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Relative Pronoun Exercises

In the following sentences, identify and correct any relative pronoun error that
appears. Some of the sentences may not contain an error.

1. For delicate patients which cannot handle the rigors of modern medicine, some
doctors are now rejecting the assembly line of modern medical care for older, gentler

2. In its later years, the Bauhaus architectural movement became a kind of religion in
which heretics had to be excommunicated by those who held the true light.

3. When readers which get their news from electronic rather than printed sources send
articles to their friends, they tend to choose ones that contain intellectually
challenging topics.

4. Biographical writing is an art which was revolutionized at the start of the twentieth
century by renowned British critic Lytton Strachey.

5. In classical Athenian democracy, citizens which failed to pay their debts were barred
from attending assembly meetings and appearing in court in virtually any capacity.

6. Carol Bove, an artist who is known for her drawings and installations concerning the
social and political movements of the 1960’s, often found inspiration for her work in
vintage books and magazines.

7. Researchers have claimed that subjects which stood on a rapidly vibrating platform
during an experiment were able to slightly improve their athletic performance for a
short time afterward.

8. In his utopian novel Walden Two, B.F. Skinner invents a world in which emotions
such as envy have become obsolete because people are conditioned as children to
reject them.

9. One of the least popular of all the Romance languages, Romansch is traditionally
spoken by people which inhabit the southern regions of Switzerland.

10. The wave of fascination greeting the film’s release is a phenomenon that seems
worthy of attention, regardless of the movie's artistic merit.

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