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• Aerobic Warm-Up (Before Training) - 10-minute slow jog (5 - 6mph) on treadmill or 10 minutes on Stairmaster.

• Anaerobic Warm-Up (Before Training) - 3 sets of shoulder rotations with a 5 - 10lbs dumbbell.

• Focus on staying in the rep range and maintaining good form. Decrease the weight mid-movement if necessary.

• The goal of this workout is move as fast as possible and to keep your heart rate elevated.

EXERCISE Sets Rep Goal Rest Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4

Barbell Squat 3 10 60 sec.

Alternating Dumbbell Curl 3 10 60 sec.

Single-Arm Dumbbell Press 3 10 60 sec.

Seated Shoulder Press: Machine(a) OR Dumbbells(b) 3 10 60 sec.

Single-Arm Cable Triceps Pushdown 3 10 per side 60 sec.

Lat Pulldown (Wide-Grip) 3 10 60 sec.

Walking Dumbbell Lunge 3 10 per side 60 sec.

Dumbbell Shrug 3 10 60 sec.

Preacher Curl 3 10 60 sec.

Push-Up 4 Until Failure 60 sec.

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