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Narrator: For as long as there was darkness, and until Poseidon: Psyche.

there was the light, the deities lived in the heavens,

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praised, but out of sight. The power they held they used
for good, blessing the mortals as they should. Certainly Narrator: And so a blissful evening had suddenly turned
they were above all else, but they existed as we exist vile. For Aphrodite found that her lover already had a
ourselves. Here is a story: elapsed and timeless, untold child. This child was her blessing though he turned his
and altered enough. Here is a tale of a god and His back on her, but now that very blessing had become a
goddess, here is their tale of love. curse. The child had grown into the beautiful Psyche –
adored and loved for her flawless beauty.
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[Setting: Olympus]
[Setting: Aphrodite’s home]
Zeus: Brothers! How have you been? Hades?
Aphrodite: So this is what betrayal feels like the second
Hades: You know how we are, Zeus.
time around. The man I loved lied, and now his
Zeus: It’s nice to see you again, Persephone. daughter is a threat to me. You two, bring my son in
here now!
Persephone: All the same. I’ll leave you three on your
own now. Excuse me. Nymphs: Yes. Aphrodite’s son, there he is. With his
arrows he delivers love, but his own heart is amiss.
Hades: Of course. I’ll catch up to you later.
Nymph 1: Eros, Aphrodite is calling for you.
Zeus: Hades, don’t be so moody. We rarely get together
like this. Poseidon, didn’t you have something to tell us? Eros: Tell her I’ll be there in a minute.

Poseidon: Right. Have you heard? There are rumors Nymph 2: Of course, Eros!
going around about a human. Word around Olympus is
Nymphs: [giggling]
that she’s the most mesmerizing woman to ever exist.
Eros: What is it?
Hades: Why would gods and goddesses even care about
those trivial mortals? Aphrodite: No more arrows for today, son. You’re going
on a special mission instead.
Poseidon: Because she’s beautiful. Believe me, I’ve seen
her myself! Eros: Is this about that human girl who’s prettier than
Zeus: How beautiful?
Aphrodite: Be quiet. Don’t interrupt your mother when
Poseidon: She’s absolutely stunning.
she’s talking. Now I want you to find that human girl her
Hades: How stunning? match. Find that Psyche the ugliest man you’ve ever
seen. Make sure it happens, Eros. I’m counting on you.
Poseidon: It’s so hard to explain, but when you see her
yourself it all just makes perfect sense. Eros: What? Mother, I don’t mean to disrespect you,
but that just doesn’t seem right.
Zeus: You’re bluffing.
Aphrodite: Eros. I am counting on you.
Poseidon: No, I swear by it. If you don’t believe me then
I’ll say it. Her beauty surpasses Aphrodite! Eros: Fine.

Aphrodite: What did you just say? Have you officially Aphrodite: I knew you’d come around. Thank you, son.
lost your mind, Poseidon?
Artemis: [knocks]
Hades: Please, don’t be so troubled about Poseidon.
Aphrodite: Come in.
He’s just –
Artemis: It’s me.
Aphrodite: Sh! You’re saying that one petty little human
girl is more beautiful than me, Aphrodite, the Goddess Aphrodite: Artemis! What a pleasant surprise. Wow… so
of love and beauty herself. the Goddess of the Hunt learned how to make dinner.
Hades: Why does that matter so much? You said it Artemis: It’s nothing much. I just dropped by.
yourself, you’re a goddess. She’s a human.
Eros: Well I’ll get going now.
Aphrodite: Do you know what matters more than
power? Purpose. It’s having a place in this world, and Artemis: Wait you’re leaving? Now?
I’m not going to let her take mine away from me. Who Eros: I’m on a special mission actually.
is she? Give me her name. Now.
Artemis: Oh. Could it wait until after you eat?
Eros: Sorry, Artemis. Mother’s orders. I’ll see you because there’s something I’d like to ask of her instead.
around. I came here to ask for her hand in marriage.

Artemis: Good luck! Take care Eros! Psyche: Marriage? I barely know you. I don’t even know
your name!
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Psyche’s Father: Oh, Psyche. You and your sense of
Narrator: Eros flew down and soon found Psyche. He
humor. Of course! Not a problem with that. Psyche is all
had his doubts, and he felt guilty. He knew it was
wrong. He knew it was selfish. But his mother would
never leave him alone, so he wanted to put his mission Psyche: Father. No. Please.
to a finish.
Psyche’s Father: When do we make the arrangements?
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Psyche’s Suitor: I’d love to show you the plans I’ve
[Setting: Psyche’s Home] made. Follow me outside.

Psyche’s Father: Psyche, be polite when you meet your Psyche’s Sister 1: That was fast. Congratulations.
suitor later. He’s a very powerful man. Don’t disappoint Marriage for you and money for us. Look at this jewelry!
me. This is our chance to finally thrive.
Psyche’s Sister 2: I can’t wait until you get out of here.
Psyche: Father… I don’t want to do this. It’ll feel so nice without you being in the spotlight all the
Psyche’s Father: Are you listening to yourself? We could
be rich! We can’t just waste this opportunity. Get Psyche’s Sister 3: Psyche this, Psyche that, and for
yourself together. I know it’s hard but you’re doing this what? You’re pretty, sister. But that’s all you are.
for all of us, remember?
Psyche: [crying alone]
Psyche’s Sister 1: Don’t be so crude, Psyche.
Eros: [sitting beside her] That was terrible… You still
Psyche’s Sister 2: Yeah. You should be grateful. look beautiful when you cry.

Psyche’s Sister 3: Stop being so selfish. Close curtains

Psyche’s Father: Your sisters are right. This is our Narrator: In that very moment when Eros looked at
chance. Smile a little. Look even prettier for the suitor, Psyche, he felt her pain in his own heart. Although this
alright? God was powerful and mighty, the sight of that girl
crying tore him apart. Days had gone by and Eros
Psyche: Okay.
lingered still, he never left her side, because there he
Psyche’s Sister 1: What a fuss. found tranquil. On the day of Psyche’s wedding, Eros
was afraid. The marriage would still go on, no matter
Eros: That’s just wrong. Are you… okay? how hard she’d try to deny and persuade.
Psyche’s Father: Psyche! Open curtains
Psyche: I’m on my way, Father! [Setting: Wedding]
Eros: I must be losing my mind. I keep forgetting she Psyche: Father, I know you want me to marry him
can’t hear or see me. because we need the money, and I want our family to
Close curtains stop suffering too. But not like this. It’s just not right.

Open curtains Psyche’s Father: Psyche it’s the best option there is
right now. You have to.
[Setting: Dining Room]
Psyche: Not once in my life have I asked anything from
Psyche’s Father: It’s wonderful to finally meet you. I’m you. I respected you for as long as I lived. I’ve always
Psyche’s Father. These are my daughters, and this is listened to you. Please. Just this once. Hear me out. I
Psyche. don’t want this.
Psyche’s Suitor: It’s nice to see you, Psyche. Psyche’s Father: I’m sorry.
Psyche’s Father: Please, take a seat. So what brings you Psyche’s Sister 1: Don’t even think of running away.
here for today?
Psyche’s Sister 2: If you mess this up for us I don’t think
Psyche’s Suitor: Well, before I get to that, I brought gifts I’ll forgive you.
for everyone. Silver for you, sir, jewelry for your
daughters, and I didn’t bring anything for Psyche Psyche’s Sister 3: It’s not just about you all the time.
Psyche: Wait, help me! Please! Please don’t leave me force could erase. It was love. They had fallen for each
alone! other, and they weren’t ashamed to admit. They had
been looking for a great adventure, and here it was.
Psyche’s Sister 1: Ugh. Let go!
This was it. Everything seemed so perfect that Eros
Psyche: No! Please! Help me! seemed to forget, that even after all this time, he still
had a secret.
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Narrator: That was the last straw. That was all it took.
Eros was enraged, and you’d know if you had taken a Psyche: He never fixes up before he goes to bed. This
look. He took the form of a hideous beast, and place is a… What is this? Why would Eros have a bow?
concealed himself with a cloak. He knew his mother
Eros: Psyche? What are you doing?
would be displeased when she found out about the
promise he broke. Eros was furious, and he had enough. Psyche: Eros, what is this?
He was going to defend his new found love.
Eros: Hey don’t mess around with that!
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Psyche: Eros, can you tell me the truth? Please?
[Setting: Wedding, Psyche is walking down the aisle]
Eros: It’s hard to explain.
Eros: No! Psyche!
Psyche: I know I’m going to sound absolutely crazy,
Person 1: What’s going on? but… Eros, are you some sort of divinity? A God?

Person 2: Is that a beast? Eros: …

Person 1: What is he doing? Psyche: So you are. Why didn’t you tell me? I poured
out my heart to you. You know everything about me.
Person 2: Who is he?
And I thought I knew everything about you, but I don’t.
Eros: I am the ugliest man you’ve ever seen. I’m sorry. It just feels so unfair. I know you’ve done so
much for me, but… you lied. You lied to me.
Psyche: Who are you?
Eros: Psyche, it’s not like that. What I did was wrong, I
Eros: Come with me, Psyche. know, but I love you. I did all that to protect you.
Psyche’s Father: Stop him! Psyche: You love me? Then why don’t you trust me?
[Eros and Psyche run away from the wedding] Eros, I don’t even know if that’s really your name. I
don’t know how much of you is you or how much of this
Close curtains is actually real, but I love you. I love you so much that
Open curtains right now it hurts. It hurts that I’m in love with someone
I don’t even know.
Eros: Are you okay?
Eros: Psyche, I’m sorry.
Psyche: I’m fine. Hey. Thank you… You know my name,
but I still don’t know yours. Psyche: I need some time to think. Away from here.

Eros: I’m… My name is… Eros: I understand.

Psyche: You know what, it’s okay. Thank you so much. I Psyche: [leaves while crying]
needed to get away from there. How did you know Close curtains
Narrator: Psyche left confused, and Eros returned home
Eros: I was watching you from afar for quite a while broken. Eros realized that now that she knew, she’d
now. But I’m not a creep or anything, I promise. You just never want to see him again. He cried so much that his
looked so miserable and I couldn’t help it. mother heard, and Psyche felt so shattered. When
Psyche: [hugs Eros] Thank you. Aphrodite knew, she was not angered. Instead she felt
pity. She had witnessed another love fail.
Eros: Eros. My name is Eros.
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[Setting: Aphrodite’s home]
Narrator: Eros and Psyche stayed together, away from
the rest of the world, hidden. Because what Psyche Artemis: What happened to Eros? He’s a mess.
didn’t know was that what they had was forbidden. For Aphrodite: Did he tell you anything?
days they found comfort in each other’s embrace. For
weeks they formed a bond that not even the strongest
Artemis: I didn’t let him. He looked too tired. And Eros Open curtains
is never that tired. What’s going on?
[Setting: Olympus]
Aphrodite: Artemis, I’m telling you this because I trust
Eros: What did you do? Why is the earth in chaos?
you, okay?
Zeus: They forgot who we were, and we had to remind
Artemis: Yes. What is it? Is he sick?
Aphrodite: Much worse. Eros… he’s brokenhearted. My
Eros: But why? They’ve done nothing wrong.
poor son.
Poseidon: They blamed us for the disappearance of
Artemis: Brokenhearted? Over who? A Goddess? A
Eros: No! They didn’t! Make it stop! You’re hurting
Aphrodite: That’s the part that scares me the most. It
was Psyche. The human girl.
Hades: What do you mean they didn’t? Artemis told us
Artemis: A human girl?! She did that to Eros?!
all about it. They disregard us all.
Aphrodite: Artemis… find her. Make sure she never
Eros: Artemis? Why would you say that?
bothers him again. Please.
Artemis: Because it’s true. Because they deserve it.
Artemis: I will.
Because you’re getting hurt. Because of those humans
Close curtains you’re a completely different person, Eros!

Open curtains Eros: What are you even talking about?

[Setting: Olympus] Artemis: I know, okay? I found out. You loved her, but it
didn’t work out. You’re a mess, Eros.
Artemis: Hey! All of you, listen up! The humans have
turned against us. Eros: That’s none of your business. Artemis I know
you’re worried about me because you’re my friend, but
Zeus: What nonsense are you babbling?
you’re going too far. Don’t do this.
Artemis: I know. It’s shocking, but it’s true. Ever since
Artemis: No! Don’t you understand, Eros? You’re not
one of the human girls went missing, they’ve been
just a friend to me! And I feel so stupid knowing I have
blaming us for keeping her to ourselves.
feelings for you because it’s against everything I am and
Poseidon: Psyche? everything I believe in! When I found out that you were
heartbroken over Psyche, I got so angry. Because seeing
Artemis: Yes. Her. They think we took her. We didn’t, you in that much pain hurt me too.
and they don’t believe us. They don’t respect us
anymore. That’s why we have to show them why we’re Zeus: You lied to us about the humans turning against
the ones in Olympus and they’re the ones down there in us?
the first place.
Poseidon: And we’ve been punishing them for nothing?
Persephone: What about Psyche? Where is she?
Apollo: Don’t blame my sister for this disaster.
Artemis: Wherever she may be, she doesn’t matter.
Eros: Look. Things are not okay right now, but we’re
Finding her won’t be hard, and killing her will be easy.
better than this. We can turn this around. Psyche is still
out there. It’s dangerous.
Hades: I’ll take care of it myself.
Hades: Psyche? You’re worried about Psyche right now?
Artemis: Who’s with me?
Persephone: Stop arguing! It’s pointless!
Apollo: I am, sister. Let’s get moving.
Aphrodite: She’s right. Eros… Psyche is dead.
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Artemis: I’m sorry for everything. I’m sorry. I’m sorry,
Narrator: The mortals suffered meaninglessly. There Eros. [crying]
were earthquakes, fires, storms, floods, thousands of
Apollos: Artemis, wait! This isn’t over, Eros.
deaths. The humans experienced the most ruthless
calamities brought upon by the Gods. Close curtains

People: [screaming in the background] What have we Narrator: The pandemonium had died down, and so had
done to deserve to be destroyed? What sin have we something inside Eros. Everything was back to normal
committed to be punished? Why are the Gods cross and now, except him. He couldn’t stop thinking about her,
annoyed? Humanity is being admonished! and he couldn’t stop regretting. Thinking of the last
time they talked to each other just made him feel Eros: Psyche! No!
Persephone: Why would you do that?! Are you out of
Open curtains your mind, Apollo?

[Setting: Aphrodite’s home] Eros: No, no, no. Psyche, don’t leave me again. Please
don’t. No!
Aphrodite: Eros, you really need to get out of the house.
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Eros: Do you think things would have turned out
different if I ran after her when she left? Narrator: Their love might not have lasted until the very
end of time, but it lasted until Psyche’s last breath.
Aphrodite: Son, don’t do this to yourself. Please.
Their time was cut short by those who envied their
Eros: I was just thinking that maybe, if I had made her happiness, and because of that, Psyche was not
stay she would still be here. completely gone. She was killed, but she was given the
gift of divinity. She became a deity. Psyche – The
Aphrodite: I know that it hurts, and I’m not telling you Goddess of Souls, had reunited with her love, Eros.
to stop feeling hurt. But you have to get a grip. Their story didn’t end there after all.
Persephone’s outside. She came to see you.
This was the story of Eros and Psyche, a tale of
Eros: Okay. forbidden love altered through time, but unchanging in
Persephone: Eros? I have something important to show certainty.
you. You might want to fix up a bit.

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Narrator: Persephone took him to the underworld, and

Eros was just confused. She took him to a room that
was farther away from all the others. It was silent, and
the underworld almost seemed like a peaceful place.

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[Setting: Room]

Eros: Why did you bring me here?

Persephone: Just open the door.

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Narrator: Eros slowly opened the door, and he couldn’t

believe what he saw.

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Psyche: Eros? It’s you!

Eros: Psyche… you’re alive! How?

Psyche: Persephone kept me here and made everyone

believe I was a goner. They all did, and it worked.

Eros: I’m so happy to see you.

Psyche: I missed you.

Eros: About before, I’m really sorry I didn’t tell you

earlier. I really should have. No more secrets from now

Psyche: It’s okay. You’re here right now. And I think

that’s what matters most.

Eros: [hugs Psyche]

Psyche: [gets shot with arrow]

Apollo: If my sister can’t be happy, nobody can.

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