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The earliest search engines mostly focused on developing business models that monetized

search. Yahoo organized its paid service up until the last decade or so. When these companies
can buy their way to the top, it often comes at the cost of user experience and that is exactly
where Google made its mark. Google’s whole business model focused on providing a better
user experience. Its page rank algorithm accounted for a number of factors for displaying the
search results.
Google is easily 2-5x times faster than its nearest competitor when returning search results.
Users didn’t even know that this was possible until Google came along with its search engine.
Google has been able to crawl through a lot more pages than the others and hence it provides
better results for the user. Hence it has a much deeper index when compared to all the other
search engines which have tried to make its impact.
Google’s results are much more relevant when compared to its competitors. The Page Rank
algorithm that they have implemented is an important factor in this. The invention of the
Vertical Search Engine and Universal Key Search is a key factor in how Google was able to
become the most used search engine. Google has also introduced various features as
functions that speed up the search such as Google Instant, Google Suggest, Advanced search
and many more.
The Google UI also seems to be pretty simple for users to get used to. Most of the other
search engines are cluttered with banner ads and distractions. Google provides a minimalistic
and clean interface where the most important factor is the search results page.
Google, once it became the dominant search engine didn’t rest on its laurels and slow down
its development on search. Instead, they doubled the efforts and invested heavily in further
developing and improving the search engine by investing in AI and other technology.
It is not just present in one market but also has its presence in the Mobile/Tablet market as
well. It has various features such as Maps, News, Images and various others which helps
maintain its relevance in the market.
The last key to Google's success is that they have built one of the best-known brands in the
world. In fact, Google is not just a company name it is now a verb that is used synonymously
with a web search. This did not just happen it was the result of a concerted marketing effort
and it makes it hard for others to compete with them. After all, if people automatically
associate Google with search engines it is pretty hard to get them to try a different one.

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