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MC English language mi Mambaul ulum

Assalamualaikum wr.wb

•Good evening ladies and gentleman and welcome to our big event haflatul imtihan Mambaul ulum
islamic primary & elementary schoo. it’s a wonderful and precious chance for me to be your master of
ceremony in this beautiful day on Tuesday 20 juni 2023.

•First of all, let’s say thanks to Allah, who has been giving us guidance, happiness, healthy, and mercy, so
we can attend and participate in this event without any obstacles.

•Praise and salutation always be given unto our prophet Muhammad saw who has guided us from the
darkness to the lightness, from jahiliyah era in to islamiyah eraera namely islamic religion.

Respectable Head of village and his staf mr. . .....

Honorable the foundation's president mr. Hasan

Honorable headmaster of elementary school & headmaster of primary school

Honorable kh abdul aziz

Honorable all of guest & all of parents

Honorable all of students of this school

•in this special night we have several agendas, so allow me to read several sequences of our agenda.

1.This first agenda is opening

2.The second is reciting holy quran

3.The third is speech by some speakers

4.the fourth is Graduation procession of Mambaul ulum islamic primary & elementary school for the
academic year 2022 - 2023

5.The fifth is speeches Or good advice

6.And the last is closing and praying

1.okay, now we start in the first agenda. Let’s start this agenda by reciting hamdalah together.

2. Step on to the following agenda is reciting holy quran who will be recited by our sister nala
almukarromah, time is yours.

Thanks a lot to our sister nala almukarromah May Allah always gives us guidance and help. Amien.
3. the third agenda is speech by some speakers, and now I would like to invite mr.......................the floor
is yours

And the next speech will be delivered by headmaster of elementary school Mr. H. Mahmudi spd.i the
time is yours.

4. the next agenda is Graduation procession of Mambaul ulum islamic primary & elementary school for
the academic year 2022 - 2023

5. let’s keep on to the next agenda, that is speeches Or good advice, And here we invite
convey good advice.

6.The last agenda is closing and praying.

Finally,from the deepest of my heart, I do apologize for my mistakes in presenting this event. Thank you
very much for your kind attention and "wassalamulaikum wr.wb"

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