in this situation,
"I know we will. You don't have to be afraid. I've known lots of people that have done it."
"So have I," said the girl. "And afterward they were all so happy."

3. What is the function of alcohol in the story?

The alcohol is like the polish or spice between the characters to really convey the story because it
wouldn’t be the same conversation they have know as if they didn’t drink.

4. Explain significance/symbol of the “hills like white elephants.”

The hills like white elephants symbolizes something that no one wants or likes. For example, that they
look like white elephants at first glimpse and she actually like the look of it.

5. How does the setting contribute to the meaning of the story?

The setting portrays the relationship with Jig and American. The setting taking place in the train station
at Spain showing that the couple don’t belong there. It can also portray that the couple don’t quite work
out to be together.

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