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We have looked through all the units from all the Grade levels. What shaped our unit
and Grade level is mostly the instructional materials that we have been expected to integrate.
We want our unit to contain as many basic vocabulary items so that we can use to
relate them to each other. So our first factor was richness of vocabulary. Then we want to
elaborate this vocabulary items with grammar structures. We mainly focused on simple
present tense and past tense however, occupations unit gives opportunity to teach also “can
can’t” structures, the flexibility of this unit is an important feature for us. Also it is quite
suitable for role play and speaking activities.

While we were preparing our unit and lesson plans, we spent most of our time to think
about the ASSURE step “select, modify or design materials”. Because we have limited time
for a unit, we had to prepare efficient lesson and unit plans to give students everything about
our topic, which is “occupations”. We needed to prepare a bunch of activities by using various
applications and websites. While we were preparing our unit and lesson plans, we spent most
of our time to think about the ASSURE step “select, modify or design materials”. Because we
have limited time for a unit, we had to prepare efficient lesson and unit plans to give students
everything about our topic, which is “occupations”. We needed to prepare a bunch of
activities by using various applications and websites and we needed to arrange these activities
according to our content. We wanted to give different subtopics with each activity, so we
really worked hard. It was important to choose the most ideal activity for each subtopic, so
naturally, we spent most of our time on preparing these materials.

After we chose the grade level and the unit topic, we prepared three lesson plans
consisting totally 6 hours. Our unit is occupations, and, in this unit, we teach personal
questions, time, date and places as grammar subjects. In order that students can understand
these subjects, they should know forming questions with “can”, being able to and. W&H
questions. Moreover, we determined out objectives according to our unit and grammar topics
in that unit. For example, in the second lesson plan our objective is “when given a handout
and videos including time, dates and personal questions, students will understand the time,
days, dates, and ask personal questions with 70% accuracy.”, so grammar topics and materials
are important while determining the objectives. Like objectives, we chose our materials
according to our unit, topics and grade level. Grade level is actually essential when we choose
which materials we should use because every material not appropriate for any grade level. We
prepared, Prezi, Kahoot, videos, concept map, pictures and Piktochart. We also
adapted all these materials to our students’ grade level, and knowledge.

While arranging our instructional activities, we used eclectic approach. We think that
eclectic approach is important when teaching a language due to the fact that it combines
different methods and approaches; it doesn’t’ stick to only one method. Because every student
is different, unique and have various skills and abilities, using only one method is not
appropriate for them. So, we used eclectic approach and used different activities that are in the
form of videos, posters etc. We thought that we would meet most of the students’ needs by
using eclectic approach.

We planned to utilize concept map, Prezi presentation and videos to teach the core
subject first and then we planned to use Kahoot at the end of the week to see how well they
mastered the topics. We mostly used technology as a source of material, but we have other
materials as well such as handouts for exercise, quizzes and homework. In our lessons
students are active participants in their learning process, we provide them with the necessary
time and materials to do this. Our teaching is mostly cooperative, and the students come
together as groups and prepare role plays, discuss about given exercise questions and play
games as a group and sometimes as a whole. In our lessons we constantly evaluate the
students by monitoring them in class, by looking at whether they contribute to class activities
or not and we take notes of the student performances and use it as a guide to evaluate their
individual learning. Another evaluation method that we use is short quizzes at the end of each
class and when we are done with the unit, we planned to use Piktochart encompassing all the
grammar points and topics of the unit to revise the unit and after that we use Kahoot to
evaluate their overall learning.

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