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Riddles help one think

outside the box and it
sharpens the human mind.
Let's see who can crack
these riddles!
1. There's a man who lives
in a hotel. In sunny days,he
goes up the stairs to his
hotel room and on rainy
days he uses the
2. What goes in the water
black and comes out red?
3. I'm a riddle in 3 syllables,
I'm a series of lslands far
away from the mainland;I
have deadly tsunamis and
peaceful beaches. My
scenery brings tourists,I'm
where a world war
started,I'm on the flag of
stars;what am I?
4. What jumps when it
walks and sits when it
5. It looks green,it opens
red. What you eat is red but
what you spit out is black.
What is it?
6. A container without
hinges,lock or a key yet a
golden treasure lies inside
me. What am I?
7. When you talk of
mountain,I am the largest in
Africa and I am found in
Tanzani. What is my name?
8. What is orange and
sounds like a parrot?
9. What is yours,but is used
much more often by your
10. I am a beach in Nigeria
and I am surrounded by
trees that holds tasty water.
What state can I be found?
11. I am Africa's greatest
wildlife reserve. I am Masai
Mara National Reserve.
Where can I be found?
12. I am at the southern part
of Africa between Zambia
and Zimbabwe. I am one of
the seven(7) wonders of the
world. What am I?
13. You throw away the
outside and cook the inside.
Then you eat the outside and
throw away the inside. What
is it?

A fellow stopped at a rural
gas station and after filling
his tank,he paid the bill and
bought a soft drink. He
stood by his car to drink his
cola and he watched a
couple of men working
along the roadside. One man
would dig a hole two or
three feet dip and then move
on. The other man came
along behind and filled in
the hole. While one was
digging a new hole,the other
was about 25 feet behind
filling in the old. The men
worked right pass the fellow
with the soft drink and went
on down the road. "I can't
stand this",said the man
tossing the can in a trash
container and head towards
the men. "Hold it,hold it,he
said to the men. Can you tell
me what is going on here
with this digging?"
"Well,we work for the
county government",one of
the men said."But one of
you is digging a hole and
the other is filling it up.
You're not achieving
anything. Aren't you wasting
the county's money? You
don't understand mister,one
of the men said leaning on
his shovel and wiping his
brow. "Normally there are
three of,TK and
Johnny. I dig the hole, TK
sticks in the tree and Johnny
here puts the dirt back"
Yea,piped up Johnny"now
just because TK is sick,that
don't mean we can't
work,does it?

1. The man is short and he
uses the umbrella to press
the button
2. A lobster
3. Hawaii
4. A Kangaroo
5. Watermelon
6. An egg
7. Mount Kilimanjaro
8. Carrot
9. Your name
10. Coconut beach is found
in Lagos State
11. Kenya
12. The Victoria Fall
13. An ear of corn

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