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Discussion text

The Positive and Negative Effects of Love

Love doesn’t make the world go round, but love make its going round meaningful. Love can be
given to everything ranging from favorite thing, pet, spouse, family, friends, etc – but we are
often unable to define it in simple terms even though many people agree that it is a powerful
motivator one that can affect them both physically and emotionally. It underscores all the
relationships that we form in the course of our natural lives but it comes with its own baggage.
Thus, we need to take a closer look at some of the positive and negative effects of love.

Various studies have indicated that loving someone or having someone to love can help
contribute to good health. Each time you express your love to that person, your brain release
serotonin which is a feel-good hormone. So yes, the more love to go around, the healthier you
are. Besides, love can help a person form close personal bonds with others. As human being, we
happen to be quite sociable and often form various relationships in our life. Therefore, love or
feelings of deep mutual affection that we share with others can help us cement the relationship
and even help make it permanent.

However, love also has some negative effects. Love is a powerful feeling so that it can lead you
into a deep depression in case you face some problems regarding to your love. That’s why love
can be one of the main causative factors behind many young suicides. Moreover, Love is a
feeling that can even help alter your brain chemistry. So a claim that love can affect one’s mental
health would indeed be acceptable. Experiencing the short end of a relationship can cause you to
experience a whole range of negative emotionsthat can affect you psychologically and even
impair your cognitive abilities.

Love does come with positive and negative effects, but the most important one is that we can
handle our feeling not to be too sad when a problem comes and not to be too happy when your
love is in the peak position. Not tobe too dramatic in experiencing a bad situation regarding to
love is a wise option to avoid the negative effects of love.
National Exam: Pro and Contra?

National exam becomes the hot topic in most of discussions among students, teachers,
and parents. Some people believe that national exam is not necessary for students as a
requirement to be able graduate from a school. In other hand, other people see national exam as
an important indicator to know whether students have mastered all school materials or not. The
debate among society about national examination goes on until now.

For people who agree, national exam is necessary for students as a requirement to
graduate from a school. People who support the national exam explain that the quality of the
Indonesia education will drop without the national exam, so they try to defend the current
system. They also think that national examination can motivate students to study harder.

However there are people who disagree with the opinion. Those who against this national
exam kept in school education say that it doesn’t need the national exams because the quality of
education does not just depend on the national exam. Further, the national exam only measures a
small portion of students’ competence in specific subjects, and does not measure students’
competences throughout the semester.

In conclusion, national examination can still be useful as an instrument to evaluate or

detect the level of students’ cognitive competence in several subjects, on a national scale.
However, it is not fair if only national exam score that judge whether students pass or not.
Government should make a regulation that national exam is not the only requirement for students
to graduate. There should be other requirements added such as students’ daily score, behavior,
and achievement.
Ujian Nasional: Pro dan Kontra?

Ujian nasional menjadi topik hangat di sebagian besar diskusi antara siswa, guru, dan orang tua.
Beberapa orang percaya bahwa ujian nasional tidak perlu bagi siswa sebagai persyaratan untuk
dapat lulus dari sekolah. Di sisi lain, orang lain melihat ujian nasional sebagai indikator penting
untuk mengetahui apakah siswa telah menguasai semua materi sekolah atau tidak. Perdebatan di
antara masyarakat tentang ujian nasional berlangsung sampai sekarang. Bagi orang yang setuju,
ujian nasional diperlukan bagi siswa sebagai persyaratan untuk lulus dari sekolah. Orang-orang
yang mendukung ujian nasional menjelaskan bahwa kualitas pendidikan Indonesia akan turun
tanpa ujian nasional, sehingga mereka mencoba mempertahankan sistem yang sekarang. Mereka
juga berpikir bahwa ujian nasional dapat memotivasi siswa untuk belajar lebih giat. Namun ada
orang yang tidak setuju dengan pendapat tersebut. Mereka yang menentang ujian nasional ini
tetap melanjutkan pendidikan sekolah mengatakan bahwa ujian nasional tidak perlu karena
kualitas pendidikan tidak hanya bergantung pada ujian nasional. Selanjutnya, ujian nasional
hanya mengukur sebagian kecil dari kompetensi siswa dalam mata pelajaran tertentu, dan tidak
mengukur kompetensi siswa sepanjang semester. Kesimpulannya, ujian nasional masih dapat
berguna sebagai instrumen untuk mengevaluasi atau mendeteksi tingkat kompetensi kognitif
siswa dalam beberapa mata pelajaran, pada skala nasional. Namun, tidak adil jika hanya nilai
ujian nasional yang menilai apakah siswa lulus atau tidak. Pemerintah harus membuat peraturan
bahwa ujian nasional bukan satu-satunya persyaratan bagi siswa untuk lulus. Harus ada
persyaratan lain yang ditambahkan seperti skor harian, perilaku, dan prestasi siswa.

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