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Anecdotal Record

Child’s Name: Carmen Age: 3

Observer: Amanda Timm Date:10/23/2019

Anecdotal Note: Describe what you saw the child do and/or heard the child say.
Carmen was playing in the block center during center time. She walked over to the teacher and asked
if she could move to a different center. The teacher said yes. Carmen walked back over to the block
center, picked up the blocks and put them away in the correct spot. She put the blocks away without
being prompted to pick them up.

Check Off the areas of development that apply:

x Cognitive
x Social

The Anecdote illustrates the following developmental goals:

Carmen demonstrated that she understands the order of events. She demonstrated she can
follow known directions along with understanding that she needs to ask before moving on to
a different center.

X Child-initiated Done with adult

activity guidance
Teacher- Initiated Done with peers
New Task Time spend 1-5 min

X Familiar Task Time spend 5-15

X min
Done independently Time Spend 15+min

Anecdotal Record
Child’s Name: Carmen Age: 3

Observer: Amanda Timm Date:10/24/2019

Anecdotal Note: Describe what you saw the child do and/or heard the child say.
Carmen was playing in the block center. As I observed her, I heard her telling the animal
figures she was going to make them a castle. I observed her build a castle out of blocks and
place the animals in it.

Check Off the areas of development that apply:

X Social
X Language/Communication

The Anecdote illustrates the following developmental goals:

Carmen demonstrated imagination skills. She talked to the animals as if they were people.
She told them she was making a castle for them and then constructed the castle.

X Child-initiated Done with adult

activity guidance
Teacher- Initiated Done with peers
New Task Time spend 1-5 min
Familiar Task Time spend 5-15
X min
Done independently Time Spend 15+min

Anecdotal Record
Child’s Name: Carmen Age: 3

Observer: Amanda Timm Date:10/24/2019

Anecdotal Note: Describe what you saw the child do and/or heard the child say.
Carmen was playing in the science area with a friend. The friend bumped their head on a shelf and
started to cry. Carmen walked over to the friend and asked,” Are you okay?” She then gave the friend a
hug and started to rub the spot where the friend hit their head.

Check Off the areas of development that apply:

X Emotional
X Social

The Anecdote illustrates the following developmental goals:

Carmen demonstrated that she has sympathy. She demonstrated that she cares about her
friends and their well-being.

X Child-initiated Done with adult

activity guidance
Teacher- Initiated Done with peers
activity X
New Task Time spend 1-5 min
X Familiar Task Time spend 5-15
X Done independently Time Spend 15+min

Anecdotal Record
Child’s Name: Carmen Age: 3

Observer: Amanda Timm Date:10/28/2019

Anecdotal Note: Describe what you saw the child do and/or heard the child say.
Carmen was at the table during free play. She had picked out a lacing card and was trying to lace it.
She struggled for several minutes. I observed her starting to get frustrated, but she would stop and take
a breath. After several failed attempts, Carmen asked the teacher for help.
Check Off the areas of development that apply:
X Cognitive
X Emotional
X Language/Communication

The Anecdote illustrates the following developmental goals:

Carmen demonstrated she has self-control when she gets frustrated. She also
demonstrated perseverance. She kept trying to lace the card even when she failed several
times and asked for help.

X Child-initiated Done with adult

activity guidance
Teacher- Initiated Done with peers
New Task Time spend 1-5 min
Familiar Task Time spend 5-15
X min
Done independently Time Spend 15+min

Anecdotal Record
Child’s Name: Carmen Age: 3
Observer: Amanda Timm Date:10/28/2019

Anecdotal Note: Describe what you saw the child do and/or heard the child say.
Carmen was playing with the animals during free play. I observed Carmen pick up an
animal, walk over to a friend and use the animal to talk to the friend. Each animal Carmen
chose, she used a different voice. She continued to do this for the rest of free play.
Check Off the areas of development that apply:
X Cognitive
X Social
X Language/Communication

The Anecdote illustrates the following developmental goals:

Carmen demonstrated communication skills. She also demonstrated she has a creative
imagination by talking to her friends through the animals.

X Child-initiated Done with adult

activity guidance
Teacher- Initiated Done with peers
New Task Time spend 1-5 min

Familiar Task Time spend 5-15

Done independently Time Spend 15+min

Anecdotal Record
Child’s Name: Carmen Age: 3
Observer: Amanda Timm Date:10/29/2019

Anecdotal Note: Describe what you saw the child do and/or heard the child say.
When it was time to go outside, the teacher asked all the children to get their
snowpants,boots,hats,coats and mittens on. Carmen walked over to her cubby. First, she pulled out her
snow pants and put them on. Next, she put her boots on, followed by her coat. She was able to put
those items on without help from a teacher. Carmen did ask for help with zipping her coat and putting
on her mittens.

Check Off the areas of development that apply:

X Cognitive
X Physical

The Anecdote illustrates the following developmental goals:

Carmen demonstrated she knows the order of putting winter clothes on. She also
demonstrated she can put most of her winter clothes on without help from a teacher. This
demonstrates Carmen is becoming more independent.

Child-initiated Done with adult

activity guidance
Teacher- Initiated Done with peers
X activity
New Task Time spend 1-5 min
Familiar Task Time spend 5-15
X X min
Done independently Time Spend 15+min

Anecdotal Record
Child’s Name: Carmen Age: 3

Observer: Amanda Timm Date:10/29/2019

Anecdotal Note: Describe what you saw the child do and/or heard the child say.
After coming in from outside,

Check Off the areas of development that apply:

X Cognitive
X Emotional
X Language/Communication

The Anecdote illustrates the following developmental goals:

Carmen demonstrated she has self-control when she gets frustrated. She also
demonstrated perseverance. She kept trying to lace the card even when she failed several
times and asked for help.

X Child-initiated Done with adult

activity guidance
Teacher- Initiated Done with peers
New Task Time spend 1-5 min
Familiar Task Time spend 5-15
X min
Done independently Time Spend 15+min

Anecdotal Record

Child’s Name:Carmen Observer:Amanda Timm Date:

Anecdotal Note: Describe what you saw the child do and/or heard the child say.
Carmen was very excited about jumping around and through the hula hoop course that was
set up in the classroom today. She expressed a lot of excitement by jumping up and down.

Check Off and describe the areas of development that apply:


x Social/Emotional
x Physical

Carmen can work on advancing her physical skills. She can try to use one foot to jump
through and around the hula hoops.

Child-initiated activity x Done with adult

Teacher- Initiated Done with peers
New Task Time spend 1-5 min

Familiar Task x Time spend 5-15 min

Done independently Time Spend 15+min
Anecdotal Record

Child’s Name:Carmen
Observer:Amanda Timm Date: 11/04/2019

Anecdotal Note: Describe what you saw the child do and/or heard the child say

Carmen arrived at the classroom today at 8:40am (dropped off by her Grandma). She
walked in the classroom with a pep in her step and a smile on her face. She has been gone
the past week to her dad's house. After her Grandma left, Carmen turned to me and said,” I
was at my daddy's house, I do not like him.” I asked her why and she replied,” Just cause.”

Check Off and describe the areas of development that apply:

x Social/Emotional

Goals: I will continue to talk to Carmen about her feelings and ask her to elaborate about

x Child-initiated activity Done with adult

Teacher- Initiated Done with peers
New Task x Time spend 1-5 min

Familiar Task Time spend 5-15 min

Done independently Time Spend 15+min

Anecdotal Record

Child’s Name:Carmen Observer:Amanda Timm

Date: 11/05/2019

Anecdotal Note: Describe what you saw the child do and/or heard the child say.

While we were at the park today, Carmen ran over to me with a huge smile on her face. She
said,” Watch me, watch me!” I followed her to the monkey bars, she was able to climb up and
swing off of them. She asked me to catch her when she wanted to jump off.

Check Off and describe the areas of development that apply:



x Physical
Accompany Carmen in feeling secure enough to jump off alone.

x Child-initiated activity x Done with adult

Teacher- Initiated Done with peers
x New Task Time spend 1-5 min

Familiar Task x Time spend 5-15 min

Done independently Time Spend 15+min

Anecdotal Record

Child’s Name: Carmen Observer :Amanda Timm

Date: 11/06/2019

Anecdotal Note: Describe what you saw the child do and/or heard the child say.

Carmen came in later than her normal time today. When I asked her where she was, she
said she was at mommy's work. I asked her what she was doing there, and she said she at
cake pops and watched YouTube. When I asked her if she liked being there she said no.

Check Off and describe the areas of development that apply:

x Social/Emotional


Expand Vocabulary to explain why she did not like being at work with her mom.

x Child-initiated activity Done with adult

Teacher- Initiated Done with peers
New Task x Time spend 1-5 min

Familiar Task Time spend 5-15 min

Done independently Time Spend 15+min

Anecdotal Record

Child’s Name: Carmen Observer: Amanda

Timm Date: 11/07/2019

Anecdotal Note: Describe what you saw the child do and/or heard the child say.
Carmen came into the classroom today stomping her feet, screaming and her hands in her
mouth. Carmen’s mom told me she was upset she was not able to wear a certain pair of
shoes that were too big.

Check Off and describe the areas of development that apply:


x Social/Emotional

Goals: Carmen can use her words to explain why she is upset. She will continue to work on using her

x Child-initiated activity Done with adult

Teacher- Initiated Done with peers
New Task x Time spend 1-5 min

Familiar Task Time spend 5-15 min

Done independently Time Spend 15+min

Anecdotal Record
Child’s Name:Carmen Observer:Amanda Timm
Date: 11/07/2019

Anecdotal Note: Describe what you saw the child do and/or heard the child say.

Carmen was picked up by her aunt tonight. She started kicking and screaming. She made it
very clear she did not want to go with her. Her aunts face became red as if she was
embarrassed. She tried many times to calm Carmen down.

Check Off and describe the areas of development that apply:

x Social/Emotional

Goals: Carmen will work on using self-control to help her emotions.

x Child-initiated activity Done with adult

Teacher- Initiated Done with peers
New Task x Time spend 1-5 min
Familiar Task Time spend 5-15 min

Done independently Time Spend 15+min

Anecdotal Record

Child’s Name:Carmen Observer:Amanda Timm

Date: 11/08/2019

Anecdotal Note: Describe what you saw the child do and/or heard the child say.

Carmen arrived later than her scheduled time today. She was dropped off by Grandma. She
walked in, came up to me and held my leg for a long time. This is not a typical behavior.

Check Off and describe the areas of development that apply:


x Social/Emotional
Goals: Carmen needed an object/person who she found comforting. I will work on creating a
space Carmen can go when she needs comfort.

x Child-initiated activity Done with adult

Teacher- Initiated Done with peers
New Task Time spend 1-5 min

Familiar Task Time spend 5-15 min

Done independently x Time Spend 15+min

Anecdotal Record

Child’s Name:Carmen
Observer:Amanda Timm Date: 11/11/2019

Anecdotal Note: Describe what you saw the child do and/or heard the child say.

Carmen arrived at her scheduled time today. She was walking very slow with her thumb in her
mouth. This is odd as she normally is excited to come to class.

Check Off and describe the areas of development that apply:


x Social/Emotional .

Goals: Carmen will continue to use her words to express her feelings.

x Child-initiated activity Done with adult

Teacher- Initiated Done with peers
New Task x Time spend 1-5 min

Familiar Task Time spend 5-15 min

Done independently Time Spend 15+min

Anecdotal Record

Child’s Name:Carmen
Observer:Amanda Timm Date: 11/11/2019

Anecdotal Note: Describe what you saw the child do and/or heard the child say.
While on the playground this afternoon, Carmen ran up to me and said,” Follow me.” I
followed her to the play house and she showed me a spider.I asked her if she liked spiders.
She squealed No!

Check Off and describe the areas of development that apply:



Goals: Carmen can compare spiders in books to spiders in real life. We can share her
experience with her peers.

x Child-initiated activity Done with adult

Teacher- Initiated Done with peers
New Task Time spend 1-5 min

Familiar Task x Time spend 5-15 min

Done independently Time Spend 15+min
Anecdotal Record

Child’s Name:Carmen
Observer:Amanda Timm Date: 11/12/2019

Anecdotal Note: Describe what you saw the child do and/or heard the child say.

Carmen walked over to me today with a baby doll in her arms. She told me her baby was
crying. She started to rock the baby and sing. She asked me if the baby doll was the same
thing that is in my tummy.

Check Off and describe the areas of development that apply:

x Social/Emotional

Carmen can work on self soothing her own self.
x Child-initiated activity Done with adult
Teacher- Initiated Done with peers
New Task x Time spend 1-5 min

Familiar Task Time spend 5-15 min

Done independently Time Spend 15+min

Anecdotal Record

Child’s Name: Carmen Observer: Amanda Timm Date:11/12/2019

Anecdotal Note: Describe what you saw the child do and/or heard the child say.

Carmen saw a peer with a book on their cot before rest time. She wanted the book. She attempted
to grab the book. The peer said, "This is my book.” Carmen hit the peer.

Check Off the areas of development that apply:


X Emotional
X Social
X Physical
Goals: We will talk about what we use hands for. Hands are not for hitting.

X Child-initiated activity Done with adult

Teacher- Initiated X Done with peers
New Task Time spend 1-5 min

X Familiar Task Time spend 5-15 min

Done independently Time Spend 15+min

Anecdotal Record
Child’s Name: Carmen Age: 3

Observer: Amanda Timm Date:11/13/2019

Anecdotal Note: Describe what you saw the child do and/or heard the child say.
Carmen was playing in the treehouse outside with two friends. Carmen stuck her head out of the
window and yelled “BOO” at her friends. They all laughed.

Check Off the areas of development that apply:

x Social

The Anecdote illustrates the following developmental goals:

Carmen played with her friends and made them laugh.

X Child-initiated Done with adult

activity guidance
Teacher- Initiated Done with peers
New Task Time spend 1-5 min

X Familiar Task Time spend 5-15

X min
Done independently Time Spend 15+min

Anecdotal Record
Child’s Name: Carmen Age: 3

Observer: Amanda Timm Date:11/14/2019

Anecdotal Note: Describe what you saw the child do and/or heard the child say.
Carmen was pushing a friend around on a bike. She would push the friend fast and then slow down.
After approximately five minutes she stopped the bike and told the friend it was her turn.
Check Off the areas of development that apply:
x Cognitive
x Social
x Physical

The Anecdote illustrates the following developmental goals:

Carmen demonstrated that she understands the concept of taking turns. Carmen pushed
her friend for a while and then told the friend it was her turn.

X Child-initiated Done with adult

activity guidance
Teacher- Initiated x Done with peers
New Task Time spend 1-5 min

X Familiar Task Time spend 5-15

X min
Done independently Time Spend 15+min

Anecdotal Record
Child’s Name: Carmen Age: 3

Observer: Amanda Timm Date:11/15/2019

Anecdotal Note: Describe what you saw the child do and/or heard the child say.
Carmen and a friend were playing with playdough during free time. The friend put a piece of playdough
in his mouth. Carmen looked at the friend confused and grossed out. She told the friend in a stern
voice,” Playdough is NOT for eating!.”
Check Off the areas of development that apply:
x Cognitive
x Language/Communication

The Anecdote illustrates the following developmental goals:

Carmen understands what is okay to put in our mouths and what is not okay. She
communicated to the friend it was not okay to eat the playdough.

X Child-initiated Done with adult

activity guidance
Teacher- Initiated x Done with peers
New Task Time spend 1-5 min

X Familiar Task Time spend 5-15

X min
Done independently Time Spend 15+min
Anecdotal Record
Child’s Name: Carmen Age: 3

Observer: Amanda Timm Date:11/16/2019

Anecdotal Note: Describe what you saw the child do and/or heard the child say.
Carmen was playing in the pretend play center when a friend came up to her with a baby. Carmen told
the friend,” I am the mommy and you are the daddy.”

Check Off the areas of development that apply:

x Social

The Anecdote illustrates the following developmental goals:

Carmen played nicely with a friend along with explaining what she wanted their roles to be.

X Child-initiated Done with adult

activity guidance
Teacher- Initiated x Done with peers
New Task Time spend 1-5 min

X Familiar Task Time spend 5-15

Done independently Time Spend 15+min

Anecdotal Record
Child’s Name: Carmen Age: 3

Observer: Amanda Timm Date:11/18/2019

Anecdotal Note: Describe what you saw the child do and/or heard the child say.
Carmen was playing outside when a friend asked her to play catch. Carmen excitedly ran over to the
ball bin to get a ball. She threw the ball to her friend.

Check Off the areas of development that apply:

x Physical

The Anecdote illustrates the following developmental goals:

Carmen is using her large motor muscles.
X Child-initiated Done with adult
activity guidance
Teacher- Initiated X Done with peers
New Task Time spend 1-5 min

X Familiar Task Time spend 5-15

X min
Done independently Time Spend 15+min

Anecdotal Record
Child’s Name: Carmen Age: 3

Observer: Amanda Timm Date:11/19/2019

Anecdotal Note: Describe what you saw the child do and/or heard the child say.
During free time Carmen chose to paint with watercolors. She got out all the supplies and filled the cup
by herself.

Check Off the areas of development that apply:

x Cognitive
The Anecdote illustrates the following developmental goals:
Carmen demonstrated independence. She showed that she can be creative and be self-

X Child-initiated Done with adult

activity guidance
Teacher- Initiated Done with peers
New Task Time spend 1-5 min

X Familiar Task Time spend 5-15

X min
Done independently Time Spend 15+min

Anecdotal Record
Child’s Name: Carmen Age: 3

Observer: Amanda Timm Date:11/21/2019

Anecdotal Note: Describe what you saw the child do and/or heard the child say.
A friend hit Carmen with a block during center time today. Carmen received a bump on her forehead.
Carmen told the friend, “you hurt me! I am sad.”

Check Off the areas of development that apply:

X Emotional

The Anecdote illustrates the following developmental goals:

Carmen told the friend she was sad by verbalizing her feelings with words and by crying .

X Child-initiated Done with adult

activity guidance
Teacher- Initiated Done with peers
New Task Time spend 1-5 min

X Familiar Task Time spend 5-15

X min
Done independently Time Spend 15+min

Running Record

Amanda Timm 11/22/2019. Carmen

Carmen is outside. She walked over to the window of the baby room and presses her face
against the glass. Carmen excitedly said,” Look at the cute baby!”
Amanda Timm 11/22/2019. Carmen
Carmen was taking her snow gear off when a friend’s boot flew off and hit Carmen’s leg.
Carmen walked over to the friend and hit her on the head with her hands. The teacher
approached Carmen and asked her why shit used her hands to hit her friends Carmen
replied,” Because her boot hit me.”

Amanda Timm 11/20/2019. Carmen

Carmen and a friend were playing in the music center. Carmen has a maraca. Carmen
shook the maraca and started singing twinkle twinkle Little Star . Carmen then set the
maraca down and grabbed a tambourine.

Amanda Timm 11/21/2019. Carmen

Carmen was talking about Thanksgiving. I asked Carmen what she was going to do for
Thanksgiving. She told me she was going to her grandma Bonnie’s to eat turkey. Carmen
then told me her mom was not going to be there because she had to work.

Amanda Timm 11/21/2019. Carmen

Caen and a friend were arguing over who had a sister. Carmen said she had a big sister
and the friend said she had a little baby sister.

Carmen was telling everyone about a new puppy that her family had gotten. Carmen went
up to each friend individually and told them her puppies name along with what the puppy
looked like.

Carmen announced that she did not want to nap during rest time Carmen stood up on her
cot and started to sing let it go ( Frozen). The teacher asked her to use her quiet voice.
Carmen stood up and threw her blanket and stuffed animal.

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