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A very good morning to our honourable headmaster,


senior assistant for administration,

senior assistant for student affairs,
senior assistant for co-curriculum,
teachers and dear friends.

1. We shall begin our assembly this morning with the prayer recitation
which will be delivered by

2. Thanks to …………………….. With the prayer, we hope that

today’s assembly will be carried out smoothly.

3. Now, we are going to sing our JOHOR STATE ANTHEM and

SCHOOL SONG. Let us sing together.

4. Next, our assembly will be continued with recitation of Rukun

Negara Oath. For that, I would like to invite
______________________ to lead the recitation of Rukun Negara

We, the people of Malaysia, pledge our united effort to attain

peace, guided by these principles:

I. To believe in God.

II. Loyalty to the King and Country.

III. Upholding the Constitution.

IV. Rules of Law.

V. Good Behaviour and Morality

Thank you to ______________________ for the oath.

5. With due respect, I would like to call upon this week duty
teacher to give a speech.
6. Thanks you MR / MRS / MISS ………………..
Hopefully, ( his / her ) advice will give all of us a lot of guidance.
Next, let me invite our headmaster/senior assistants/
…………………………… to deliver his / her speech.
7. Thanks you to the ( headmaster / senior assistants ) for his / her
8. Before we end our assembly this morning, let us sing the
9. With that, we end our assembly for today. You may all go back
to your respective classes.

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