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Trends, Networks, And Critical Thinking in the 21st Century

(S.Y. 2018-2019)

I. Read, analyze and explain clearly.

1. Marlou Arizala is an internet celebrity where in he transforms himself to Xander Ford, with the help of cosmetic
surgeries and became the most searched internet celebrity of 2017 in the Philippines. Why do you think Marlou Arizala resort to
cosmetic surgeries when in fact he was already an internet celebrity? Would you consider his actions as part of a trend or a
fad?Explain. How powerful are created trends to enforce certain beauty standards? Cite examples

2. The 21st Century Skills are a set of abilities that students need to develop in order to succeed in the Information
Age. These skills are categorized according to three types: 1) Learning Skills which includes Critical Thinking, Creative Thinking,
Collaborating and Communicating; 2) Literacy Skills which includes Information Literacy, Media Literacy and Technology Literacy;3)
Life Skills which includes Flexibility, Initiative, Social Skills, Productivity and Leadership.Given the 21st Century Skills above lists down
at least 5 skills that you believed you possess as a 21st Century Learner. Explain each skills as to why you have it? then what skills
seem to be lacking to you and explain why? (cite atleast 3 skills)

3. Critical thinking is thinking about your thinking in order to improve your thinking. Fill up the following thinking:
a. What I want to believe __________________________________________.
b. What I want to reject ___________________________________________.
c. What is important to me _________________________________________.
d. What is unimportant to me ______________________________________.
e. What is true ____________________________________________________.
f. What is false _________________________________________________.
g. Who are our friends __________________________________________.
h. Who are our enemies ________________________________________.
i. How we should spend our time _________________________________.
j. What jobs we should pursue ___________________________________.
k. Where we should live ________________________________________.
l. Who we should marry ________________________________________.
m. How we should act as a student _______________________________.
4. From the story of the Hare and Tortoise they came up with a plan to achieved their goal. We also learned that no
person can succeed without the help of other person in which we called teamwork. In your own understanding of teamwork explain why
is it hard for people to come together and combine their efforts? How do you collaborate with others in your group?

5. Why do you think you should pass in this test? Explain in 3 sentences.

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