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Assalamu’alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

Alhamdulillah. Alhamdulillahilladzi arsala rasulahu bil huda qa dinil haq. Asyhadu alla ilaha
illallah wa asyhadu anna muhammadan abduhu wa rasuluh.
Allahumma sholli wa sallim wa barik ala Muhammad, wa ala ali sayyidina Muhammad
Honorable, Mr. Lurah Karunrung and all his staff
Honorable, Mr. BINMAS & BABINSA and along with the staff.
Honorable, Mr. Principal of UPT SPF SMP Negeri 21 Makassar
Honorable, Mr. Nurul Iman Mosque Management of SMP Negeri 21 Makassar
The happy ones, All Teachers, and all students who are willing to attend the commemoration of
the Maulid of the Prophet Muhammad SAW 1444 H / 2022 M
And which we all glorify, al-Ustadz Muhammad Tsabit M.H., S.Pd.I. That, Alhamdulillah, has
now arrived and with us here to join the Maulid Nabi activities at this our beloved mosque of
our school

First of all, let us be grateful for the presence of Allah SWT who has given us all so many
blessings, ranging from the blessings of Islam, the favors of Faith, and the blessings of
opportunity so that we can attend here in our beloved mosque in good health and well-being.

Shalawat framed greetings we convey to the Prophet Muhammad SAW. Hopefully with the
frequent shalawat "Allahumma sholli ala Muhammad, wa ala ali Muhammad" we will get his
intercession in Yaumul Akhir later.

The audience who are blessed by Allah SWT. On this happy occasion, I will read out the
schedule for the commemoration of the Birthday of the Prophet Muhammad 1444 Hijriyah:

1. Opening
2. Reading the Holy Quran & Saritilawah
3. Reading Du'a
4. Greetings
5. Appearance of Nasyid
6. Mawlid Wisdom Lecture
7. Closing

1. Opening
Let's enter the first event, namely the opening. in order to get blessings, let us open today's
activities by reading the basmalah "Bismillahirrahmanirrahim".

2. Reading the Holy Quran & Saritilawah

Let's move on to the next event, namely the reading of the Holy Qur'an along with the
saritilawah which will be performed by sister Ririn Aldwi Anggraeni from class 9I and
saritilawah By Sefira Agustina Maharani from class 9B, we invite them.
Sadaqallahuladzim. Hopefully those who read and listen to the beautiful recitation of the Quran
will get a reward from Allah SWT. Amen ya Robbal 'natural.

3. Prayer
It would be nice to start this activity with a prayer, which in this case will be conveyed by Mr.
M. Alief Aditya M. Class 8D students to him are welcome.

4. Greetings
Ladies and gentlemen, the next event is the remarks.
The first remarks will be delivered by Mr. Muhammad Asdar, S.Pd. as chairman of the activity
committee, we invite him.
Delivering a word at the same time officially opening the Maulid Nabi Muhammad SAW 1444
Hijriyah activity by the Head of UPT SPF SMP Negeri 21 Makassar. Dear Mr. Marwis Bire,
S.Pd., M.Sc. we invite.

5. Nasyid Performance and Barakallah Dance

Thanks to Mr. Marwis Bire, S.Pd., M.Sc. who has delivered remarks as well as officially opened
the activity.
Alright, let's move on to the next event, which is Nasyid's performance. Brother Muhammad
Irwansyah Khouw, grade 9B students are welcome.

Next, we will watch the Barakallah Dance, an offering from class 9F, welcome.

6. Religious Lectures
Attendees who are blessed by Allah. We have arrived at the main event, namely the religious
lecture with the theme of Maulid
Prophet. To al-Ustadz Muhammad Thabit M.H., S.Pd.I. we invite.

7. Closing
We have gone through the series of events for the Birthday of the Prophet Muhammad SAW
1444 H, and we come to the last session, which is the closing. Before closing, I as the host of the
event apologize for any mistakes and mistakes, to Allah, let us ask forgiveness together.
Let's close today's commemoration of the Prophet's Maulid by reading Hamdalah.

Let me end this blessed activity by saying a rhyme:

If there is a well in the field
Can we take a shower?
If there is a long life
Can we hold the Prophet's Maulid again

Akhirul Kalam
Billahi Taufiq wal hidayah
Wassalamu’alaykum Warahmatullah Wabarakatuh

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