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Jalan cinde kencana no. 1 Telp. (0283) 351458
TEGAL 5212

HARI / TANGGAL : Rabu, 6 November 2019
WAKTU : 10.10 – 11.10

I.CHOOSE THE CORRECT ANSWER A, B, C OR 2. What kind of drink had by the writer in
D! breakfast?
A. Tea B. Coffee
THE FOLLOWING TEXT IS FOR NUMBER 1-5 C. Mineral water D. Apple syrup
I wake up at 7 a.m every morning. I
press the snooze button five times every 3. What does the writer do after going back
morning before I turn off the alarm and get from work ?
up. I have a cup of coffee and make A. Cook diner B. Whatch TV
breakfast . I usually read the newspaper while C. Take a bath D. Sleeping
I have breakfast . My children like to have a
shower after they have breakfast but I like 4. When does the writer and his family eat
to have a shower before I get dressed . My together?
wife brushes her long hair, I have short hair A. 07.00 p.m. B. 07.30 p.m.
so I comb my hair . C. 08.00 p.m. D. 08.30 p.m.
I it is important to brush my teeth and some
women like to put make up on. After I have 5. what the last activity done by the writer
finished work , I go home to cook diner. In my before sleeping?
house I usually make diner. The family eat A.Take abath B. Reading a novel
diner together at 7.30 pm. C. Turn off the light D. Play station
After diner I make sure that my
children do their homework, and then I watch 6. Two days before Sunday is.....
television. On television, I usually watch the A. Monday B. Saturday
news. My wife usually comes to tell me to C. Friday D. Wednesday
take the rubbish out, or wash the dishes . Our
children feed the dog and cat before go to 7. July 29th 2010 =
bed and I tell them to go to bathroom too. If I A. July and twenty ninth two thousand and
am sick I have to take my medication, but Ten
then I get into my pajamas and set alarm so I B. July two nine two zero one zero
wake up in the morning. The last things I do is C. July and twenty ninth two zero one zero
lock the door , turn off the lights and go to D. July two hundred and nine two thousand
bed. and ten
1.When does the writer wake up?
A. 5 a.m. B. 6 a.m. 8. This month is March. Last month is.....
B. 7 a.m. D. 8 a.m. A. April B. February
C. March D. May
9. This month is January next month is ..... B.Take leave
A. February B. March C.Introducing other
C. April D. May D.Introducing oneself

10. This month is January . Next eight month 19. Dani : “Let me introduce you to
is..... My friend.”
A. March B. April Daniar: “Who is he?”
C. May D. September
A. Introducing oneself
11. Today is Saturday . Last day is ..... B. Introducing other people
A. Friday B. Sunday C. Introduction next
C. Tuesday D. Monday D. Introductory

12. The last month in a year is ..... 20. Bob : “Hi Tom. This Sally, my cousin’
A. November B. December She comes from Bogor.”
C. January D. April Tom : “How do you do Sally, nice to meet
13. Today is Tuesday. Yesterday was.... Sally : “.....Nice too meet you too.”
A. Monday B. Wednesday
C. Saturday D. Friday A. How do you do
B. Fine thanks
THE FOLLOWING TEXT IS FOR QUESTIONS C. I am pretty well thank you
NUMBER 14-17 D. I am fine thank you
Mr. Beno : “Good Afternoon students.”
Students : “Good Afternoon , Sir.” II.ESSAY
Mr. Beno : “Well. Students, I want to 1.What time is it now?
Introduce myself. My name is a. b.
Mr. Beno. Iam forty years old. I
Live on Jalan Raya Magelang

14. Where does the dialogue take place ?

In the...... ............... ...............
A. Office B. Market
C. Market D. Classroom 2. It is Thursday. Yesterday was.....
Tomorrow is.....
15. The dialogue above happens in the......
A. morning B. Evening 3.
C. afternoon D. Night

16. How old is Mr. Beno?

A. 40 years old B. 45 years old
C. 50 years old D. 60 years old

17. Based on the text above, in

At school.
A.fourth B.third
C.second D.first

18. “I would like to introduce you to.....”

What expression is the sentence above?

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