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The Importance of Women in WWII

Arielle Badon
Carter Londono
Alexavier Villanueva

Junior Division

Group Website

Student-composed words: 1163

Pross paper Length: 477 Words

The Importance of Women in WWII

Our group was formed very late so when researching for a topic we were very divided on what to

focus on. But, as we researched we started seeing many pictures of propaganda for women working

during WW2. At first, our group ignored these images but as we kept researching many images of

propaganda for women working continued to pop up. For instance, we caught sight of the notorious

Rosie the Riveter propaganda many times. So our group decided to find the context behind the images

and we soon found out that these were about women working during WW2. We were fascinated by what

women accomplishment during this period, so we all unanimously agreed to begin research on our topic.

At first, our group mainly focussed on the meaning and purpose behind the propaganda. We

+-found that most of these propaganda was mostly for women working and not much for women joining

the army. However, this soon changed as we found many articles containing the influx of women joining

the army. We found a copious amount of rich secondary sources ranging from women working or

women in the war. But, our group was lacking primary sources, we of all the research we had done our

group only had around 2-3 primary sources. We were very unsatisfied by the fact we were very short on

primary sources so motivated to find more, we completely turned our attention to finding primary

sources. Finding theses sources took the most time to do during researching but our group was satisfied

on what we accomplished.

This year for the National History Day project our group wanted to do something that required a

lot of hard work. Therefore, we decided to do a website because none of us had any experience with

making one. At first we had trouble figuring out how to put things together and there was a lot of trial

and error involved. We used much of our time trying to figure out how the website editor worked. But in

the end it worked our because our website came out fantastic and we believe that we could have not

done any better.

Before the world wars, women were treated poorly and many didn’t work. However, after the

first world war they began to have acknowledgement in the work force and society but it was very little.
But, when the second world war started there was an influx of jobs needed to be filled due to all the men

leaving to go to the war. So women took up these jobs and excelled in them and showed that they are

able to do hard work just like men. Also, some even took it a step further and joined the army thus

proving women can do even more than just staying at home and showed everybody that women are as

capable as men.

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