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Habit Systems 11/24/2018 8:32:00 PM

I. We fall into our systems rather than rise to our goals

 A fall back system that we can solely rely on without that would be
automated as a life long game the more you play (repetition) with
marginal change.
It starts with identity change that directs our habits. It is from identity -
process  outcome in that order to make an effective change.
 For example, I am an athlete not I want to play tennis. The more
pride you take in your identity that more intrinsically ingrained that
action will be.
 Every time your action aligns with the identity you want to become
it’s a vote to your identity and with repetition and more “votes”
there is more evidence that you are this identity.
o 1. Decide the type of person you want to be.
 “Who is the type of person that could get the outcome I
 “Who is the type of person that could lose forty
o 2. Prove it to yourself with small wins

 I am a financial risk management (FRM) analyst, I am an elite
student/standardized test expert, I am a healthy fitness guy.
 Identity states that I manage problems and execute them in an
organized and step by step manner.

II. The Science of Habits

 Cue  Craving  Response  Reward
 Example
o Problem Phase
 Cue – You hit a stumbling block on a project at work
 Craving – You feel stuck and want to relieve your
o Solution Phase
 Response: You pull out your phone and check social
 Reward: You satisfy your craving to feel relieved.
Checking social media becomes associated with feeling
stalled at work.

 How to Make a Good Habit

o Cue – Make it obvious
o Craving – Make it attractive
o Response – Make it easy
o Response – Make it satisfying
 Invert to break a bad habit

 Wake Up +
 Go to sleep +
 Bathroom =
 Binge Eat –
 Lie down –
 Watch Youtube –
 Look at my phone –
 Stand up =
 Drink Water +
 Track Calories +
 Eat Breakfast +
 Browse the internet. –
 Look at my phone –
 Instagram -

III. How to create a good habit (Implementation Intetion)

 I will [Behavior] at [TIME] in [Location]
Studying: I will study GRE for twenty minutes at 6 p.m in my
study room
 The Habit Stacking Formula: “After [Current Habit], I will [New
 Example Apply:
o After I wake up, I will sit down to prepare for studying.
o After I prepare for studying, I will exercise by doing a push-
o After doing a push-up, I will read the title of a

 The Secret to Self Control

o The people with the best self-control are typically the ones
who need to use it the least.

IV. How to make habits more attractive

 Temptation Bundling – Watching Netflix (thing wanting to do) with
riding the stationary bike (thing needed to do)
 The Habit Stacking + Temptation Bundling Formula is:
o 1. After [Current Habit], I will [Habit I need]
o 2. After [Habit I need], I will [Habit I want]
 Apply:
o After I wake up, I will prepare for studying (need).
o After I prepare for studying, I will check instagram (want).

Insight: A way to optimize habit

After [Current Habit] , [Habit Chain], I will [Habit I want]

V. The Law of Least Effort

 To make or break habits is to control the amount of friction to get
to the activity. For example, if you want to reduce phone use you
can create more friction by placing it on the top shelf of the closet
while studying in a different room so it is harder for you to get
access to the phone.

VI. Two minute Rule

 Making the habit atomically easy that transitions into hard
 Open notes  study for 10 minutes  study for three hours  get
straight A’s  Get a Masters Degree
 Habit must be established before it can be improved.
11/24/2018 8:32:00 PM
11/24/2018 8:32:00 PM

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