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10 Actor Hollywood wrongly thinks are leading men

Not every actor or actress is destined for success. Whether they can�t land the
right part, or they just don�t have the talent, some people simply aren�t meant to
be stars. Unfortunately, no-one�s told Hollywood that yet. The big film studios
seem desperate to try and make hits out of some of their acting talent, but nothing
they do ever really pays off. Even if they keep trying to cast these actors as
leading men and women, it�s never going Not every actor or actress is destined for
success. Whether they can�t land the right part, or they just don�t have the
talent, some people simply aren�t meant to be stars. Unfortunately, no-one�s told
Hollywood that yet. The big film studios seem desperate to try and make hits out of
some of their acting talent, but nothing they do ever really pays off. Even if they
keep trying to cast these actors as leading men and women, it�s never Not every
actor or actress is destined for success. Whether they can�t land the right part,
or they just don�t have the talent, some people simply aren�t meant to be stars.
Unfortunately, no-one�s told Hollywood that yet. The big film studios seem
desperate to try and make hits out of some of their acting talent, but nothing they
do ever really pays off. Even if they keep trying to cast these actors as leading
men and Not every actor or actress is destined for success. Whether they can�t land
the right part, or they just don�t have the talent, some people simply aren�t meant
to be stars. Unfortunately, no-one�s told Hollywood that yet. The big film studios
seem desperate to try and make hits out of some of their acting talent, but nothing
they do ever really pays off. Even if they keep trying to cast these actors as
leading men and women, it�s never going to work out. It�s about time they cut their
Hayden Christensen
The early 2000s were an excellent time for Hayden Christensen. His role in the
drama film �Life as a House� earned him a Golden Globe nomination and preceded his
biggest acting credit to date. In 2002, the actor appeared as Anakin Skywalker in
the fifth movie from space opera franchise �Star Wars,� a part that he returned to
three years later. However, while the films themselves were big hits, Christensen
was not. The reception to his acting was mixed, and he�s been unable to change
opinions of his capabilities ever since.
Brendan Fraser
Brendan Fraser�s film career might have been more successful than most people on
this list, but he�s never really taken it to the places it should have gone. Some
of his most memorable performances were in films that got mixed reviews at best.
Movies like �George of the Jungle� and �The Mummy� weren�t that well received,
although they were commercially successful. However, Fraser�s later films proved
that it�s not always about making a profit. �G.I. Joe� and �Ink heart� both
performed at the box office, but their reviews speak for themselves.
Josh Hartnett
Period drama film �Pearl Harbour� was a commercial success, and Josh Hartnett�s
involvement with it signified great things for his career. When he followed it up
with another war film, �Black Hawk Down,� the actor�s career prospects looked
hopeful. However, his belief that fame wouldn�t lead to happiness prevented him
from ever taking on any more significant roles. He rejected proposals to play
Superman in the early �00s and moved away from portraying action heroes in his
movies. Both of those decisions hindered his ability to ever become a Hollywood
Brandon Routh
You�d think that playing one of the world�s favourite superheroes would do great
things for your career. However, it takes more than just playing a great character
for an actor to be successful. People might love Superman, but few of them were
raving about Brandon Routh�s take on the iconic hero. They felt his performance was
lacking which perhaps explains why he�s not seen much on the big screen these days.
At least the superhero world hasn�t shunned him, allowing him to portray The Atom
on various TV series.
Taylor Lautner
Taylor Lautner was basically the star of the fantasy romance movie series
�Twilight.� He was so dedicated to the part of Jacob that he ended up transforming
his body so the director wouldn�t replace him in the second film. However, while
the �Twilight� movies might have made him a star, they didn�t help him stay in the
spotlight for long. It only took a few years after �Breaking Dawn � Part 2� aired
for the actor to disappear entirely from the big screen. It looks like he just
wasn�t destined for Hollywood.
John Gallagher JR.
10 Cloverfield Lane was a surprise to most people last year. Nobody expected a
spinoff of the moderately successful Cloverfield to be any good or make any money.
It ended up grossing $70 million and launched relative newcomer John Gallagher Jr.
into the spotlight. This wasn't the first role Gallagher caught attention for. He
had a major role on HBO's The Newsroom and featured in the criminally under seen
Short Term 12(a movie that will come up again later). He also starred in the
critically acclaimed horror film Hush. It looks like Gallagher is going to be able
to build on his success in the coming year. He is set to star in several movies
next year along established stars like Kristen Stewart, Sam Rockwell, and Chloe
Grace Moretz.
Duel hill
To know Duel Hill is to love Duel Hill. Unlike many of the actors on this list,
Duel is not an up and coming star. He�s 42 years old and has already starred in two
moderately popular TV shows with cult followings. Despite being more established
than some of his younger peers, he is every bit as deserving. Whether as Charlie
Young, President Bartlett�s personal aide in The West Wing, Burton Gustier in
Psych, or Sam the onion man in Holes, Duel Hill has a quiet charm that makes him
instantly likeable. He is the master of the playful jab and can often deliver a
laugh with the nod of his head. It�s like sitting in the back of a class with the
quiet kid you didn�t know was so funny. We just hope more people get to experience
John Cho
At 45 years old, John Cho is the oldest actor on this list and, while he's not an
A-list star, there's a good chance you recognize him from something. Whether it's
from his role as Sulu in the most resent Star Trek films or in one of many Harold
and Kumar movies; John Cho has gotten his face out there. Recently he's had a
recurring role in the Hulu original Difficult People as well as Fox's the Exorcist,
but it was a relatively small role that caught our attention. It was a relatively
small and quiet movie, Columbus, which slipped in and out of theatres making just
over $1 million. Despite its relatively humble release, it took the critical world
by storm and has remained one of the highest rated movies of 2017, in no small part
due to the sure handed performance of John Cho.
Keith starfield
Short Term 12 was a truly great film that launched the careers of several of its
actors. Its propelled Brie Larson into stardom and created new opportunities for
the likes of John Gallagher Jr., Keith Stanfield, and more. Since emerging onto the
scene, Keith Stanfield has had several outstanding performances. He played Snoop
Dogg in 2015's Straight Outtalk Compton, had a standout role in Get Out earlier
this year, and is one of the stars of FX's show Atlanta. The jury is still out on
whether Stanfield will be a household name, but he does have upcoming roles with
Chiwetel Ejiofor, Terry Crews, Army Hammer, and the previously mentioned Tessa
Jeremy Renner
This pick may come as a shock. You may be saying to yourself, �Jeremy Renner? But
he�s Hawkeye! He�s so inoffensive and well respectable. This must be a mistake. �We
want you to think for a moment of every movie you�ve ever seen Jeremy Renner in.
He�s been in some good ones, The Hurt Locker, Arrival, and The Avengers just to
name a few. In every single one of these roles he has brought the bare minimum to
the performance. Like many boring actors, he hits his mark, says his line, and goes
home, but he doesn�t have the charisma or charm to back it up. Jeremy Renner is as
bland of an actor as you can get and he�s the most forgettable part of a lot of
unforgettable movies.

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