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Text Master of Ceremony

Assalamu’alaikum wr. wb.

The excellency, Mr. Habiburrahman as The Director

The honorable, Mrs. Linawati as the Marketing Manager

All the audience of this Gebyar Jogja whom we respect

First of all, let’s thank to our God Allah SWT who has given us his mercies and blessings so
we can attend in this Gebyar Jogja without any trouble and obstacle.

Secondly, Shalawat and Salam are always presented to our prophet Muhammad SAW who
has guided us from the darkness to the lightness.

Gathering with all of you, I’m as the master of ceremony, would like to deliver the agenda in
this Gebyar Jogja.

1. The first agenda is Opening

2. The second is speech
3. The third is telling story
4. The last is Closing

Ladies and gentlemen, now we are going to the first agenda. That is opening. Let’s open our
agenda today br reciting Al-Fatihah.

We step to the second agenda, namely speech. It will be delivered by Miss Putri Wulan
Suciani. Time is yours.

Thank you very much for your speech. May it be useful for us.

The third agenda is telling story. It will be delivered by Mr. Habiburrahman. Time is yours.

Thank you very much, Mr. Habiburrahman. May it be useful for us. Aamiin.

The last agenda is closing. Before closing this agenda, I am as the master of ceremony, would
like to say thank you very much and apologize for my mistakes during handling this agenda.

Wassalamu’alaikum wr. wb.

Text Speaker

Assalamu’alaikum wr. wb.

The excellency, Mr. Habiburrahman as The Director

The honorable, Mrs. Linawati as the Marketing Manager

Let’s thank to our God Allah SWT who has given us his mercies and blessings so we can
attend in this agenda without any trouble and obstacle.

Shalawat and salam are always presented to our Prophet Muhammad SAW.

I would like to say thank you very much to the master of ceremony for giving me time to
deliver my speech.

Standing in front of you all, I would like to deliver my speech under the title “The Important
of 9 Years Study.”

All audiences I love, we are obliged to study at least for 9 years, at least from Elementary
School to Junior High School. The purposes are very simple: we can read and write, and also
have a good character as having been taught by our teachers. Those three purposes surely
have effects on our lives in the future.

If we can read, we can learn many things through books. If we can write, we can write
something useful for the others. But both of them are not enough if we don’t have a good
character. Because of a good character, we must do all religious teaching as good as possible,
and we are able to respect one another, we will love our family, our neighbor, our friends, our
teachers and the other human beings in the world. Finally, let's pray we can hopefully do all
of them for our better lives.

I think that’s my speech. I’m sure that I made mistakes during delivering my speech, so I
apologize for my mistakes.

Wassalamu’alaikum wr. wb.

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