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Is Television Good or Bad for People?

Some people claim that television is a best friend, while others think of television as the root of
all evil. Many people blame the television for society’s violence and misinformation, while
others see it as a rich resource for education and entertainment. Who is right? For those who are
asking this question, you will find the costs and benefits of watching television in the following

In this busy, expensive life, television is an easy and cheap source of entertainment and
information. From some entertainments provided by televisions’ channel we can relax ourselves
after having a hand-full day of work. By watching international news, we will always be up-to-
date with breaking news around the world. Do-it-yourself shows can also give us easy access to
do many interesting activities in our lives.

However, sex, crime, and violence contents in television may have negative effects on
impressionable children. Children who are exposed violent acts continuously are more likely to
display violent behavior in their lives. Ongoing studies have shown a lasting correlation between
watching violence on television in childhood and aggression that continues into adulthood.
Moreover, watching too much television is not good for your health and makes you antisocial.
Studies have shown that excessive TV watching (more than 3 hours a day) can contribute to
sleep difficulties, behavior problems, lower grades, and other health issues. Watching television
fills the time a person might have spent doing important, enriching things like interacting
socially with other human beings, being physically active, discovering the outdoors, etc.

Like other modern technologies, television has both advantage and disadvantage. Watching
television wisely and not to be too dependent to it are the ways to get more benefits from
watching television.
Pros and Cons of Facebook
Facebook is such an interesting platform on which to watch the lives of others unfold. By using
facebook, people stick it all out there. There are a number of things I’ve observed about what I
see and read on Facebook. However there are about the pros and cons.
One thing that people like using facebook because it is helpful in documenting life. In an age
where there’s not always time to keep a private journal, take photos, develop them and put them
in a scrapbook, Facebook is a wonderful way of keeping a log of all the good things that happen
in your life.
However using Facebook is sometime wasting of time. How easy it is to get sucked into what’s
happening on your news feed, reading statuses or most times looking at endless photos of the
lives of others. There have been many times that Facebook has distracted us.
Last thing we should say that Facebook is only a medium. It is the mater of who and how to use
Internet is the biggest technological development in human history. The existence of the internet
allows us to simplify almost all the works. Internet was created in 1962. JCR Licklider from MIT
was the first to express this idea. The concept originally was a galactic network which was a
global network with the ability to access the data and programs from wherever the user was
located. Since the creation of the first, internet continues to grow and is currently used by people
from all over the world with a variety of interests.

The largest community who use the internet in their life is students. However, for the students,
the Internet has two sides, good and bad which are always present. It is an important part and is
very beneficial for students because it through the Internet, a student is able to get information
quickly for the sake of their school assignments. We know that there are a lot of blogs or
websites that provide learning materials for students of all levels of education. All the
information they obtain from the blog can be taken for free. Not surprisingly, now a student in
dire need of a computer and internet wherever they are. Because, looking for information in the
book sometimes is hard to do, and internet became a best solution ever. Second, it is a medium
that connects one person to another. It is a medium of communication. For a student, this one is
used to assist them in communicating with friends and teachers. In fact, today many a study
conducted through Facebook where a teacher made a Facebook group that contains the children
in her or his class. In the group, he or she communicates with the students remotely and not only
that, it also provides a wide range of tasks and resolve questions of the students through that
Facebook group.

However, the internet is not a medium without disabilities. One of the biggest mistakes is
making all the good and bad information can be accessed easily. On the internet, a student from
every age can access the content freely which actually should not be allowed to see. They can get
all the content freely and without any filter. A have no limit access can damage to the
psychology of them and caused many criminal cases occur recently.

From the short discussion above, we can conclude that internet is divided into two sides. Good
and bad side. As a human being, we certainly cannot escape away from the internet. We need it.
Therefore, there needs to be an oversight, especially for teenagers to avoid the adverse effects of
the internet itself.

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