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We all want a good-looking and healthy body.

Unfortunately we all store fat, we store fat in

several places. The abdomen and hips are the places where this is stored the most. The belly is
one of the biggest problem areas.

Besides that, it gets in your way and your clothing no longer fits, it is also one of the most
unhealthy places to collect fat.

Belly fat is dangerous because it increases the chance of getting diseases such as diabetes and
heart and vascular diseases. Do you have belly fat and do you want to burn it? Then read this
article so that you know what to do to get rid of it.

How can you burn that belly fat?

One of the problem areas where many people want to lose fat is around the belly. Do you want
this too? There are various commercials on TV or the internet that promise you a tight stomach.
Promises that you don't always get rid of your belly fat. Do not fall for commercials such as:

• Train your abs for 8 minutes a day for a tight stomach

• Superfoods that help you lose fat

Don't fall for the above commercials. These products or training are not going to help you burn
your belly fat. It is often nonsense. After reading this article you will know how to lose fat. I
would like to share this information with you, but you will have to work with it yourself.

The truth about abs

If an advertisement comes along that promises you to grow a tight stomach in a week, then you
know this is nonsense. A short workout is not going to help you change your body drastically.

Sufficient training and hard work are needed to get this done. It doesn't go overnight. You must
be willing to work for this.

Some facts about abdominal muscles:

1. Everyone has abdominal muscles. Maybe you have a stomach and you think you don't have
stomach muscles.

2. You also have abs, they just aren't strong, trained and visible. But you can change that.

3. You can't convert fat into muscle. It is good to know that you cannot convert fat into muscle.
Fat always stays on top of your muscles. If you only train your abs you will not lose the fat on
your abs.

4. Abdominal muscles can only be seen with a low percentage of fat. If your fat percentage does
not go down, you will never grow abdominal muscles. To grow a six-pack you have to eat
healthily, train a lot and rest enough.
Local weight loss does not work

It is not possible to lose weight alone in one place. If you only want to lose fat on your stomach
then it is good to understand that this does not work. Workouts that are only suitable for a
specific part of the body do not work.

These exercises are good for training your muscles but will not help you lose fat in a certain
place. Now that you know this, you naturally want to find out how you can lose the fat on your

This depends on a number of things such as your age, your gender, your weight and your genetic
predisposition to developing fat. These are therefore parts that you cannot influence because of
certain workouts. For men, this often means that they develop abdominal fat while women store
fat on the hips and abdomen.

Losing this fat is not that easy. Now that you know this, it is necessary to come up with a good
plan that will greatly reduce your fat percentage so that you can finally burn that belly fat.

Healthy food

To help you even better, we share a number of recommendations with you so that you can get
started today. Bear in mind that this will not change in one day, you will have to adjust your way
of eating to really get rid of that tummy.

• Keep a food diary to find out what you eat every day. It is not necessary to count calories,
but it can make you more aware of what you eat every day.
• Make it a habit to eat vegetables with every meal. Put cucumber slices on your cheese
sandwich, eat a tomato in between and snack with carrot or pepper.
• Eat enough protein because it is good for building muscle. Make it a habit to eat an egg
as a snack and eat enough fish and meat every day.
• Fats are important building materials that must be ingested. This concerns healthy fats
such as nuts, olive oil, and avocado. Keep using your common sense, eating nuts all day
is also not healthy due to the many calories.

Enough exercise

Healthy nutrition is an important part of growing a tight stomach. The rule is that a healthy body
consists of 80% healthy food in combination with 20% exercise. There are some basic elements
to move in the right way so that you lose that tummy.

No more crunches

Perhaps it feels good to perform crunches but this doesn't work. Crunches are not going to help
you lose your stomach. Performing crunches is even unhealthy for your posture. Because your
muscles train in a certain shape you back will suffer from it.
Train large muscle groups

If you want a tight stomach you should stop doing abdominal exercises. With many abdominal
exercises, you have the feeling that your abdomen has been trained, but that appears not to be the
case. The muscles are isolated in most abdominal exercises.

Compound exercises are suitable for training abdominal muscles. Think of exercises such as
deadlifts, squats, push-ups, pull-ups, and lunches. A long walk also helps you to train your

Good abdominal exercises

Do you enjoy doing abdominal exercises but do you want them to have an effect? Then perform
the following exercises to get a tighter abdomen.

• 1. The farmer walks, lifting heavy objects where you train the whole body.
• 2. The plank is the best exercise to train your abs.
• 3. Ab wheel, an upgrade of the plank exercise, to become even tighter.

Do the following things to lose fat:

• Eat healthy foods, the basis of a tight body lies in healthy, nutritious and low-fat food.
Make enough time to prepare healthy meals.
• HITT training (High-IntensityInterval Training) is a training of a short period where
you exercise intensively. With this training, you make a large muscle group stronger
which in turn helps with losing your tummy.
• Enough rest, when you lose weight it is necessary that you rest. So make sure you get
enough sleep and make time to relax.

When do you see results?

Eating healthier and exercising enough will make your body stronger and fitter.

You see results after a short period of four to six weeks. By weighing yourself and checking your
fat percentage, you will discover that your body is changing. For men, the fat percentage must be
below 15% to create a six-pack, and for women, this must be below 25%.

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Discover how a 46 Year Old Mom Lost 62 Lbs with this 5 seconds Water ‘Hack’

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