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Jacob Saul
Horizontal Line = Sharp Cut
Audio: ​Visual: 
Out of Breath panting. ​ Black.
Panting. Diegetic Audio. ​CU feet running in woods Untied shoelace. 
Panting. ​Black. 
Panting. Diegetic Audio. ​ CU above man running in woods. 
Panting. ​ Black. 
Panting. ​ MS camera shaking following man running. 
Panting. ​ Black. 
CU of hand leans against a stone bridge to catch his breath. Showing 
it to be a younger male, sweating and out of breath, the audio of 
which continues. Wide shots, the camera pulls out. Keeping it’s 
distance as it moves around the trees. Almost stalking him. He never 
sits down, only leaning. He scans the surroundings. Then puts his 
foot up and begins to frantically tie his shoelace. To do so he 
places a water bottle down on the ground. Over the shoulder shot of 
an unknown entity behind the Man, entity very out of focus. The 
entity hides behind a wooden sculpture, seeing the man so clearly, 
it’s so close. It could almost reach out and touch him. The Man 
continues to scan his surroundings, struggling to catch his breath. 
The Man turns his back to where we know the entity to be. Still 
looking out ahead, he doesn’t slouch while sitting. He needs to run 
at a moment's notice. He leans down and takes a drink of water from 
a bottle by his feet. His heavy breathing can still be heard, 
blocking out most other diegetic audio. Making footsteps 
undetectable. Over the shoulder from the entity as it creeps towards 
the Man. He leans down to return the bottle and with that a hand 
goes to wipe where he was, he turns in shock, stumbles and starts to 
leg it. 
Panting. ​ Black. 
Panting+Diegetic ​Disorientating camera facing the Man. 
Panting. ​ Black. 
Horizontal Line = Sharp Cut
Panting+Diegetic ​Shot from afar, behind trees of man running. 
Panting. ​ Black. 
Panting+D ​ hot from afar, behind trees out of focus over shoulder. 
Panting. ​ Black. 
The Man stops to catch his breath again. He is so exhausted he 
collapses and quickly scrambles to push his back against a tree. His 
panting is still very audible. The Man looks up to the sky and 
blinks rapidly trying to hold back the tears. Wide sweeping shots 
from afar behind trees. Almost circling him. Harsh cuts between 
them. Tight over the Shoulder shot from behind the tree as it edges 
closer towards the man. His panting still making everything else 
inaudible. He pokes his head round to the other side of the tree, 
towards the entity. The entity hides behind a bush. The Man sees 
nothing so retreats to facing forward. CU on the Man’s face. Him 
still trying to catch his breath. His eyes scan from left to right. 
Nothing. He knew what caught him out previously so takes a sharp 
inhale and holds his breath. All sound drowns out. Silence. Complete 
Silence. Cuts back to the Entity behind the bush. It takes one step 
out, silently, but the next it crunches a leaf beneath its feet. The 
Man hears this and jolts back into action making a run for it. He 
runs down the slope. Before the bottom of the slope the Man trips 
and falls, sliding down. He scuttles into a bush hoping he wasn’t 
seen. He looks back to where he entered, nothing. It holds. He holds 
his breath, the silence returns. He leans forward back to the 
entrance, over the shoulder shot. Suddenly with a loud crash a hand 
violently grabs his shoulder. The Man jolts around. A Moment of 
tension is held as they both face each other. The Other Man smiles. 
The Other Man: 
Tag! You’re it! 
The Man sighs and the other man tuns off. He chases off after it, 
Cut to Black.

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