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Assalamu’alaikum wr.wb.

Your Excellency, Dr. Achmad Fageh, M.HI as The Director of Islamic Dormitory of
UNISLA Lamongan
Your Excellency, Mr Tata as The Director of Riverside English Camp
Respectable, Ms. Maria as The Guest Star of Today Talkshow
Honorable, Winda Rofita Sari as The Chief of EFS team
And unforgettable, all of my students whom I love

First of all, let’s thank to our God, Allah SWT who always gives us mercies and blessings,
so we can attend in this weekly meeting without any obstacles.
Secondly, may sholawat and salaam always be upon to our prophet Muhammad SAW,
who has saved us from Jahiliyah era to the Islamiyah era namely Islam.

Ladies and gentlemen, I am Dewanti Anggariza standing in front of you all as the Master
of Ceremony. I would like to read the agenda this morning:
1. The first is opening
2. The second is speech by Mr. Tata
3. The third is TalkShow by Ms. Maria
4. The fourth speecy by Dr. Achmad Fageh M.HI
5. The fifth is Questions and Answers
6. The last is closing

Well… ladies and gentlemen, before we start this TalkShow let’s open by reciting
‘Basmalah’ together. Bismillahirrahmanirrahim…

Without any further due, please welcome to Mr. Tata will give us some speeches. Mr. Tata
please, the stage is yours
Thank you for Mr. Tata for the remarkable speeches. May it gives us empowerment to
never stop learning.
Now the next agenda is talkshow with Ms. Maria. Please everyone give appplause to our
special guest star of today talk show. Ms Maria please, time is yours.

Thank you Ms. Maria, now I'd like to give you a special moment with our special guest
star Ms. Maria.
So please if you have something to ask please rise your hands.

The following agenda is speech delivered by Dr. Achmad Fageh M. Hi, Mr Fageh I please
you to come to the stage.
Finally, we all now step to the last agenda, that is closing. I am as the Master of
Ceremony, I would like to apologize for all mistakes I did during leading this weekly
meeting. Before we close this meeting, lets recite “Hamdalah” together.
Thank you very much for your attention. The last I say.

Wassalamu’alaikum wr.wb.

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