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My name is Kimberly M. Ababa. Residence in Prk. 2B Buhai La Filipina, Tagum City. I

have a younger sister her name is Kristine Louise M. Ababa. My mother’s name is Joy
M. Ababa and My Father’s name is Edwin G. Ababa.

The short story, I started to study at school I graduated elementary in Visayan Village
Central Elementary School and in high school at La Filipina National High School and
now I am studying in Tagum City National High School as a grade 12 student.

My hobbies are reading short stories it could be nonfiction or fiction. I really love
dancing because that is one of my passions and also it gives me happiness. And
besides all of those as I’ve said I also like music because it helps me to get away from
my problem and music is my stress reliever sometimes.

I’m that person who has a big dreams. I always want to achieve my goals in life and get
an award. But sometimes my laziness always becoming a barrier to my success. But
because of my family and my friends who always encourage me I will overcome the
laziness in me. One of my weakness is I don’t really like speaking in front of a lot of
people because I am ashamed of being shy.

Besides of my weakness I am pretty sure that I have an excess. I am an optimistic type

of a person. When I was young my parents and my relatives always told me that I will
become a successful man one day. Aside from being optimistic I am also a friendly type
of a person I like to make friends with others I like to gather friends and companions.
And I am also I creative type of a person I like to create things that is unique. And last is
that I am a God fearing person, I like to read bible and study about the word of god I
also like to tell others about Jesus and his greatness.

My parents are my inspiration. They always help me in times when I need them, they
always tells me what’s good for me. And even when I don’t have that faith in myself they
also have faith in me that I can do things that even I can’t imagine. My family are my
treasures because even when the whole world is turning their back on me my family is
still there for me. The best event in my life is when I was born into this world and when I
knew Jesus.

Okay, that’s all about me. See you next time till we meet again
Character and description

Monkey- selfish, vicious and greedy

Turtle- friendly and good

Summary of the story

There was a monkey and a turtle who was hungry. Then the monkey suggest that they
should find together one day they find a banana tree they decided to split the tree and
the monkey got the upper part while the bottom part of the tree remained for the turtle.
As time pass by the bottom part of the tree grew while the part that the monkey took got
rotten. Monkey got jealous of the turtle’s tree and decided to ask turtle to eat the fruit of
the tree and because turtle can’t climb the tree the turtle said decided to make a deal
that monkey will climb the tree and he will just give turtle the fruits when he got to the
top. But suddenly when monkey reached the top of the tree he ate all the ripe fruit and
instead of dropping fruit monkey just drop the skin of the fruit. The turtle got angry and
decided to teach monkey a lesson.

Moral of the story

Don’t be selfish, be kind to your friends and be contented for what you have.

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