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The Determinant Factors of Indonesian Government Bond Returns

Debby Augustine Pratiwi

Trisakti University, August 2017


The problem of this research was the dynamics of economic conditions in Indonesia have
linkages among macro indicators which could be a major consideration for investors in
determining the rate of return. Therefore, macroeconomic aspects including surplus / current
account deficit and internal sector (Monetary & Fiscal) play an important role to predict the
real value of cash flows from the bonds as reflected by rate of return.

The objective of this research was to examine further about the impact of current account
deficit / surplus, GDP growth rate, gross capital formation, Composite Stock Price Index
(IHSG), inflation, and rupiah exchange rate against yield curve of government bonds in

The methodology of this research was Vector Auto Regression through Impulse Response
Function (IRF) and Variance Decomposition (VD) testing

Finding and contribution in this research was shock or values change of the gross capital
formation, inflation, and Composite Stock Price Index had a positive impact on yield curve of
government bonds in Indonesia while GDP and exchange rate responded negatively by yield
curve of government bonds in Indonesia. Variations in the formation of government bond
yields show that in the first period the largest contribution is derived from the variable
information itself that is 100%. However, the second period until the end of the contribution
resulting from the bond yield information gradually decreased with 59% variants while the
remaining 11% came from investment contribution, 12% of GDP, 15% of exchange rate, 2%
of inflation while the rest were IHSG.

Research implication in this research should be used in analyzing of bond yield levels with
different viewpoints that focus on economic variables. for policy makers, it could be in
formulating policies, both monetary and fiscal policies that focus on stabilizing economic
condition in which the investor’s trust become gaining related to level of risk of Indonesian
government bonds

Key Words : Current Account Deficit / Surplus, GDP Growth Rate, Gross Capital Formation,
Composite Stock Price Index (IHSG), Inflation, And Rupiah Exchange Rate
,Yield Curve of Government Bonds in Indonesia.
1. Introduction
Developing a government securities market is a complex undertaking that depends on the
financial and market system development of each country. As an emerging country,
Indonesia has issued several government bonds which one of the solution of current account
deficit. According to Government Debt Profile, issued by ministry of finance in 2016, debt
instrument has a portion of 70% (seventy percent) from the total of state budget while the
rest comes from external loan from World Bank, Asian Development Bank. This policy also
overcome to support repayment of debt owned by government.

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