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Repeat LP
e. Hearing test
491. A primiparous woman with no prv infection with herpes zoster is 18wk pregnant. She had recent
contact with a young 21yo pt having widespread chicken pox. What is the most suitable
management for the pregnant lady?
a. Acyclovir PO
b. Acyclovir IV +IVIG
c. Acyclovir IV
d. Reassure
492. A 40yo woman presents to the GP with low mood. Of note, she has an increased appetite and
has gone up 2 dress sizes. She also complains that she can’t get out of bed until the afternoon.
What is the most likely dx?
a. Pseudo depression
b. Moderate depression
c. Severe depression
d. Dysthymia
e. Atypical depression
493. An 8yo boy is clinically obese. As a baby he was floppy and difficult to feed. He now has learning
difficulties and is constantly eating despite measures by his parents to hide food out of reach.
What is the most probable dx?
a. Cushing’s syndrome
b. Congenital hypothyroidism
c. Prader Willi syndrome
d. Lawrence moon biedel syndrome
e. Down’s syndrome
494. A 20yo lady is suffering from fever and loss of appetite. She has been dx with toxoplasmosis.
What is the tx?
a. Pyrimethamine
b. Pyrimethamine + sulfadiazine
c. Clindamycin
d. Spiramycin
e. Trimethoprim + sulfamethoxazole
495. A 68yo woman has a sudden onset of pain and loss of hearing in her left ear and unsteadiness
when walking. There are small lesions visible on her palate and left external auditory meatus.
What is the single most likely dx?
a. Acute mastoiditis
b. Cholesteatoma
c. Herpes zoster infection
d. Oropharyngeal malignancy
e. OM with infusion
496. A 45yo woman has been dx with GCA and is being treated with steroids. What is the other drug
that can be added to this?
a. ACEi
b. Beta blockers
c. Aspirin
d. Interferons
497. A 17yo man has acute pain and earache on the right side of his face. Temp=38.4C and has
extensive pre-auricular swelling on the right, tender on palpation bilaterally. What is the single
most likely dx?
a. Acute mastoiditis
b. Acute otitis externa
c. Acute OM
d. Mumps
e. OM with effusion
498. An ECG of an elderly lady who collapsed in the ED shows rapid ventricular rate of 220bpm,
QRS=140ms. What is the most probable dx?
a. Atrial fibrillation
b. VT
c. SVT
d. Mobitz type1 2nd degree heart block
e. Sinus tachycardia
499. A pt presents with purple papular lesions on his face and upper trunk measuring 1-2 cm across.
They aren’t painful or itchy. What is the single most likely dx?
a. Kaposi’s sarcoma
b. Hairy leukoplakia
c. Cryptosporidium
d. CMV infection
e. Cryptococcal infection
500. A 6yo boy is clinically obese, his BMI >95th centile. He has no other medical prbs, examination is
unremarkable. His mother says that she has tried everything to help him lose weight. What is
the most probable dx?
a. Cushing’s syndrome
b. Congenital hypothyroidism
c. Down’s syndrome
d. Lawrence moon biedel syndrome
e. Primary obesity
501. A 20yo boy is brought by his parents suspecting that he has taken some drug. He is agitated,
irritated and can’t sleep. Exam: perforated nasal septum. Which of the following is the most
likely to be responsible for his symptoms?
a. Heroine
b. Cocaine
c. Ecstasy/MDMA/amphetamine
d. Alcohol
e. Opioids
502. For a pt presenting with Parkinson’s disease which of the following drugs is most useful in the
management of the tremor?
a. Apomorphine
b. Cabergoline
c. Selegiline
d. Amantadine
e. Benzhexol
503. A 26yo woman has become aware of increasing right sided hearing deficiency since her recent
pregnancy. Her eardrums are normal. Her hearing tests show: BC-normal. Weber test lateralizes
to the right ear. What is the single most likely dx?

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