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What is it?
A skyscraper is a continuously habitable high-rise building that has over 40
floors and is taller than approximately 150 m (492 ft). Historically, the term first
referred to buildings with 10 to 20 floors in the 1880s. The definition shifted with
advancing construction technology during the 20th Century. Skyscrapers may host
commercial offices or residential space, or both.
For buildings above a height of 300 m (984 ft), the term "supertall" can be used, while
skyscrapers reaching beyond 600 m (1,969 ft) are classified as "megatall"
 One common feature of skyscrapers is having a steel framework that
supports curtain walls.
 These curtain walls either bear on the framework below or are suspended from
the framework above, rather than resting on load-bearing walls of conventional
 Some early skyscrapers have a steel frame that enables the construction of
load-bearing walls taller than of those made of reinforced concrete.
 Modern skyscrapers' walls are not load-bearing, and most skyscrapers are
characterized by large surface areas of windows made possible by steel frames
and curtain walls.
 However, skyscrapers can have curtain walls that mimic conventional walls with
a small surface area of windows.
 Modern skyscrapers often have a tubular structure, and are designed to act like
a hollow cylinder to resist wind, seismic, and other lateral loads.
 To appear more slender, allow less wind exposure, and transmit more daylight
to the ground, many skyscrapers have a design with setbacks, which are
sometimes also structurally required.


Camping in the Sky is a skyscraper in which the apartments will be replaced by trees
and camping areas.
In some cities it may be difficult to access large green areas. Many residents must
settle for tiny parks and are forced to drive for hours to connect with nature. For them,
the building Camping in the Sky can be a solution
The project was created by the firm FIt-Office of Milan with the aim of combining urban
areas with natural spaces and bring outdoor activities to people. It is a building where,
instead of having apartments on each floor, there are green areas with trees and parks
to be able to rest as well as camping.
Camping in the Sky is thinking to be built in New York. Thus, residents will not only
have the opportunity to connect with nature 200 meters from the ground but also enjoy
the view of other buildings in the city such as the Empire State and the Chrysler.

The entire building is covered in glass and on each floor it also has bathrooms, laundry
area, restaurants and playgrounds for children. The exterior structure can be opened
or closed to deal with weather conditions, protecting campers from rain, snow, wind or
intense heat.

Camping in the Sky is also thinking of an alternative lodging for tourists. They can rent
the camping space instead of paying large amounts of money for a hotel room in
downtown Manhattan
Informacion curiosa ( me avisan si ponemos jajaja )

 La ciudad con más rascacielos es Hong Kong (China) con más de 8000
superando a Nueva York con 2000.
 Aunque parezca increíble, el rascacielos más alto del mundo llegará a medir más
de un kilómetro y medio y será construido en Arabia Saudita. Se trata
del Kingdom Tower, que medirá 1600 metros de altura y costará unos 20 000
millones de euros.
 Bautizado como Miapolis, el edificio de 975 m de altura estará ubicado en Miami.
Lo interesante de este nuevo proyecto es que el 60% de su energía será provista
por turbinas de viento. Increíble, no?
 El Burj Khalifa alberga unas 1 100 viviendas y ya se han vendido casi todas (el
90%) Uno de sus 57 ascensores está considerado el más rápido del mundo.
 En la actualidad se necesitarán pocos minutos para llegar a la cima de cualquiera
de estos gigantes edificios empleando los ascensores más eficientes , capaces
de desplazarse a unos 6 metros por segundo (si fueran más rápido, las personas
se marean o desmayan)

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