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Measuring corporate social responsibility: a review of the literature (2010-


Article · July 2018

DOI: 10.14349 / sumneg


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University of Applied and Environmental Sciences


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SUM BUSINESS, 9 (20), XX-XX, July-December 2018, ISSN 2215-910XDoi:


Review article

Measurement of corporate social responsibility: a

review of the literature (2010-2017)
Andrés López Puentesone and Melissa Lis-Gutierreztwo
University Central, Bogotá, Colombia. Mail electronic: APUENTESL@UCENTRAL.EDU.CO. ORCID: 0000-0002-1137-5751.

Docentand researcher, University dand science applied Y environmental (UDCA) Bogotá, Colombia. correo theectrónico: melissalis @ UDCA.
two ORCID: 0000-0002-2598-3088.


Received May 9, 2018 Accepted This article seeks to establish what forms of measuring corporate social responsibility
June 22, 2018 Online on July 1, (CSR) have been documented in academic literature between 2010 and 2017. From a
2018 preliminary identification of 250 documents related to CSR are a sample was selected 33
articles that explicitly use any classified cation or proposed forms of measurement. It was
JEL codes: possible to determine that the main proposals for this type of measurement are related to
M14, M10, M19, M29, L29 (1) the analysis of reports submitted by companies, and (2) the development of single and
multiple indicators.
corporate social responsibility,
corporate social responsibility,
social responsibility,
indicators of social
responsibility, CSR

Measurement Corporate Social Responsibility: A review of the

literature (2010-2017)

Keywords: The objective of esta paper is to Establish the forms of measurement of Corporate Social
Social responsibility, Responsibility (CSR) Which Have Been documented in the academic literature, Between
Corporate Social Responsibility, 2010 and 2017. From a preliminary selection of 250 documents related to CSR, it was semi-
social responsibility,
social responsibility indicators, lected to That sample of 32 papers make explicit the use of the classification of the propos -
measure of social responsibility. the forms of measurement. This process has enabled to determine That the main Proposals
for this type of measurement are related to the analysis of the reports presented by the
companies, as well as the formulation of a single and multiple indicators.

© 2018 University Foundation Konrad Lorenz. This is an Open Access article under license CC BY-NC-ND (http: // creativecommons.
org / licenses / by-nc-nd / 4.0 /).
2 SUMA BUSINESS, 9 (20), XX-XX, July-December 2018, ISSN 2215-910X

social (RS) and that there were scales CSR be located relative
Introduction to other momentous strategic variables for businesses. In
addition, De Leaniz & Del Bosque Rodríguez (2013)
Since the beginning of the XXI century has discussed the concluded that the problems in the measurement of CSR
initial ts, evolution and approaches the concept of corporate were due to the complexity of the issue, lack of defi- nition of
social responsibility (CSR) or (RSC) and the importance of its the concept and the unreliability of the measurement results.
applicability (Razeg, 2010). Despite the above, although the Regarding the benefits of measuring social value and
need for measurement and impact of CSR emerged in impact of the activities of CSR stakeholders, Pa ornescu
parallel with the origin of the concept for a century (Cardona ( 2 0 1 4 ) s it eñaló C ua t r or p oi n t s main: ( on e ) c ons- truir
Acevedo, Duke Orozco & Rendón Acevedo, 2013), only reputation, (2) facilitate access to funding opportunities, (3)
began to materialize since 2010, when companies began to ensuring efficient and effective use of re- sources; (4)
produce CSR reports, dis- briendo also the problem of how motivate employees to achieve objectives.
to measure CSR actions and their impact sufficient and Meanwhile, Burlakova (2014) states that since the
consistent manner (Stran- dberg, 2010). Today, CSR is a adoption of the concept of CSR, have constantly tried devel-
transcendental topic for researchers such strategic rrollar sophisticated and general calculations to measure
management because of the difficulties in defining and results We responsible management of the company.
measuring (Carroll, Primo & However, the author also argues that, despite the variety of
ANDlCSR concept or RSC, used interchangeably, has been techniques, there are flaws in the calculations due to the
widely discussed; in 2001 the Commission of the European divergence of the primary data. Similarly, it confirms that the
Communities Dades (CCE) defined CSR as the situation where indicators should be transparent and comparable.
organizations include social and environmental concerns in their For all the above is worth doing a review of the
business operations and rela- tions with stakeholders academic literature in depth, in order to established cer
(stakeholders) of volun character - Tario (European 2001). Later, what forms of measurement of CSR that have been
Dahlsrud (2008) made an analysis of the concepts and organized documented in academic literature between 2010 and 2017
according to five dimensions: environmental, social, economic, are seeking to present a systematization of the main
stakehol- ders and the volunteer. Therefore, this self defined CSR proposals.
as an emerging field of management, understanding and focused This article will introduce you to the community ways of
on meeting the needs of the stakeholders of an organization. measuring CSR, by classification and synthesis. Likewise, it
A decade later, in 2011, the CEC updated the concept of is expected that this work will help stakeholders
CSR and defined it as the responsibility of enterprises for (shareholders, owners, suppliers, customers and so- ciedad
their impacts on society (European, 2011). Recently, Guthey in general) to determine what the alternatives are to perform
& Morsing (2014) suggested that CSR is best defined as a a measurement of CSR within an organization of and choose
stage for the creation of meaning, the plurality of opinions from the various options.
and discussion on social norms and conflicting expectations To meet the above, the methodology is not experimental
related to business. and longitudinal descriptive, qualitative approach, since it
Now, in accordance with Pérez Pineda (2012), the corresponds to a review of the literature between 2010 and
measure- ment of CSR originates in three respects. The first is 2017, from a protocol inclusion and exclusion of documents.
associated with the debate about whether the company social This study started from an initial semi lesson 250 articles
issues must take into account and whether they can be associated with the issue of CSR subsequently identified 33
profitable. The second builds on concerns about the impact including measuring its forms.
of business, from the perspective of sustainability. Ter- zero The work is divided into three sections. Prime-ra in the
due to the demand of civil society. In turn, this author finds methodology is presented. In the second results organized
that the interest of the inclusion ye measuring various actors: into two subsections (1) in which cat- egories forms CSR
(1) directors of firms, (2) sharehold- tas of the company, who measurement is grouped; (2) main proposals for the
seek to establish the benefits of financial support for CSR measurement of CSR, according to the substantial
activities; (3) civil society and (4) governments, who want to literature between 2010 and 2017. In the third part the
know the social impact of resources for CSR activities. conclusions.
Por Meanwhile, authors like Diaz Foncea, Marcuello &
Marcuello (2012), in their review of methodologies for analyzing Methodology
and measuring the results of socialist companies they concluded
that there are numerous tools to communicate results to This paper describes the methodology used is not
stakeholders. However, caron identified that there is a clear
experimental criptivo un- type of qualitative approach, and
difficulty in the description and measure- ment of the social impact
dinal lengths as they reviewed within the academic literature
of CSR actions. Likewise, Gallardo-Vázquez, Sánchez-Hernández
ways to measure CSR between 2010 and 2017, then
& Corchuelo-Martinez Azua (2013) argued that it had not found an
synthesize and categorize the findings. Gaede & Rowlands
adequate measure of the effects of responsibility
(2018) emphasize that the revisions are enriching for com-
bine and concentrate extensive range of research,
highlighting findings and guiding others in the future.
SUMA BUSINESS, 9 (20), XX-XX, July-December 2018, ISSN 2215-910X 3

This study started from an initial selection of 250 measurement. Then the proposals identified in recent years
articulated those associated with the issue of CSR; later, 33 to categorize or classify the ways to measure CSR relate.
were identified including ways of measuring CSR. The CarMrs A c e v e do a n d t to L. (2 0 1 3 ) f o rm e r plican q EU
protocol followed Perestelo-Perez (2013) and included: (1) d ada l to fa l t aregulation and control to business organizations
identification of field of study, subject and period to be and its impact on society, has promoted a sufficient number of
analyzed; (2) the formulation of the problem; (3) the technical standards Cre, reports, certifications and reports to
definition of criteria for Trouble- information; (4) selection of perform and communicate CSR programs. However, De Leaniz &
references and studies; (5) critical reading; (6) extraction of Del Bosque Rodriguez (2013) state that in academic literature there
relevant information and data; (7) the analysis and synthesis is no consensus on the measurement of CSR because of the large
of evidence hundred- typhimurium (Lis-Gutierrez, Lis- number of investi- gations on this subject.
Gutierrez, Viloria, Gaitan-Angulo & Balaguera, 2016). According to research Maignan & Ferrell (2000), three
The selection of references and studies followed Lis- main approaches to measuring the commitment of
Gutié- rrez et al. (2018) Lulewicz-Sas (2017): companies to fulfill their social responsi- bilities were
identified: (1) expert evaluation; (2) only indicators and / or
Pi (TO B) = Σ pi (TO B) multiple and (3) surveys managers. Meanwhile, Blowfield
(2007) describes what is known about the impacts of CSR
comes from three main sources: (1) case studies, (2) CSR
Pi ( TO| B) = one if TO ∈ ARTi ΛB art i reports of individual companies and (3) lificaciones CA-
companies . There are also reports that documented perience
0 if TO Ï ARTi B Ï ARTi
the progress of the undertakings par- lares associations;
reports on particular resources or facilities. In addition, there
0 if TO ∈ ARTi B ∉ ARTi
are reports tracking par- lares aspects of CSR.
0 if TO ∉ ARTi B ∈ ARTi Turker (2009), extending the classification of Maignan &
Ferrell (2000) suggested five categories for grouping
Where: methodologies to measure CSR: (1) reputation indexes or
P(TO B): Set of items that meet the con- conditions A databases, (2) indicators of problems, (3) conte- analysis
and B. reports nest (4) scales measuring CSR indi- vidual level and
Pi ( TO B): Article selection probability from ia conditions (5) scales measuring CSR organizational level. Ebrahim &
A and B. Rangan (2010) classify the proposals to measure social
i: number of scientific papers (i = 1, 2, ..., n). performance in six ways: (1) expected return, (2)
experimental methods, (3) logic models,
A: set of words in the search equation in the title or
(4) strategic approach, (5) participatory methods and based
on relationships and (6) integrated approaches. No Obs-
B: condition publication period (2010-2017). tante, jobs are mainly categorized enfo- ed in non-profit
ARTI: conjunto of articles in access open qEU cumple with organizations.
tol less ato of thes cONDITIONS TO or B. On the other hand, Marimon, Alonso-Almeida, Alejandro
For five six phases critical reading, and extraction of Rodríguez & Cortez (2012) classify CSR standards: (1)
relevant data and information documents were part of the regulatory structures, (2) guidelines and (3) admin- istrative
sample were selected, but included in its WELL Nor systems. The classification is made taking into account the
contained forms of measurement of CSR. disclosure of environmental, social and ethical issues. In his
review, Pérez Pineda (2012) proposes a typology to
results concentrate the various ways of measuring CSR in three Gru
pos: (1) management models, (2) profitability models and (3)
In this study two types of work were identified: (1) performance models in them summarizes the variety of al-
proposing a grouping or categorization of the ways to ternatives. However, work is not proportionate na
measure CSR; (2) formulating indicators to measure CSR. measurement methodology CSR.
Below is each of the work of the two categories identified. From another perspective, De Leaniz & Del Bosque
Rodríguez (2013) found six viable approaches to measure-
ment of CSR: (1) indices reputation, (2) databases,
Categorization of ways to measure CSR (3) iNDICATORS aICOS Y multi ples, (4) análisi s of
cONTENT of p ublications, (5) surveys to m ember of l to
In the words of Koerber (2010), may be more than 300
organization of Y , (6 ) scale s of p erception de via tion. A ceí
standards covering different aspects of behavior and
m y Saint, Pai r do Herras- you, Paredes Gázquez & Dand lto
corporate responsibility. As a result, it was noted in the
Cet up Gonzalez (twentyfifteen) to liston five shapes of
review article an effort to categorize and / or mixing different
measurements pairto lto RS, iss son: (one) cuestiona- rios of
questions cerroneous, (two) measurements of
1 title-ABS-KEY ( "social corporate responsibility") OR title- ABS-KEY ( comportamiento and perceptuales, (3) measurements
"CSR") OR TITLE-ABS- KEY ( "CSR") OR TITLE-ABS-KEY ( indirectas to trbirds of toproxima- tions aidimensionales, (4)
"Corporate Social Responsibility ")).
agencias of Rating Y (5) technic decision multicriterio.
4 SUMA BUSINESS, 9 (20), XX-XX, July-December 2018, ISSN 2215-910X

Galant & Cadez (2017) summarize and group approaches

Analysis reputation indexes
in the literature to measure CSR also the list by frequency of
use: (1) indices reputation, (2) content analysis, (3) surveys Galant & Cadez content
based on questions - rivers and (4) dimensional (2017) Unidimensional questionnaire surveys
measurements. In Table 1 are presented ta summarizes
studies found.
Source: own calculations based on Maignan & Ferrell (2000), Blowfield
Table 1 - Summary of proposals for classifying measure- (2007), Turker (2009), Ebrahim & Rangan (2010), Marimon et al. (2012),
ments RSE Pérez Pineda (2012), De Leaniz & Del Bosque Rodriguez (2013), Pardo
Herrasti et al. (2015), Galant & Cadez (2017)
Auth Classification measures RS
or Proposals for a form of measurement
Expert evaluations single /
Maignan & Ferrell
(2000) and Ferrell multiple surveys Indicators This document takes into account the classification
Case studies CSR Reports defined by De Leaniz & Del Bosque Rodriguez (2013), pues-
to which it can be grouped as much by proposals found in
Corporate ratings
the review.
Blowfield (2007) Databases

Reputational indices or databases Indicators

Content analysis of publications
single and multiple analysis report content
One of the ways most referenced in the literature to
measure CSR is through the preparation, presentation and
Measurement scales to indicate level CSR
analysis of reports or reports of RS. Fraile & Fradejas (2012)
Turker (2009) asserted that the publication of CSR reports increases since
Measurement scales CSR ganizational level
the citizen has also increased sensitivity towards social and
environ- such problems. On content analysis reports or
expected return
reports of RS, Galant & Cadez (2017) mention that usually
Experimental methods (randomized controlled involves the delimitation of the constructs, finding
trials) information and classification of information for converting
strategic approach logic qualitative data into quantitative.
models Friar & Fradejas (2012) stated that sustainability reporting
can be considered as the primary re- ferent in the
participatory methods and based on the re-
Ebrahim & Rangan informational component, impac- related to economic, social
(2010) and environmental to an organization. In this regard,
Structures integrators
Mercadé-Melé, Pinwheel & Fernández-Morales (2017)
regulatory approach claimed that the medium used to communicate al Guna CSR
guidelines activity influences the perception of CSR. It is for this reason
that companies perform better, are more likely to ensure
their reports to TRA see an independent third party (Braam
Marimon et al.
management systems & Peeters, 2018).
On the analysis of CSR reports, Almendros, Anke &
Models Models Models
Valdes (2013) stated that use a small, easily understandable
Performance Performance river vocabularies. However, they can be tedious and
Pérez Pineda (2012) Databases redundant. In this regard, Nazari, Hrazdil & Mahmoudian
(2017) proposed measure obfuscation disclosure reports of
Reputational indices single and
CSR. They concluded that greater disclosure and clarity of
multiple indicators CSR reports cia is associated with better performance CSR.
Content analysis of publications Surveys Regarding how to analyze reports, De Jong & Van der
Of Leaniz & Del Meer (2015) proposed five criteria for the identification and
members of the organization of perception
Bosque Rodriguez analysis of the activities reported in the annual CSR reports.
(2013) Scales The criteria were: (1) society benefits activity, (2) the activity
Questionnaires closed questions must be performed voluntarily, (3) the activity should not be
required by law, (4) the activity must be concrete, (5)
Behavioral and perceptual measures
organization itself should participate in the activity.
Indirect measures through one-dimensional However, re- search focuses on knowing whether CSR
activities were aligned or were consistent with the business
Agencias dand rating activities of the organizations.
Herrasti Pardo et
al. (2015) Multicriteria decision techniques
SUMA BUSINESS, 9 (20), XX-XX, July-December 2018, ISSN 2215-910X 5

Continuing the way to analyze the reports of RS, Barrena- Rahman & Post (2012) develop a clear measure of
Martínez, López-Fernández & Romero-Fernandez (2017) environmental corporate social responsibility based strictly
addressed the measurement of the RS from human resource on information available to the general public (RSCA).
policies, using analysis of reports of RS and two international However, the author raised a dichotomy between RSCA and
standards for measure the RS (GRI and ISO 26000) in order the concept of CSR, since high levels of CSR does not equate
to validate a number of socially responsible policies of to high levels of RSCA. The proposal captures the most
human resources. This model limits the analysis, although it important features of the RSCA and crosses inconvenienced
can be adapted to measure other policies within the you with the convergence validity, discriminant and reliable.
organization. The composite index was based on the ECSR measure
Clarkson, Li, Richardson & Vasvari (2008) and reiterative
single and multiple indicators spanned six categories in the concept of RSCA; the weighting
system included 22 points on topics such as governance
Secondly, it was identified that the indicators are one of structure, credibility, environmental performance indicators.
the most widely used measurement of RS, about, & The topics are grouped according to the allocation in the
Rodríguez-Hurtado (2012) González Luna-mentioned given index GRI guidelines. Finalmen- you, the instrument
the need to measure CSR actions and results approaches , proposes four possible scores RSCA: RSCA-general RSCA-
companies must define their objec- tives through indicators governance, RSCA-credibility, RSCA- environmental
identified below proposals relate.
The United Nations Conference on Trade and
Autores c om or G a ll a rdo-Vazquez an d t to L. (2013) rthey
Development (2008) made a clear and concise guide to
ealizaron and they validated ato iscreek dand medidto for
building CSR reports and indicators. The guide presents ca-
lto it ADOPTION n dand RS, in- corporando tres bases
ity criteria, guiding principles and restrictions for selection of
basic indicators that can be succinct and confrontables. Teoricas dand análisis (It DIMENSIONn it econo- mica, memberl
Vitezić (2010) investigated the measurement system of Y medioambiental). ANDn its validation, the andstudio set
indicators of CSR in the pharmaceutical industry with a causal relationships between the RS and other variables such as
critical analysis; subsequently he unified and established a innovation, performance and competitive success.
model of indicators for the pharmaceutical sector socially GANGONE & Ganescu (2014) created a model to
responsible. The moderate the measurement is composed of evaluate CSR based on the theory of stakeholders, with this
19 metrics to the yield of the pharmaceutical sustainability, the National Satisfaction Index stakeholders (INSI), which
grouped into four categories: human, social, environmental defines 26 indicators to measure the expectations built
and economic. interest groups. Also they concluded that there is a
The Spanish Association of Accounting and Business correlation between INSI and Human Develop- ment Index.
Administration (2010) proposed a set of indicators for CSR Burlakova (2014) proposed a model based on the rating
and corporate governance (CG) that can be used to assess
factors of CSR and current development model, the rating
practices in these fields. Similarly, it develop- ment the
factors take into account the actual data of a company
central scoreboard CSR (CSI-RSE) and classified in economic,
compared with the best results in the industry, and the
social and environmental. It is a multidimensional proposal
coefficient of development estimates the incre- ment in
and its applicability to di- fferent sectors can provide
relevant information. company performance compared to previous periods.
Focacci (2011) inspired by the principles of the triple Similarly, Janamrung & Issarawornrawanich (2015)
bottom line, he raised a quantitative synthetic method for construct an index of RSC data from the CA- fication KLD
measuring and comparing the overall rate of corporate social and RSC guide of civil society rativa Responsibility Institute
responsibility (TGRSC) of a company based on the corpo- Stock Exchange Thai- land, methodology It covered
composition of economic, financial, biental am- information three components of CSR (community, employees and
and indexes of social values. The function is TGRSC = f (E, A, environment) and consisted of 25 items. CSR practices of
S). It is a linear function that combines aspects economically companies were rated using data from public information
cos (E), environmental (A) and social (S), construction za sources. Then the CSR Index figures are calculated by
reali- based on the selection and classification of other indica-
dividing the sum total of the actual scores for each category
tors; then they synthesized into a single expression. The main
of the maximum total score of the corresponding category.
limitation of the method is the lack of standard information
to be integrated directly. In addition, the proposal is general ACEt
The formula is: CSRInd =
and does not formulate indicators to expose peculiarities. t
Then Luna-González & Rodríguez-Hurtado (2012) plan-
CSRInd = CorpMADMAN S OCIAL Responsibility Index,
tearon a new model from the classic indicators of CSR as part Donde:
of the three-dimensional sostenibi- ity (environmental, TOS = ActuaL score, and MS = Maximum score
economic and social). The model in- cludes indicators that
aim to assess the importance of territory where company- If you do not have the information of an organization, the
rial activities are developed. The proposal allows results are negative, regardless of their CSR activities.
contextualize the indicators in a local environment, adapting
to the needs par- lares of each region.
6 SUMA BUSINESS, 9 (20), XX-XX, July-December 2018, ISSN 2215-910X

To measure the degree of information RS, Bonsón & Bed- human and equality, have a policy against corruption,
Narova (2015) developed an index that took place emplean- generous donations, health and safety at work, proficiency
do AECA indicators, which is calculated according to the training, among others.
information reported in sustainability reporting and consists United Nations (2018) developed a con- stock index
of 26 indicators divided into three groups: environ- mental, tituido by a group of companies. The model is based on the
social and corporate governance. Recognizing that the ten principles of the Global Compact promoted by the UN
primary information comes from reports sostenibi- ity, it (human rights principles on borales la- standards on
means that there is a bias in other dimensions such as social environment and governance). The model relates corporate
and economic. performance on environmental, social and governance issues
Por OTRor side, Pinto-Ferreira, Ortigueira, Gómez, Louridor & with a requirement of profitability.
Areal (2015) propose ato It función dand Inde xand Econòmicor
SWs- tainable (FIE) based andn tres tosPECTS dand lto
Other measurement proposals
production sustain- table, production, medior tonvironment Y
sociAge ofSDE lto Beholdto economic.For it emphasizes the
Martinez, Pérez & Rodríguez del Bosque (2013) devel-
obligation to design a Sustainable Manufacturing System (SMS),
rrollan a scale of perception of CSR in the tourism sector
involving economic and ecological constraints, using production
from the perspective of sustainable development, the
variables, environment and society, to maximize efficiency and
indicators formulated after a review of the literature and
environmental balance. The proposed function is: SUSTAINABL and
qualitative research. The instrument was developed,
EIF = α * production EIF + β * environmetal EIF + γ * Social EIF following the methodology of Churchill (1979). However, the
Donde ( , , ) son andl pesor of cada component in andl study is focused on the tourist industry accommodation,
process of toma of decisions. Sand consideran variables as therefore, is not generalizable to the entire industry and
matwastelands, Energy, Water, beefiduals Sungone, other sectors.
emissions, employees, providers Y cONSUMER.
Jonikas (2014) expresses a conceptual framework for
Carroll a n d t to L. (2 0 16 ) post ul a t e on l to measure D -
measuring the value created by CSR, the model takes into
S O CI A L -K L D,
account the alternative value measurement of economic,
dynamic study of responsibility / social cor- porate
legal, ethical and corporate philanthropy, and exam- ines the
performance with IRT Analytics. The design model is
characteristics of value shared. The model posits 33 questions
focused on con- utility or benefit that a company receives to
and multidimensional measures, where mixing different
implement a particular policy concerning CSR, using item
types of methods (surveys, indicators, statistics, analysis).
response theory (IRT).
The conceptual framework encompasses the different
Later, Jimenez Martinez & Lopez (2016) post-tularon a list
dimensions of CSR is clear and synthesized chalk concerns of
of indicators of the RS in the field of university (RSU); the
stakeholders, the objec- tives and how to measure them.
proposal is made based on the Guide for preparing
Morioka, Evans & Carvalho (2016) propose a
sustainability reports of GRI. The proposal develops general
comprehensive framework to measure the performance of a
to PARTICULAR, individualize the signs to the field of edu-
sustainable business model (SBM) harmonizing performance
cation, specifically the university. Likewise, Sánchez-
prism with the business components of the value
Hernández & Mainardes (2016) propose a model to measure
proposition. How- ever, research shows a bias in the data
the RSU using existing tados constructs and adapted to the
recopi- sides and reports originating from autodeclarados
context of higher education institutions (IES). The measure
companies, also, the information is limited as companies do
comprises 29 indicators divided into three constructs: (1)
not report many activities. Table 2 shows the measurement
orientation accountability,
proposals CSR are synthesized.
(2) orientation programs responsible for education, (3)
guidance to responsible research programs.
Discussion and Conclusions
From another perspective, Latif (2017) developed a
measurement scale for RSU, through the identification of key Sand observed in the literature that several proposals have
determinants. The study concluded that the RSU has seven been made to measure CSR. These involve content analysis,
reputation indices, indicators (single or mul- tiple), among others,
dimensions: operational responsibilities, R & D,
the majority has reviews and constraints (Garcia-Vazquez et al.,
stakeholders, legal, ethical, philanthropic involvement pica,
2013). The results of this articulated are a starting point in the
and community involvement. These studies reveal a deep
debate on the formulation of new ways to measure CSR.
interest in measuring the social impact of the universities in Reviewing ways to measure CSR group them mainly
society, noting that the uni- versity organization has a allowed two types: CSR reports and indicate single and
responsibility to the community in general. multiple ers. This classification shows that there are a
Subsequently, Wuttichindanon (2017) developed an number of proposals and batteries indica- tors, however,
assembly of CSR indices to estimate disclosure, the indices efforts to standardize them have had no effect, highlighting
are composed from three sources: KLD index, SCIRI and the sustainability reports of GRI.
Janamrung & Issarawornrawanich (2015). It also ensures that
the five main CSR disclosures according to 43 indices were:
rights concerns
SUMA BUSINESS, 9 (20), XX-XX, July-December 2018, ISSN 2215-910X 7

Table 2 - Summary of proposals for measuring RSE As regards future research, it would
great interest to delve into the ways to measure the im-
Classification Autho pact or the results of CSR in the different stakeholders in
order to validate whether the actions of CSR companies meet
Nazari andt to the. (twenty17)
their CSR targets paths. Another issue of relevance is to
Content analysis of De Jong & Van der Meer (2015) encourage proposals to facilitate the adoption of standards in
publications small businesses and developing coun- tries.
Bit-Martinez, Lopez-Fernandez-
Fernandez & Romero (2017)
The United Nations Conference on Trade
and Development (2008)
Vitezić (2010) To themendros, C. P., Ankand, L. AND. & GoesLDES, R. T. (2013).
Corporate SW- official responsibility in the IBEX 35: A corpus-
Spanish Association of Accounting and based study of CSR reports. Social and proceeded-Behavioral
Business (2010) Sciences, 95, 612-620. doi:
Focacci (2011)
Spanish Association of Accounting and Administration Em-
Luna-González & Rodríguez-Hurtado (2012) prey. (2010). Standardization of information on corporate
social-responsibility response (Document 7-Corporate Social
Rahman & Post (2012) Responsibility Committee). Madrid: AECAE.
Gallardo-Vazquez andt to the. (2013) Barrena-Martinez, J., Lopez-Fernandez, M. & Romero-Fernández,
PM (2017). Socially responsible human resource poly- cies and
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