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Architectural geometry is an area of research which combines applied geometry

and architecture,[1] which looks at the design, analysis and manufacture processes. It
lies at the core of architectural design[2] and strongly challenges contemporary practice,
the so-called architectural practice of the digital age.[3]The concept of symmetry is
combined with the idea of harmony and proportion. Symmetry operations are concerned
with motions of figures and shapes. Geometry can be seen also as a structural science.
The architectural design is based on geometric structures developed out of the idea of

Actual topics:

 Freeform curves and surfaces creation

 Developable surfaces
 Discretisation
 Generative design
 Digital prototyping and manufacturing


Freeform surface modelling is a technique for engineering Freeform Surfaces with
a CAD or CAID system.
The technology has encompassed two main fields. Either creating aesthetic (class A
surfaces) that also perform a function; for example, car bodies and consumer product
outer forms, or technical surfaces for components such as gas turbine blades and other
fluid dynamic engineering components.
CAD software packages use two basic methods for the creation of surfaces. The first
begins with construction curves (splines) from which the 3D surface is then swept
(section along guide rail) or meshed (lofted) through.
The second method is direct creation of the surface with manipulation of the surface
poles/control points.From these initially created surfaces, other surfaces are constructed
using either derived methods such as offset or angled extensions from surfaces; or via
bridging and blending between groups of surfaces.

Freeform surface, or freeform surfacing, is used in CAD and other computer
graphics software to describe the skin of a 3D geometric element. Freeform surfaces do
not have rigid radial dimensions, unlike regular surfaces such
as planes, cylinders andconic surfaces. They are used to describe forms such
as turbine blades, car bodies and boat hulls. Initially developed for the automotive
and aerospace industries, freeform surfacing is now widely used in
all engineering design disciplines from consumer goods products to ships. Most
systems today use nonuniform rational B-spline (NURBS) mathematics to describe the
surface forms; however, there are other methods such as Gorden surfaces or Coons
surfaces .
The forms of freeform surfaces (and curves) are not stored or defined in CAD software
in terms of polynomial equations, but by their poles, degree, and number of patches
(segments with spline curves). The degree of a surface determines its mathematical
properties, and can be seen as representing the shape by a polynomial with variables to
the power of the degree value. For example, a surface with a degree of 1 would be a
flat cross section surface. A surface with degree 2 would be curved in one direction,
while a degree 3 surface could (but does not necessarily) change once
from concave to convex curvature. Some CAD systems use the termorder instead
of degree. The order of a polynomial is one greater than the degree, and gives the
number of coefficients rather than the greatest exponent.
When defining a form, an important factor is the continuity between surfaces - how
smoothly they connect to one another.
One example of where surfacing excels is automotive body panels. Just blending two
curved areas of the panel with different radii of curvature together, maintaining
tangential continuity (meaning that the blended surface doesn't change direction
suddenly, but smoothly) won't be enough. They need to have a continuous rate of
curvature change between the two sections, or else their reflections will appear

In mathematics, a developable surface (or torse: archaic) is a surface with
zero Gaussian curvature. That is, it is a surface that can be flattened onto
a plane without distortion (i.e. "stretching" or "compressing"). Conversely, it is a surface
which can be made bytransforming a plane (i.e. "folding", "bending", "rolling", "cutting"
and/or "gluing"). In three dimensions all developable surfaces are ruled surfaces (but
not vice versa). There are developable surfaces in R4 which are not ruled.

Most smooth surfaces (and most surfaces in general) are not developable
surfaces. Non-developable surfaces are variously referred to as having "double
curvature", "doubly curved", "compound curvature", "non-zero Gaussian
curvature", etc.
Some of the most often-used non-developable surfaces are:

 Spheres are not developable surfaces under any metric as they cannot be unrolled
onto a plane.
 The helicoid is a ruled surface – but unlike the ruled surfaces mentioned above, it is
not a developable surface.
 The hyperbolic paraboloid and the hyperboloid are slightly different doubly ruled
surfaces – but unlike the ruled surfaces mentioned above, neither one is a
developable surface.

In mathematics, discretization concerns the process of
transferring continuous functions, models, and equations into discretecounterparts. This
process is usually carried out as a first step toward making them suitable for numerical
evaluation and implementation on digital computers. Processing on a digital computer
requires another process called quantization. Dichotomizationis the special case of
discretization in which the number of discrete classes is 2, which can approximate a
continuous variable as abinary variable (creating a dichotomy for modeling purposes).

Generative design is a technology that mimics nature’s evolutionary approach to design.
It starts with your design goals and then explores all of the possible permutations of a
solution to find the best option. Using cloud computing, generative design software
quickly cycles through thousands—or even millions—of design choices, testing
configurations and learning from each iteration what works and what doesn’t. The
process lets designers generate brand new options, beyond what a human alone could
create, to arrive at the most effective design.[1]
Most generative design, in which the output could be images, sounds, architectural
models, animation etc., is based on parametric modeling. It is a fast method of exploring
design possibilities that is used in various design fields such
as Art, Architecture,Communication Design, and Product Design. Typically, generative
design has:

 A design schema
 A means of creating variations
 A means of selecting desirable outcomes
Some generative schemes use genetic algorithms to create variations. Some use just
random numbers. Generative design has been inspired by natural design processes,
whereby designs are developed as genetic variations through mutation and crossovers.
In contrast to long-established concepts such as Generative Art or Computer Art,
Generative Design also includes particular tasks within the area of design, architecture,
and product design.[clarification needed]
Within the Communication Design area, the main applications are the creation of
information graphics, diagrams, and flexible corporate designs. Generative design in
architecture (also often referred to as computational design) is mainly applied for form-
finding processes and for the simulation of architectural structures.
Generative design is becoming more important, largely due to new programming
environments (Processing, Vvvv, Quartz Composer, Open Frameworks) or scripting
capabilities ( Grasshopper 3D in Rhinoceros 3D, Scriptographer) that have made it
relatively easy, even for designers with little programming experience, to implement
their ideas.But it can also be related with data driven architecture. Parametric
architecture includes both program generated and data-driven software.
Generative design is taught at many schools of architecture and is gaining ground in
architectural and design practice.
Definition by Celestino Soddu, 1992: "Generative Design is a morphogenetic process
using algorithms structured as non-linear systems for endless unique and unrepeatable
results performed by an idea-code, as in Nature"
Definition by Sivam Krish 2013: " Generative Design is the transformation of
computational energy into creative exploration energy empowering human designers to
explore greater number of design possibilities within modifiable constrains"
One of the most important and distinguishing parts that making a computational model
generative is the feedback loop. The feedback ranges from simple mechanisms, where
the model takes its own output for input, to relatively complex ones incorporating design
evaluation routines. Generative methods have their roots deep in the system dynamics
modelling and are by nature repetitive processes where the solution is developed during
several iterations of design operations.


Digital Prototyping gives conceptual design, engineering, manufacturing, and sales
and marketing departments the ability to virtually explore a complete product before it’s
built. Industrial designers, manufacturers, and engineers use Digital Prototyping to
design, iterate, optimize, validate, and visualize their products digitally throughout the
product development process. Innovative digital prototypes can be created
via CAutoD through intelligent and near-optimal iterations, meeting multiple design
objectives (such as maximised output, energy efficiency, highest speed and cost-
effectiveness), identifying multiple figures of merit, and reducing development gearing
and time-to-market. Marketers also use Digital Prototyping to create photorealistic
renderings and animations of products prior to manufacturing. Companies often adopt
Digital Prototyping with the goal of improving communication between product
development stakeholders, getting products to market faster, and facilitating product

The conceptual design phase involves taking customer input or market requirements
and data to create a product design. In a Digital Prototyping workflow, designers work
digitally, from the very first sketch, throughout the conceptual design phase. They
capture their designs digitally, and then share that data with the engineering team using
a common file format. The industrial design data is then incorporated into the digital
prototype to ensure technical feasibility.
In a Digital Prototyping workflow, designers and their teams review digital design data
via high-quality digital imagery or renderings to make informed product design
decisions. Designers may create and visualize several iterations of design, changing
things like materials or color schemes, before a concept is finalized.

AutoCAD is a computer-aided design (CAD) program used for 2-D and 3-D design and
drafting. AutoCAD is developed and marketed by Autodesk Inc. and was one of the
initial CAD programs that could be executed on personal computers.
Digital Prototyping goes beyond simply creating product designs in 3D. It gives product
development teams a way to assess the operation of moving parts, to determine
whether or not the product will fail, and see how the various product components
interact with subsystems—either pneumatic or electric. By simulating and validating the
real-world performance of a product design digitally, manufacturers often can reduce
the number of physical prototypes they need to create before a product can be
manufactured, reducing the cost and time needed for physical prototyping.[1] Many
companies use Digital Prototyping in place of, or as a complement to, physical
Digital Prototyping changes the traditional product development cycle from
design>build>test>fix to design>analyze>test>build.[2] Instead of needing to build
multiple physical prototypes and then testing them to see if they’ll work, companies can
conduct testing digitally throughout the process by using Digital Prototyping, reducing
the number of physical prototypes needed to validate the design. Studies show that by
using Digital Prototyping to catch design problems up front, manufacturers experience
fewer change orders downstream.[3] Because the geometry in digital prototypes is highly
accurate, companies can check interferences to avoid assembly issues that generate
change orders in the testing and manufacturing phases of development.[4] Companies
can also perform simulations in early stages of the product development cycle, so they
avoid failure modes during testing or manufacturing phases. With a Digital Prototyping
approach, companies can digitally test a broader range of their product’s
performance.[4] They can also test design iterations quickly to assess whether they’re
over- or under-designing components.
Research from the Aberdeen Group shows that manufacturers that use Digital
Prototyping build half the number of physical prototypes as the average manufacturer,
get to market 58 days faster than average, and experience 48 percent lower prototyping


The concept of Digital Prototyping has been around for over a decade, particularly since
software companies such as Autodesk, PTC, Siemens PLM (formerly UGS), and
Dassault began offering computer-aided design (CAD) software capable of creating
accurate 3D models.
It may even be argued that the product lifecycle management (PLM) approach was the
harbinger of Digital Prototyping. PLM is an integrated, information-driven approach to a
product’s lifecycle, from development to disposal.[6] A major aspect of PLM is
coordinating and managing product data among all software, suppliers, and team
members involved in the product’s lifecycle. Companies use a collection of software
tools and methods to integrate people, data, and processes to support singular steps in
the product’s lifecycle or to manage the product’s lifecycle from beginning to end. PLM
often includes product visualization to facilitate collaboration and understanding among
the internal and external teams that participate in some aspect of a product’s lifecycle.
While the concept of Digital Prototyping has been a longstanding goal for manufacturing
companies for some time, it’s only recently that Digital Prototyping has become a reality
for small-to-midsize manufacturers that cannot afford to implement complex and
expensive PLM solutions.

Using 3D CAD data from the digital prototype, companies can create realistic
visualizations, renderings, and animations to market products in print, on the web, in
catalogues, or in television commercials. Without needing to produce expensive
physical prototypes and conduct photo shoots, companies can create virtual
photography and cinematography nearly indistinguishable from reality. One aspect of
this is creating the illumination environment for the subject, an area of new
Realistic visualizations not only help marketing communications, but the sales process
as well. Companies can respond to requests for proposals and bid on projects without
building physical prototypes, using visualizations to show the potential customer what
the end product will be like. In addition, visualizations can help companies bid more
accurately by making it more likely that everyone has the same expectations about the
end product. Companies can also use visualizations to facilitate the review process
once they’ve secured the business. Reviewers can interact with digital prototypes in
realistic environments, allowing for the validation of design decisions early in the
product development process.




DATE SUB: 8/31/16





DATE SUB: 8/31/16

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