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Somehow, Hana felt that her condition as a successful career woman her husband left more sneering

and sissiness compared to empathy.

Hanna looked away from her tablet at the open door. Figure 7-year-old Sabia bursts in and screams
loudly, "Mama!"

Behind him, Siti tried to catch up, but stopped at the door of the room. He understood, that's where the
hostess's personal boundary is. Hanna didn't answer Sabia called, but first cast a glance at Siti, who then
hastily explain,

"I told her that you is not feeling well ma'am, but Mrc. Sabia wants to met you ma'am. I have persuaded
her, ma'am ... "

Hanna let out a long breath, understanding how Sabia was is a like him when it is insistent about
something. "Mooom ..."

Sabia began to whine while pulling Hanna's hand. The tablet in his hand almost fell, and Hanna let out a
small scream.

"Ouch! Oh My Got, Sabia, be careful, dear! "Hanna said.

Sabia was silent for a moment, watching her mother, who was worriedly taking it the tablet and hold it
more carefully. "What is wrong? At this hour, how come it hasn't taken a nap yet? "Hanna asked. "Sabia
wants to take a nap accompanied by Mama ..." Hanna frowned

"Why do you have to be accompanied by Mama?"

"Yes, you're Mama at home."

Hanna shook her head, pointing to the tablet in her hand.

"I'm going home early today because I'm not feeling well, a lot of work that you have to finish from
home ... " "Mom just sleep with Me, then I will massage you Mom," whined Sabia. Hanna shook her
head more firmly, already getting impatient

"Never mind, Sabia sleeps with Mrc Siti, huh ?!" Sabia's face frowned, and she then stood up and
stamped her feet."Well ... Mama!"

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