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Lesson Plan

Fusha: Lënda: Anglisht Shkalla: V Klasa: X

Tema Mësimore: Situata për diskutim:

Travel/Sport/ Food and grammar exercises The teacher and the students discuss about
sports and food using modal verbs (must,
Kompentencat e të nxënit: have and should), countable and uncountable
Students will be able to: nouns, articles.
- Use correctly and reinforce must, have to
and should
- Use correctly vocabulary about sports
- Use countable and uncountable nouns,
articles correctly.
- Talk about food.
Burimet e informacionit: Fjalori me terma/ koncepte të reja:
Coursebook, Workbook, digital platform, Protein, carbohydrates, indoor/ outdoor
photos, ELP, interactive flashcards (TB), sports,
Extra resources
Lidhja Ndërlëndore e temës:
This topic can be related to other subjects as PE etc,
Metodologjia e ores së mësimit:
Brainstorming, group activities, pair activities, individual work, matching activities, gap
filling activities, questions and answers.
Organizimi i ores së mësimit:
Hapi i pare:
First you ask your students to read their homework (about means of transport and how people
travelled before they were born. Make a list on the board while they read and then after
students finish compare them with the means of transport now and the predictions they did
last time for the future.
Hapi i dytë:
Need to liven up the class? Split the class into six groups and then have a representative from
each come up to the board. Split the board into six areas and give each one a heading from
Ex.2 page 10. Each group is given a different color marker or chalk. Set time for one minute,
and then let the groups start yelling words up to the students at the board. He or she will write
as many words as possible. When the time goes off switch to a new writer and continue for
another minute. At the end tally up the number of words in each color. If noise is problematic
do this activity in groups and give them a flipchart.
Hapi i tret :
Review with students quickly the use of modal verbs must, have to and should. Use grammar
reference on page 111. Then divide students in groups and assign them the following
exercises: 3, 4, 5 and 7. After finishing ask them to read aloud so every student can check/
correct their answers. If they still need some more practice ask them to write three sentences
about their favorite sport using modal verbs.
After that exercise change topic. Tell them that in order to be fit and play sports they should
be careful on food they eat. Write food on the board and ask them to write as many words
related to food as they can.
Draw the table of Ex. 1 page 11 and ask students to put the types of food they have written in
the respective categories.
Then listen to Ex. 3 where four students describe their school lunches and then decde which
one you would like to have if your school offered lunch and why?

Përforëcimi i të nxënit:
When students talk about food try to review with them countable and uncountable nouns and
which one are the same/ different in singular and plural and when articles are used. Use
grammar reference on page 111.
Check students understanding with exercises 6 & 8 on page 11.

Vlerësimi i nxënësve:
Evaluation based on observations, answers, group work and home work.
Ask students to write about means of transport and how people travelled before they were
born. (they have to ask their parents and grandparents at home).

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