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Event Planning Tips

AV: Crash Course for Event Planners
What is AV?

● AV stands for Audio Visual

● It really should be AVL because lighting is often included with audio and visual

● AV creates the mood your client is looking for

● It can create a completely immersive environment

Combining audio, visual and lighting components with new digital

technologies can take an event to a whole new level
Why do I need to hire an AV partner?
➔ Hiring an AV partner is an essential part of creating a magical event.

➔ AV partners ensure everything is installed correctly and safely.

➔ They can also help with the creative side of things.

➔ A good AV partner can even give advice on the best

venue to meet your vision for your project.
When should I bring the AV partner on board?

Answer: The Earlier the Better!

● The earlier, the more effective they can be in designing your event

● Ensuring that they are able to give your audience an unforgettable experience.

● Whether your audience is 50 people to 50,000 or more
Get to know your AV team

➔ The number of team members depend on the needs of

your individual project.

➔ Various roles within the team will provide different types

of help when it comes to the planning and production of
your event.

➔ Try to learn the names and roles of your AV partners as

they will be working very hard, and often long hours on
your event.

➔ The better you can gel with your AV team, the smoother
the event planning and implementation will be.
Making Sense of Quotes and Fees

❏ Make sure that you read between the lines when looking at a quote.

❏ You may not actually need everything quoted so you can ask to
eliminate these or negotiate the price down.

❏ You will need to stay vigilant to ensure that your AV partner keeps
things within budget

❏ Ask questions and don’t agree to any quote that you are not
completely happy with in terms of content and cost.

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