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• Aerobic Warm-Up (Before Training) - 10-minute slow jog (5 - 6mph) on treadmill or 10 minutes on Stairmaster.

• Anaerobic Warm-Up (Before Training) - 3 sets of shoulder rotations with a 5 - 10lbs dumbbell.

EXERCISE Sets Rep Goal Rest Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4

Barbell Bench Press (Warm-Up) 3 5, 5, 3 60 to 90 sec. 35% 45% 55%

Barbell Bench Press (DAY 7) 3 3 2 - 4 minutes 65% 70% 80%

Barbell Bench Press (DAY 17) - DELOAD 3 5 2 - 4 minutes 35% 45% 55%

Dumbbell Lateral Raise 4 15 60 to 90 sec.

Seated Dumbbell Shoulder Press 4 10 60 to 90 sec.

Cable Fly(a) OR Peck Deck(b) - Set 4 = Drop Set Until Failure* 4 15 60 to 90 sec.

Dumbbell Front Raise - Set 3 = Until Failure* 3 15 60 to 90 sec.

Decline Bench Press - Set 4 = Until Failure* 4 12 60 to 90 sec.

Dumbbell Shrug - Set 4 = Until Failure* 4 12 60 to 90 sec.

*Complete 12 reps, then lower the weight and rep out until failure (20 – 25 reps max)

*If you complete all your reps but still have some energy left, squeeze out those last few reps

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