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Who am I & What is Anabolic Aliens?
Where to Follow Me
How Do I Make Sure I Work Out Effectively and
Get Optimal Gains?
- 3 Muscle Building Principles

How can I prevent skinny fat?

Losing Belly Fat/ Love Handles
How to Get 6 Pack Abs To Show
How Do I Gain Lean Muscle Mass Without
Adding Too Much Fat In The Process?
Workouts Needed to Gain A Lean Physique
Without Adding Too Much Fat
The Optimal Diet and How to Follow It
Do I need a Workout Schedule To
Maintain/Gain Muscle?
This was just the beginning
My Challenge For YOU!
Who am I Mike Rosa
& What is My name is Mike Rosa and I am the
CEO/Founder of Anabolic Aliens LLC
as well as the creator of the workout
Anabolic app Exerprise. I am a University of New
Hampshire graduate with my B.S. in

Nutrition & Wellness. Originally, I went
to Western New England University to
play baseball, but ended up transferring
to UNH and pursuing powerlifting as my
new sport. My first powerlifting meet
was in the summer of 2014 going into
my sophomore year of college. I ended
up breaking two world records (Bench
Press & Total) and multiple state
records in the RPS federation in future
meets. Currently, I compete in the
USAPL Federation at the National level.

Anabolic Aliens is a
community that pushes
each other to get better
and have no limits!

One of my biggest goals

with Anabolic Aliens is to
take away excuses for
people not to exercise but
also have fun with it!
Subscribe to my channel:

How Do I First off, it’s important to
understand what a muscle feels

Make Sure like.

Simply flex and get an

I Work Out understanding of what tension
feels like in each muscle group.

Effectively The reason this is important is

because if you don’t feel that

and Get muscle working during an

exercise, then you are more than

likely not optimally working it.

The brain is what actually

Gains? controls movement. This is why

mind muscle connections play a
significant role in muscle
building and overall functioning.

The brain sends a signal to the

muscles to contract. Literally by
thinking about what muscle
you’re focusing on and
understanding how it should feel
will significantly result in a
greater muscular contraction.
3 Muscle
Building 1. which is the weight or
Mechanical tension:

Principles force that’s being placed

on the muscles

Metabolic stress: 
2. which is what gives you the pump, so a lot of
sets and reps with a short period of rest or what
can be defined as the duration of muscular
Muscle damage:
3. which is the creation of micro tears in the
muscles where your body fixes them by creating
new muscle tissue or what can be referred to as

You need all three mechanisms in

order to optimally build muscle.
What NOT to do:
Rush through each exercise or simply go through the motions not
focusing on mind muscle connection, lifting too heavy
weight where you lack control, not pushing yourself to progress,
staying the same and getting too comfortable

In order to create optimal mechanical tension, you
need to be stressing the muscles with a challenging
resistance. Utilize progressive overload which is
forcing the body's adaptation to tension above what
it's previously accustomed to. 
Track your workouts, so you know how much weight
you used, or how many reps or sets you did, or how
long of rests you were taking. This way you are able to
build off what you did previously and either increase
weight, increase reps, increase sets, or limit excess
That added weight or force you’re applying will
increase the mechanical tension. Those added sets or
reps or decreased excess rest will increase the
metabolic stress.

The increase of mechanical tension plus the increase of metabolic
stress results in increased muscle damage. All in all, more muscle
growth. You need progressive overload along with that mind
muscle connection in order to maximize your workout efficiency.
How can Skinny fat can
be described
as a person
I prevent who appears
to be a healthy

skinny body weight

but has
fat? muscle mass
and a lot of
body fat
What NOT to do: Body recomposition.
This is the process of
Do not attempt to lose
losing body fat while
weight. This will only make
maintaining or building
your appearance frailer. 
muscle mass.
Actionable Steps:
Follow a powerbuilding program which is a hybrid of
strength training (1-5 reps) hypertrophy training (6-12
reps) along with a HIIT Cardio Regimen. 

For diet, consume around your maintenance caloric

intake with the fluctuation of no less than a 200
caloric deficit or a 200 caloric surplus:

By incorporating these tips, you will prevent the skinny
fat appearance and have a more muscular build.
Everyone stores fat in their
Belly Fat/ body differently. Some
people have more back fat,

Love some more leg fat, some

more arm fat, belly fat etc.

Due to the fact fat storages
vary per person, this also
means that we all lose body
fat faster and slower in
different places as well.
The abdominal or love
handle region are often
spots that are considered
stubborn fat areas.

Your number one
focus should be on
losing total body fat.
Secondly, Build the
specific muscular
areas covered by the
body fat.
Actionable Steps:
To lose body fat faster, I recommend you eat in a
caloric deficit. A general rule of thumb is a 500 caloric
deficit a day would result in roughly 1 lb of bodyweight
lost per week
Extra focus training on the abdominals, obliques, and
lower back. (these are the belly fat/ love handle

By incorporating these tips, it will result in helping you
lose your belly fat and love handles.

What I personally find most optimal as well is
accompanying a slight caloric deficit is incorporating
high intensity interval (HIIT) cardio regimen.

HIIT cardio is the best form of cardio to burn fat while

also maintaining muscle mass. This HIIT with the slight
caloric deficit will place you in a further deficit naturally
by the calories expended through cardio. HIIT cardio also
has an afterburn effect which causes you to burn more
calories throughout the day even after exercise aiding
the fat loss process.
How to We often hear the phrase “abs
are made in the kitchen.” This has
Get 6 a lot of truth to it, but there’s more
to the story than that alone. The

Pack Abs reason that phrase is so popular

is because you can have the best
abs in the world but they will
To Show never be seen if a layer of fat is
covering them. This is when the
kitchen comes into play because
a proper diet is essential in order
to make your abs visible and stay
that way. You have to be at a low
What NOT to do: enough body fat percentage in
order for your abs to show.
Not tracking your
calories, going on a
intense diet and
starving yourself,
only focusing on
what the scale says,
not drinking enough
Actionable Steps:
Diet wise, you should focus on consuming nutrient
dense foods which are foods high in nutrients but low
in calories (I go further into this in the Diet section of
this guide) 
By focusing on consuming more nutrient dense foods,
you will be able to eat more while also staying in a
caloric deficit which will help optimize the fat loss

Training wise: do high rep ab work to focus on defining

and sculpting the muscle, as well as low rep ab work to
strengthen and build the muscle 
*If you're already at a low body fat %, neglecting one
of these aspects may be why your abs aren't showing*
Another tip is consuming a high protein diet. Protein
digestion and the energy to metabolize a high protein
meal naturally burns more calories.

By incorporating both aspects of ab training along with
focusing on these fat loss tips, you will get those 6 pack
abs showing.
How Do I Gain
Whenever you gain

Lean Muscle weight, you are more

than likely going to
gain some fat in the
Mass Without process. This is very
normal and should be

Adding Too expected. The goal is to

minimize that fat gain
as much as possible
Much Fat In while maximize that
weight gain in muscle

The Process? mass. In order to do

this, diet is going to be
the most crucial

What NOT to do:

Eating TOO MUCH food and
binge eating anything in
sight. On the flip side of that,
NOT eating ENOUGH food,
Cutting out fats completely
You have to eat in a caloric surplus in order to gain
weight. Just like with weight loss but now focusing on
weight gain, a general rule of thumb would be a 500
caloric surplus resulting in roughly a 1 lb bodyweight
gain per week.

I like to recommend a 300-800 caloric surplus to allow

freedom in caloric cycling during a bulk to avoid
letting your metabolism adapt to the increased
calories. It’s important as you do this caloric surplus,
you do so cleanly. By clean, I mean you want to
continue eating nutrient dense foods over calorically
dense foods. This is when most people struggle
because nutrient dense foods are more filling so it can
be tough to get the needed amount of calories.
Also, you want to keep your protein intake high
because that will help contribute to building leaner
muscle mass. Piecing this all together for the diet, a
high protein caloric surplus nutrient dense diet will
help gain lean weight.

If you are someone who struggles getting all those calories in
while eating clean, try healthily drinking more calories with
protein shakes, smoothies, etc. It’s oftentimes easier to drink
calories than eating them so that’s a little trick you can use to
help reach your goals.
Workouts Needed to Gain
A Lean Physique Without
Adding Too Much Fat
Now let’s get into the
work out part of it. I
would actually
recommend you utilize
all three main training
styles which would be
strength (1-5 reps),
hypertrophy (6-12 reps),
and endurance (13+
reps). You can spread
these training styles
out throughout the
week but my personal
favorite method is to
utilize all three in each
Start off with your strength exercises which should be
your compounds (Barbell bench press, squats,
deadlifts), then go into your hypertrophy exercises
which should be your accessory movements and then
finish off with 1-2 endurance exercises to burn out the
This way you are taking advantage of all the muscle
fibers and utilizing the increased energy from your
caloric surplus optimally. 
Try to maintain a cardio schedule of 3-4 times per
week with 50% being HIIT and 50% being steady state.
Piece these dieting and training tips together, and you
will gain lean muscle mass while minimizing fat gain

Now here is a big mistake people make when clean bulking. Do
NOT skip cardio. You definitely should limit the amount of
cardio you do but do not neglect it completely. Cardiovascular
exercise is not only important for heart health, but it will also
help you minimize your fat gain during a bulk. That being said,
it’s essential to take into account to the best of your ability the
calorie expenditure from cardio because you need to ensure
you’re in that caloric surplus.
The Optimal In reality, there is no such
thing as an optimal diet

Diet and
because everyone is so
different. People have
allergies, intolerances, or

How to simply preferences. Foods

can have different effects
on people’s body

Follow It compositions. For example,

someone’s body may
respond significantly better
to sweet potatoes versus
What NOT to do: brown rice. The specific
types of foods your body
NOT tracking your calories, will respond best with is a
QUITTING your diet if you process of trial and error.
don't see results right away, That being said, you always
eating out all the time, want to choose foods that
skipping meals, cutting out are nutrient dense rather
certain food groups like than calorically dense.
carbs or fats
Choose healthy carbs like whole grains, oatmeal, quinoa,
fruits, not ones that are loaded with unnatural sugar and
other refined carbohydrates.
Consume healthy fats like avocado, almond butter, flax seed
oil, not those loaded with saturated or trans fats.

Consume a high protein diet including lean chicken, lean

turkey, fish, which is crucial in building lean muscle mass.
* All these foods are examples of nutrient dense options *

Utilize portion control and have each main meal consist of a

healthy protein, carb, and fat source.
Mix the colors of your vegetable consumption like spinach,
carrots, zucchini, tomatoes, since they all have different
micronutrient contents.
Make sure you’re drinking a lot of water throughout the day
to stay hydrated.
Key Points:
Keep in mind total A caloric deficit A caloric surplus
caloric intake. Your means you’re means you’re
maintenance intake consuming less consuming more
means consuming energy from calories energy from calories
the same amount of than you are than you are
energy in calories as expending resulting in expending resulting in
you are expending losing weight. gaining weight.
resulting in zero
weight change

Your diet is significantly dependent on your individual factors as well as

personal goals. If you’re cutting, then follow a caloric deficit diet with a lower
carb amount. If you’re bulking, the follow a caloric surplus diet with a higher
carb amount. If you’re maintaining or body recomping, then follow around
your maintenance level with slight variations from a deficit to surplus.

Stay consistent with your diet tracking and monitor your weight
and body fat throughout the process to ensure you’re staying
aligned with your goals.
Do I need a In my opinion, it is

Workout essential that you follow

some type of program if
you’re serious about
Schedule To maximizing your training
progress. How else can
Maintain/Gain you hold yourself
accountable? How else

Muscle? can you analyze

progression? If you are
doing random exercises
every time you work out,
how can you get better at
them? If you have no idea
how many calories you’re
consuming, how can you
accurately monitor your
bodyweight goals over a
long period of time? You
have to think long-term
when it comes to fitness.

What NOT to do:

Not tracking your progress, not entering your workout with a
clear idea of what you are going to accomplish, hiring an out
of shape trainer,
Pick your goal: What is that you want to do? Are you
looking to cut weight? Bulk up? You need to have a clear
vision of what you want to achieve.
Choose your location: Are you going to workout outside?
Are you going to go to the gym? Are you going to do a
mixture of both? Figure out what environment suits you the
Pick Your Workout Method: Are you going to follow a 5 day
split? (Arms, Chest, Back, Shoulders, Legs) or will you be
using 4 split alternating upper and lower body? Will you be
mainly relying on home workouts and calisthenics (body
weight)? Pick which workout style suits you.
Switch Things Up: Analyze progression after 6-8 weeks to
know what you need to switch up to stay motivated as well
as keep the muscles from adapting, in order to consistently
build at an optimal level
Get support/Be part of a community

Change your perception of working out. Think about the

benefits, not the difficulties. Think about how your life would
change by working out and the benefits that brings.
Choose exercises you enjoy doing, keep it fun, the main
thing is being consistent, and the best way to be consistent
with working out is by making it fun and something you look
forward to.
Story 1 - John Smith works out
for 6 months

John Smith consistently and sees

great gains. Something
comes up resulting in
John taking 3 months
off or is incredibly
inconsistent over that
timeframe. All that
progress made in the
initial 6 months has
either significantly
regressed or put him
back to where he first
started. John gets back
into it though for 3
straight months and
makes solid progress
again. Then something
else comes up resulting
in John taking a month
off and pushing him
back to the start again.
This process is never
ending and impossible
to reach sustainable
goals without
establishing that
Story 2 -
Jane Smith has a goal of
losing 20 lbs. She follows
a diet plan for 8 weeks
and loses 10 lbs. That’s
great progress. Now she
Jane Smith
feels satisfied and stops
being as conscious to
what she’s consuming
resulting in gaining back
5 lbs in a month. She
decides this is enough, I
need to get back at it so
starts tracking her diet
again and loses 8 more lbs
in 5 weeks. She gets
distracted by work over
the next 3 weeks
neglecting portion control
and without even
realizing it, put back on 6
lbs. Since Jane made her
initial goal of losing 20
lbs, it has been 20 weeks
now and she has only lost
7 lbs. This process is
never ending and
impossible to reach
sustainable goals without
establishing that
The point of sharing
these stories is to
emphasize that there
will always be
roadblocks getting in
the way of your path
toward your fitness
goals. Everyone has off
days. No one can be
perfect 24/7. This is why
consistency and
monitored progression
are the real secrets
behind long-term
success. In order to
maintain this
consistency, you need
structure. In order to
monitor progression,
you need a plan. 
This Was
Just The
We have barely scratched the surface on
how these strategies work.
This ebook gives a great overview, and will give you some
AWESOME actionable steps you can implement right away so start
taking some ACTION! If you think this was useful you have no idea
what’s coming up in the next couple of weeks, because I have some
things that are going to absolutely change your life... 

 -Mike Rosa

For more FREE information:

Subcribe to my channel:
HIIT Workouts:
Fat Burning Tabata Workout (HIIT Cardio) 4
Fat Burning Tabata Workout (HIIT Cardio) 5
Intense 5 Minute Belly Fat Burning Cardio Abs Workout

You Can Download My Workout

App Exerprise here

MyFitnessPal App: 
(to track calories, maintenance, bulk/cut)
Download on the Apple Store Download on the Google Play Store

*Special Challenge*
If you've made it this far, I want to congratulate you!
The sad truth is that I know some of you will download this guide, read it,
and wont take any action...
But I know if you have made it this far, you're not one of those people.
You're someone who takes your health seriously and you will take action,
So my challenge for you is to go out there, apply these tips, and share this
with a friend who you know needs to see this so you can hold eachother
accountable and get results.
If you choose to accept my challenge and implement these tips right away,
comment "I accept your challenge" on my most recent YouTube video
so I know you're ALL IN!

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