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In the era of social networking mobile apps like Facebook, Whatsapp, and Instagrams of the
world, it goes without saying that social networking is a thing which has become the world,
which defines the world, which defines the lives that people live. A very simple example to give
would be how whatsapp increased the number of people which could be added to a group to
250 from 50. There are multiple such small things to point out which indicate the influence that
social networking apps have on an average user.

The strong steps taken towards curbing fake news is another step which shows how gullible
people can be when they read something on the social networking apps. It is almost like while
looking at the screens, anything that is being said is taken to be true.
The social networking mobile app world however is not restricted to the Facebook and Google
ecosystem alone. There are other apps such as Telegram, Wechat, Line, Baidu etc which are
well sustaining and allowing people to communicate. The reason why these apps flourished was
because they built upon the needs of people which the usual social media apps weren’t catering
too. For instance, Telegram capitalised on the fact that within a single group innumerable
people can be added, Wechat and Line capitalised on specific geographies by agreeing to their
specific laws of land and of course their fancy interactive stickers while apps like Baidu and
Tinder worked around the zone of dating.

So, if one has a good idea, the probability of succeeding in this world hungry for interaction is
quite high. However, we felt that it would be great if we could list out the benefits which app
development for social networking can have for a firm. This article is about that.


The first and foremost is that a dedicated social networking mobile app will help your brand to
have an increased reach amongst the relevant audience. The more interactive the app, the
better it would be because it would increase the chances of it being downloaded and used.

Let us take the example of an app for a sweetshop. Ever since it was launched, the firm tried
hard to get its customers download it and use it. The platform not only allowed for buying the
sweets but also sharing recipes or for customisation requests. Thus the community which had a
sweet tooth got engaged and the firm not only had multiple app downloads but also broadened
its portfolio and customer base from the suggestions and interactions that happened on the app.


When it is a generic social networking mobile app, one tends to make a page and then compete
with all the other pages available on the app so as to get a bit of the attention from their target
segment. However, when the app is owned by the service provider itself, the attention of the
target is focused on the product and every interaction that the app allows can be molded
accordingly. Moreover, there can be a direct and constant interaction between the app owner
and the user.

An instance would be the Microsoft Ruuh (which is a chatbot) or the multiple social networking
apps which talk about organising house parties or get togethers. These apps have clearly
defined what they want to talk about and hence when the users login, the entire conversation
revolves around the same topic. In such a case, a brand can also allow for their own person
interacting with the users on the app, thus making the entire experience more human and


The mobile app is literally your platform and hence you can put in as much content with as
many keywords in as many ways, provide as many backlinks as you want, get people to discuss
on the keywords of your important and then, it is not your website so it is a third party sending
you backlinks.

Building up your Search engine ranking will never be easier than when you would do through
your own app development for social networking.


Millions get spent on advertising on social media every year. And most of it is you paying up the
brands for the customer data that they have so that you may effectively target your relevant

With your social networking mobile app, all that is in-house and hence no need to pay up to


The backlinks that one generates from social media sites or apps are usually amongst the best.
But, ensuring that one gets enough traffic from these social networking mobile app’s backlinks is
usually tough because there are so many options for the users to look at.

However, if one plans to develop their own app development for social networking, it would be
easier to redirect the traffic because the people who would visit the app would essentially be the
ones with higher intent or interest in your product or service.

This increase in traffic will further boost the search engine ranking for your website making it
more visible to the general audience.


One of the major reasons why most social networking sites have flourished is because they are
sitting on a goldmine of user data. This data (obtained after due permissions from the user) is
crucial not just for running own campaigns but also make these social media sites an
advertising platform for other brands too, thus resulting in an alternate revenue stream.

Plus, even if you want to keep your social networking app closed to other brands, you yourself
will be able to optimise your campaigns on it better.


It is always hard for companies to get people talking about them. On a generic social media
networking platform, people get to read and see a lot of content and hence, to break that clutter
becomes difficult for brands.

However, with your own social networking platform, the entire conversations and interactions
can be given the kind of flow which the brand would want. Also, since your clients/prospects
would be interacting on your social platform only, it would mean that the probability of them
sticking to your brand would be higher, providing you with a great chance to increase brand


Most of the existing social media networks come with limited medium options. For instance,
there can be no video comments or there is only a certain length of video that can be supported,
gifs cannot be shared, Image size has to be only of a certain specification and many others.

Sometimes, these are not enough for the firm’s requirements or sometimes syncing up with
them needs an addition expenditure which is definitely not preferred. With your own social
networking mobile app however, you can choose to do whatever you want and hence minimise
your overall marketing collateral cost by just one time app creation. Plus, you can post anything
and get the focus on the type of content you would like to promote unlike the usual algorithmic
restrictions of other social networking mobile apps where you have to abide by their rules.


There are mobile apps such as mention which tell you where all on the social network has your
brand been mentioned. To get a continuous update, you usually have to pay up and take the not
so reasonable plans. Imagine the kind of service your own social media app would work for you.

For instance, if you are a B2C firm with a social networking mobile app where people have been
engaging, you would know not just about what they are thinking about your products or services
but also about what they think of the competition.

This first hand information will help you to understand the market sentiments better and hence
plan your strategies accordingly.


And finally, all of the efforts being put and steps taken are towards building a better brand and
increasing customer loyalty. With a social networking app, you provide a platform for people
who would prefer brands like yours to come and discuss.
You are in a way creating a community which will grow itself. With your own social networking
app, you not just provide a platform for the individuals to come at one place but also prove
yourself to be the thought leader in your domain- thus building your brand authority.

Having your own social networking app would be a great step towards that.

The point is, there are several apps which are still required. If you could think of one such, with
the investor sentiments running high, there is a high probability that you would succeed too.
However, it is critical that when you launch your app, it has just the right things which would
entice and engage your target audience. And how does one make sure of that- well, that is what
experts like Vibeosys Software are for.


Let us know about your app development concept or idea. Our experts will contact you for
desired information. Do you already have an app published on store? or Do you want us to help
you maintain an existing app? Our Technology team will guide you with best suitable advice.

Get In Touch now

Mobile App For Social Networking, Mobile Apps, Social Apps, Social Networking

Visit - Vibeosys for the ios app development in Australia, android app development in Australia
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