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the limits of our manual efficacy far in the of us went in the direction of direct joint dysfunctions. And in the fall Christoph
direction of results, and saw results that manipulation, and there was a sort of a Sommer and myself plan to make another
were far beyond what we expected. Coming battle about that – are we as Rolfers allowed DVD with Jean-Pierre Barral, this time on
back to your question – of course the New to do that?; does our work need additional a very classical theme – Advanced Visceral
Articular Approach includes dimensions of joint manipulation? Manipulation.
work with the brain.
With the New Articular Approach we AS: Thank you for this interview.
AS: Do you have practical experience with have a modality for the joints that fits well
The New Manual Articular Approach DVDs are
this in your own practice? with fascial work. It gives us insight into
available in the U.S. from http://barralinstitute.
the most significant details that determine
PS: I feel that I am – once again – at the com (in the section Products & Specials). In
joint function. It may add – by working on
beginning. Like my colleagues and the Europe, they are available from www.munich-
micro-restrictions – in a constructive way to
teachers of the Munich Group, I am more
what we as Rolfers are already doing with
and more confronted with clients suffering
larger fascial connections. Peter Schwind, PhD is an Advanced Rolfing
from serious dysfunctions at the level of the
Instructor and the founder of the Munich-Group
brain. When European Rolfers started this AS: Do you have plans for a new project?
for Interdisciplinary Manual Treatment.
journey with our first Rolfing Structural
PS: I have been working with my dentist
Integration (SI) classes thirty-five years ago Anise Smith is a Certified Advanced Rolfer. A
friend – Dr. Sebastian Schmidinger – on a
in Munich, we had no idea where it would former dancer, born in San Francisco, Anise
DVD about temporomandibular joint (TMJ)
take us. Nowadays, when we have to see has been living in Germany since her childhood.
what we can do for children diagnosed as
being handicapped, when we work with
people who have brain-function issues after
accidents, the New Articular Approach is an
essential part of our craft. Not because it is Biotensegrity: Paradigm Shift
about joints, but because it illustrates in a
convincing way how moving or not moving A Consideration of Biotensegrity: The Structural Basis
a joint is interrelated with all the voices of
the ‘orchestra’ of the human organism.
of Life by Graham Scarr
By Szaja C. Gottlieb, Certified Advanced Rolfer™
AS: Coming back to the DVDs, do you
really think our colleagues are able to Author’s Note: In 1975 Rolfer Ron Kirkby dedicated his article on tensegrity to his Rolfing®
study the New Articular Approach by Structural Integration (SI) instructor Michael Salveson, who inspired the article. I would like to
watching them? complete the circle and dedicate this article to Michael, who was also my instructor in both Unit lll
PS: To understand this work, to master and the advanced training, and who continues to be a sounding board and an inspiration as well.
this work, we need to experience it within
our own bodies and with the full presence In structural integration, tensegrity has long forty years as it explains how the human
of our minds. And of course we all need been a cornerstone of our conceptual system. body can maintain buoyancy in gravity.
the presence of a competent teacher. The Originated in the field of architecture by
Enter Biotensegrity.
DVDs help us by adding a sort of ‘objective’ Buckminster Fuller, creator of the geodesic
frame to our subjective experience of the dome, the concept was appropriated During this same period, Stephen Levin, an
work. And they give information in such into SI early in its development. In 1976, orthopedic surgeon, observed that bones
a precise way that we can refine what we Dr. Rolf, in her annual message, mentioned did not compress across joint surfaces but
learned in class. They are not videos made a study group in the Rolfing community, instead seemed to float within the soft tissue
during class, they are high-quality studio who, in her words, “have spent their nights, matrix. In an address to the North American
productions with the importance and their Sundays, their holidays, considering Academy of Manipulative Medicine in 1980,
helpfulness of every aspect considered: the application of the tensegrity model he called for the application of tensegrity
camera angle, lighting, editing, and opening to consideration of the flesh and blood principles to explain the biomechanical
music . . . structure we have for thousands of years support for the human body. He referred
been calling a ‘man’” (Rolf 1976). A major to this idea as biotensegrity.
AS: And does this New Articular Approach exploration of tensegrity written by Rolfer
fit into a Rolfing session? Contemporaneously, unbeknownst to
Ron Kirkby was published in 1975 in the
Levin, a cell biologist, Donald Ingber,
PS: That’s an interesting question, and one Bulletin of Structural Integration and entitled
was applying the very same principles
that is simple to answer. When I started “The Probable Reality Behind Structural
of tensegrity to the human body, but on
practicing thirty-six years ago, I was quite Integration – How Gravity Supports
a cellular level. The different parts of the
happy with what we could accomplish the Body” (Kirkby 1975). The concept
cell, the cytoskeleton, were mechanically
with classical Rolfing SI. But over time I of tensegrity, of special structures that
linked to each other as part of a tensegrity
was not always happy. Quite frequently I combine discontinuous compression in
structure. In 1998, Ingber, an MD and PhD,
saw the limitations of our work concerning the form of struts (bones) with continuous
published his landmark article in Scientific
joint dysfunctions, and sometimes that was tension in the form of cables (soft tissue) has
American, “The Architecture of Life” (Ingber
quite frustrating, not just for me. So some been a staple within SI trainings for the past
1998). Ingber, in fact, was the first speaker

66 Structural Integration / July 2015

at the First International Fascia Research structures unexpectedly grow stronger and In succeeding chapters Scarr tackles a
Congress in 2007. more resilient under stress. The bones of a variety of problems demonstrating the
dinosaur, for example, would not be able inadequacy of classical mechanics compared
In Biotensegrity: The Structural Basis of Life
to withstand the compressive weight of the to explanations based on biotensegrity. The
(2014) British osteopath Graham Scarr
animal’s body mass. A human body would British osteopath first takes on the problem
unifies and integrates Levin’s macro
not be able to leverage as much force as it of joint motion (specifically the elbow);
approach and Ingber’s micro approach
does. Similarly, biomechanical explanations second, the embryological development
and expands upon the implications of their
of movement are inadequate since they of the cranial vault; and third, the avian
discoveries, particularly in terms of motion
usually take up the joints in isolation and lung. What emerges is biotensegrity as
and biomechanics. His objective is nothing
not in relation to one another. an integrated structural and functional
less than establishing a new discipline in
hierarchy spanning geometry, anatomy,
the field of science. In chapter 5, Scarr expands the concept of
and biomechanics at multiple scales from
tensegrity to the microcosmic level with
When current scientific models cannot molecules to the organism as a whole.
the research of cellular biologists, most
explain certain phenomena, new
importantly Ingber. The long-held view In essence Biotensegrity is about patterns,
paradigms, new conceptual models,
in cellular biology of the singularity of the patterns that repeat themselves in nature,
emerge, according to Thomas Kuhn (1962)
cell, particularly membrane and nucleus, particularly in organic life. The book
in his groundbreaking book The Structure
is challenged by Ingber’s discovery that seems like a direct descendant of D’Arcy
of Scientific Revolutions. In the nineteenth
cells are part of the larger tensegrity Thompson’s (1961) On Growth and Form
century, for example, when Newtonian
structure that exists within and outside first published in 1917. Like this classic,
physics was found to be insufficient for
of the cell as part of one continuum, and Biotensegrity explores shape in the natural
explaining certain phenomena, Einstein
that the components of this tensegrity world and Illustrates patterns and designs
proposed his general theory of relativity.
structure and respond to mechanical force, of an unexpected beauty and hypnotic
The important point here is not that
i.e. changes of tension. When considering effect. With approximately 130 diagrams in
Newtonian physics was replaced, but that
fascia, for example, the cells, usually its 130 pages, Biotensegrity sometimes seems
Einstein’s theories explained phenomena
fibroblasts, are only one component. What as much a visual and aesthetic exploration
Newtonian mechanics could not. Similarly,
is critical is the tensioning relationships, as a scientific treatise. Nevertheless, a
says Scarr, biotensegrity principles do not
which include not only the fibroblasts but science treatise it is. Scarr bounds back and
necessarily replace classical mechanics;
also the surrounding fluid (largely water) forth – seemingly effortlessly – across the
biotensegrity simply explains certain
and fiber (collagen), usually referred to boundaries of biology, chemistry, physics,
phenomena better.
as the extracellular matrix (ECM).When mathematics, and art, forging biotensegrity
In the first three chapters of his book, Scarr mechanical force is applied to an area, into a discipline that is coherent and
explores the roots of tensegrity, first its the change of structural tension signals integrated, visionary.
history, particularly its origins in art and electrical and chemical changes within the
S c a r r ’s b r e a d t h o f k n o w l e d g e i s
architecture, detailing the fascinating and cell, which is called mechanotransduction.
encyclopedic. For the scientifically
complex relationship between architect
It is this principle of mechanotransduction challenged such as myself, the book is
Fuller and sculptor Kenneth Snelson.
that forms the scientific underpinning hard work, bitten off in small morsels with
He then continues with a discussion of
for manual therapy, giving legitimacy considerable rumination. The density
geometric structures associated with
to the claim of bodyworkers that they of the book is such that subheadings,
geodesic geometry, particularly the basic
are able to change and transform bodies sometimes multiple subheadings, exist
tetrahedron and the important icosahedron.
even at a cellular level. The implications on just about every page in every chapter.
The attraction of these structures is energy
for practitioners of structural integration Chapter 10, “Complex Patterns in Biology”
efficiency. The icosahedron, a twenty-sided
are profound. While it is usual for SI encompasses rhombic dodecahedrons, the
polyhedron, for example, encloses the
practitioners to think of reorganizing the Fibonacci sequence and the Golden Mean,
largest volume with the minimum surface
body in broad strokes – usually fascia, quasi-equivalence and spherical viruses,
area of any structure apart from a sphere.
joints, and whole-body movement – the Penrose tiling, fractals, quasicrystals, and
From an evolutionary point of view, life
SI practitioner rediscovers him- or herself hyperbolic geometry – all in ten pages!
forms choose these structures simply as a
as a structural integrator at a molecular,
matter of economy and efficiency. By virtue of being the first book on its topic,
even at a genetic, level, intervening within
Biotensegrity is an automatic classic – a
In the fourth chapter, aptly named “The damaged structure and with his or her
tough read, but a must-read. I must confess
Problem with Mechanics,” Scarr presents hands remodeling, reformatting, and
to referencing many other sources on the
the difficulties encountered when applying reintegrating a damaged area so that it
Internet to aid my comprehension. The best
traditional mechanics to living structures. is confluent with the body’s tensegrity
of these is an article by another osteopath,
Simply put, bodies are able to exert greater architecture. No wonder the audience
Randel Swanson (2013), “Biotensegrity: A
force and withstand greater stress than erupted in applause halfway through
Unifying Theory of Biological Architecture
can be explained by classical mechanics biologist Paul Standley’s talk on the first day
with Applications to Osteopathic Practice,
as founded by Galileo and Newton in the of the First International Fascia Research
Education, and Research – A Review and
sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. As Congress in 2007: he had just described how
Analysis.” The virtue of this article is that
opposed to inanimate structures that form manipulative techniques similar to Rolfing
it covers much of the same ground but
the basis of classical mechanics, animate SI were used in his laboratory to resuscitate
not quite the same depth. Swanson also
dying cells! (Grimm 2007). Structural Integration / July 2015 67
discusses manual osteopathic practices even assuming we had these details, would
involved with fascia, practices that are they show that the structure of the human
similar to SI. body is an analog to Fuller’s Tensegrity
structures? The final answer to this question
Another resource is a very good recent
must wait, I am afraid, upon a mathematical
interview/podcast that Rolfer Brooke
analysis of the fascial networks of the body.”
Thomas (2015) conducted with Stephen
Now, forty years later, with the work of
Levin about biotensegrity. Reprinted
Levin and Ingber and their cohorts, the
articles by Stephen Levin, in fact, have
appeared in this Journal, the earliest in
fascial research of the intervening years, In Memoriam
and the mathematical modeling by cellular
1982 (Levin 1982). For visual learners, Tom Structural Integration: The Journal of
biologists, all marked and unified by
Flemons has an excellent website illustrating the Rolf Institute® notes the passing
Graham Scarr’s visionary offering, the final
human anatomy according to tensegrity of the following members of our
answer to Kirkby’s question has arrived and
principles (http://www.intensiondesigns. community:
its name is biotensegrity.
com/). I would also like to mention the fine
contributions of Rolfer Sherri Cassuto, who Bibliography Miraa Joanne Neill,
has authored several articles on tensegrity Certified Advanced Rolfer™
systems (e.g., Cassuto 2009). Cassuto, S. 2009. “A Fresh Look at
Tensegrity.” IASI Yearbook 1(1):38-44. Mark Twiss,
Paradigm shifts by definition create Certified Rolfer
upheaval. While biotensegrity will Grimm, D. 2007. “Cell Biology Meets
certainly cause a major questioning in Rolfing.” Science 318 1234-1235.
biomechanical practices like physical Ingber, D.E. 1998 (Jan). “The Architecture
therapy and chiropractic, it will also cause of Life.” Scientific American 30-39.
a major reexamination of even modalities
like SI that are in alignment with this new Kirkby, R. 1975 Oct. “The Probable Reality
worldview. While fascia is the ground of Behind Structural Integration.” Bulletin of
the edifice that is SI, biotensegrity is its Structural Integration 5(1):5-15. Available at
firmament. As the nexus between art and
science, the perceptual and the conceptual, Kuhn, T. 1962. The Structure of Scientific
movement and structure, biotensegrity Revolutions. Chicago: University of Chicago
mirrors SI perfectly in its paradox and Press.
creativity. This new scientifically based
discipline is our new field of inquiry, and Levin, S. 1982 Jul. “Continuous Tension,
we may have to reexamine our concepts Discontinuous Compression.” Bulletin of
and practices accordingly, sometimes Structural Integration 8(2):31-33.
with consternation. Our Little Boy Logo, Rolf, I. 1976 Dec. “Dr. Ida P. Rolf’s 1976
for example, may be very effective in Annual Meeting Message.” Bulletin of
communicating our work to potential Structural Integration 5(4):8-16.
clients metaphorically. It is, however,
not really accurate literally, according to Scarr, G. 2014. Biotensegrity: The Structural
biotensegrity principles: the human body Basis of Life. Pencaitland, Scotland:
is simply not a stack of blocks organized Handspring Publishing.
by a ‘Line’. What about words like ‘energy’ Swanson, R. 2013. “Biotensegrity: A Unify
and ‘structure’? – biotensensegrity requires Theory of Biological Architecture with
a scientific definition, not simply an Applications to Osteopathic Practice,
intuitive one. The future may be fraught Education, and Research – A Review and
with challenge. Analysis.” The Journal of the American
For the moment, however, SI can bask in the Osteopathic Association 113(1):34-52.
knowledge that its conceptualizations and Thomas, B. (2015). “Dr. Stephen Levin:
practices, which often invited skepticism Biotensegrity.” Podcast and transcript
to its claims of improved human function, available at website The Liberated Body
are now firmly rooted in contemporary (
science. When Kirkby wrote “The Probable lbp-035/).
Reality Behind Structural Integration” in
1975, he captured the historical moment: SI Thompson, D. 1917. On Growth and Form.
was a modality that was without a secure London: Cambridge University Press.
epistemological foundation. “One lack
we all face,” wrote Kirkby (1975), “is the
absence of comprehensive investigations
of the fascial networks of the body. But

68 Structural Integration / July 2015

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