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Bismillahirrahmanirrahim, assalamu alaikum warhmatullahi wabarakatuh.

Alhamdulillahirabbil alamin. Assalatu wassalamu alaa asrafil ambiyai wal mursalim wa alaa alihi wa ashaabihi
ajmain amma baa’ad.

First of all, let us say praise and gratitude for the presence of Allah swt. thanks to the abundance of grace and
guidance we can all gather in this holy place.
Secondly, shalawat and salam always be given to our prophet Muhammad SAW by resaying “allahummashalli
alaa muhammad wa alaa ali muhaammad”

The honorible, the chairman of the foundation, mts miftahul khaer mare
The honorible, the police chief Mare/or representing
The honorible, the head of UPT PUSKESMAS MARE
The honorible, The chairman committee of mts miftahul khaer mare
The honorible, the head master of mts miftahul khaer mare
The honorible, invited guests who were present today
The honorible, all teachers and staff mts miftahul khaer mare
And be proud to all the students at mts miftahul khaer mare

To begin our agenda today, lets saying basmalah together. While hoping that’s allah blessing will always be
with us so that this agenda can be succes and smoothly.
There are the schedule for today’s as follows:
1. Opening by MC
2. Recitation of the holy qur’an and saritilawah
3. Reporting of maulid activities by the implementing committe
4. Opening speech and at time opening maulid by the head master
5. Bearer of wisdom maulid by uztadz
6. Chanting prayers by
7. Offering of shalawat song by rohis organisation of Mts Mare
8. Closing

1. Okey, lets begin maulid prophet today. Lets us together listen to the chanting of the holy qur’an and
the recitations.
That will be bought by ngarsisa and ahdan attaya. To him and her, time is your!
”thank you for your time to chanting of the holy quran and also recitations”
2. The second agenda, namely reporting on the activities of maulid prophet’s by the chairman of the
executive commite, here by welcome!
“thanks for the executive commite, for on the report that has been submitted”.
3. The next agenda, was the opening remarks at the same time as the opening of maulid by the head of
the madrasah. To she we invite!
”thank you to the head of madrasah officially opening our agenda today .”
4. The next agenda is delivery of religious lectures about maulid , and will be bought by uztadz abdul
hafidz . to udztadz we invite.
”thank you very much for uztadz has brought wisdom maulid today. Isyaallah it will be usefull in our daily life”.
5. The next agenda is prayers.
9. Before we closing our activity, lets us together to enjoiying shalawat song by rohis organisation of
Mts Mare

After we are listen to the offering of the shalawat song, so the agenda maulid today its end.
Was a presenters, thank you very much for you presence. Sorry if there are things that are not pleasing, i end
hadanallah waiyakan ajmai’in wassalamu alaikum, warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

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