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Good afternoon everyone! Thank you for joining us for today’s webinar.

it’s a wonderful day

and we feel privileged to be Master of Ceremony in this afternoon on Saturday twenty seven th of
November 2021 in our webinar “MERI”
To start this webinar, we invite the whole audience to say Basmala “Bismillahi Rahmani

Asssalamualaikum wr wb
Respectable the Headmaster of sman 9 makassar, Mr. Drs Andi Supardin. M.Pd
The honorable our self advisor, Maam yusnita Muslatif, S.Pd
The honorable our self chairman, dewi maurent ambaraa.
and to all participants who attended this webinar
First of all we would like to thank Allah SWT for giving us health and strength so we could
attend our activity for today. Salawat and salam unforgettable send to our prophet Muhammad
SAW who has brought us from a dark place, to a brighter place.

Iam indriani and iam meisya.. as the master of of ceremony of today activity’s. and we
are going to say: "Welcome to meri, mentoring of smansel English language forum
With the Theme: “obtaining international education through scholarships”

Before we go straight to the main agenda for today, let’s begin with a prayer according to our
respective religions and beliefs. And ... is going to lead the prayer for us today.

Next, On this special webinar, we have several agendas as follows:

First, opening.
Second, ice breaking
Next, the material of Meri
After that Meri Qna
and finally, closing.
That’s all agendas for today.
And our event will be handed to Luthfi ubaidillah as a moderator

and finally We are at the end of our webinar called MERI, themed " obtaining international
education through scholarships " and That's All for today we hope you guys had fun and we
wish you all the best of luck, I would like to thank Mr Musidin A.Md.Par.SS.MS.CHIA for his
great presentation. And thanks for everyone who made this meeting possible.

i'm indriani and i'm …. as the Master of Ceremony of MERI, going to say goodbye,
assalamualaikum wr.wb, and see you guys on our next work program..

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