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Five Moral Foundation

1. Care (opposite of harm) - Underlies virtues of kindness, gentleness, and

nurturance. Care towards the community plays a vital role in our life so we can live
in harmony. We can easily evaluate ourselves if our way of living is in line with
morality or immorality, ethical or unethical by simply asking ourselves if we have
care for our community or if we are just causing harm to it. To live a life with
morality or ethical values towards the community we should care for every God’s
creation as we care for our own lives. It is stated in the Holy bible that God
entrusted everything unto us but it does not mean we are going to abuse it. He just
entrusted it to us meaning He appointed us to be His stewards. Steward means the
one who takes care of everything entrusted to him/her. To make it simple take good
care of our environment and love our neighbour as we love ourselves.

2. Fairness/reciprocity (opposite of cheating) - It generate ideas of justice, rights

and autonomy. It is simply talking about integrity and equal treatment to every
individual since we have the so-called Human rights which is known around the
world as law. Being fair to everyone is moral but doing things opposite of it is
immoral. Cheating has many forms and one of the examples of it is graft and
corruption. We are all aware about what the consequences of this unethical act,
namely: poverty, high rate of crime, unemployment, and many more which lead to
unhealthy society. It is not yet too late to make things up, it would start with you
and every decision you would make and act you would step on should be with
integrity. Always walk with integrity.

3. Loyalty (opposite of betrayal) - Underlies virtues of patriotism and self-sacrifice

for the group. Loyalty to where we belong to or group we are in signifies ethical
values, but any act contrary to it is unethical. We belong to one community so we
should be faithful to each other to strengthen our relationship with anyone.
4. Authority/respect (opposite of subversion) - Underlies virtues of leadership and
followership, including deference to legitimate authority and respect for traditions.
Another way to live with ethical values is the submission to authority by simply
following the rules and regulation declared as national law which serves as our
guide to act accordingly. Submission to authority signifies great respect.

5. Purity/sanctity (opposite of degradation) - Underlies religious notions of striving

to live in an elevated, less carnal, and more noble way. The word carnal has
something to do with selfish desire, but when we say less carnal means being
spiritually matured trying to achieve the holy life and preserve our purity in the
sight of God and before the eyes of man at the same time though we are not yet
holy for we are still in this sinful nature, but what God is saying, “Be holy for I am
holy.” Means try to imitate His holiness and not live in sin. To make the long story
short any evil act is unacceptable and considered as immoral. In the Bible, wicked
lifestyle would lead to destruction or eternal condemnation to hell if you are going
to continue that.



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